


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  A: Your English is excellent. How long have you been studying English?

  A:你的英語(yǔ)非常出色。你學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)多長(zhǎng)時(shí) 間了?

  B: More than twenty years. I started to learn English when I was in the primary, and I specialized in English at Tianjin University.

  B:20多年了。我從小學(xué)開(kāi)始學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ),并 在天津大學(xué)英語(yǔ)專業(yè)進(jìn)行了專門的學(xué)習(xí)。

  A: Have you learned something about editing in English?


  B: Certainly. I took the English editing course in university, and I learned a lot from this course.

  B:當(dāng)然。我在大學(xué)里專門學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)英文編輯 課程,我從中學(xué)到了很多東西。

  A: Do you have any experience as an editor?


  B: No, but I enjoy writing and I have published a number of essays in Beijing Evening Newspaper and d little scientific fiction in Science Field.

  B:沒(méi)有,但是我酷愛(ài)寫作,并在《北京晚報(bào)》 上發(fā)表了一些文章,我還在《科學(xué)園地》 上發(fā)表過(guò)幾篇科幻小說(shuō)。

  A: Have you ever tried translating?


  B: Yes, I have. In my spare time I usually do some translations and some of them have been published.

  B:我干過(guò)。在業(yè)余時(shí)間我經(jīng)常翻譯一些東 西,它們中的一些已經(jīng)被發(fā)表。


  A: How do you do! Can I see Director Qian? I come for an interview.


  B: How do you do! I am Director Qian. Sit down, please.


  A: Thank you very much.


  B: Now, let’s begin. Would you like to give me a brief introduction?

  B:現(xiàn)在,我們開(kāi)始吧!請(qǐng)先自我介紹一下 好嗎?

  A: OK, my name is Lu Fei. I am 25 years old and I come from Hebei Province. I major in International Politics for a master degree at the School of International Relations in Renmin University of China. I want to apply for the position of English editor.

  A:好的,我叫魯飛,今年25周歲,河北人。 目前我在中國(guó)人民大學(xué)國(guó)際關(guān)系學(xué)院國(guó) 際政治專業(yè)讀研究生。我想應(yīng)聘英語(yǔ)編 輯這個(gè)職位。

  B: Where did you get your bachelor degree? And what’s your major?

  B:請(qǐng)問(wèn)您本科是在哪個(gè)學(xué)校?學(xué)的是什么 專業(yè)?

  A: I also majored in International Politics at Renmin University.


  B: Your major has little relation with the position. Why do you want to apply for it?

  B:您的專業(yè)跟這個(gè)職位不太相符,您為何 想應(yīng)聘這個(gè)職位呢?

  A: I’ve liked literature since I was a kid. When I was a high school student I organized a literature club and established a monthly magazine—Sprout A long time has gone, I still like the publish industry. I never give up the dream just because I major in other major, After the 7-year study at Renmin University, my knowledge and the English ability both are improved to a new level. I believe I can do it well.

  A:我從小就很喜歡文學(xué),在高中時(shí)候就自 發(fā)組建了一個(gè)文學(xué)社,并創(chuàng)建了月刊《萌 芽》。時(shí)間過(guò)去很久了,我仍然很喜歡媒 體出版行業(yè)。我不會(huì)因?yàn)閷W(xué)習(xí)了其他專 業(yè)就放棄這個(gè)夢(mèng)想。經(jīng)過(guò)在人民大學(xué)7 年的學(xué)習(xí),我的知識(shí)積累和外語(yǔ)水平都 得到了很大的提高,我相信我能勝任這 個(gè)職位。

  B: What do you think about the position as an editor?


  A: I think, in order to be a good editor, we must not only have broad knowledge, wide eyesight and patience. We not only do the words work, but also well understand the strategies, catch the market trends and know well about the readers minds.

  A:我認(rèn)為,要想成為一名好的編輯,不僅要 知識(shí)面廣、視野寬、有耐心;還要做好戰(zhàn) 略工作,把握市場(chǎng),揣測(cè)讀者心里。

  B: Why do you choose us?


  A: Your publish company has great advantage in social science area, especially the translation works. I’m interested in such books and I can bring my talents into full play. The position combined my dream with my major closely, so I choose you.

  A:社科類圖書一直是貴社的優(yōu)勢(shì)圖書,尤 其是貴社的翻譯著作在國(guó)內(nèi)很有名氣。 我個(gè)人對(duì)社科類圖書很感興趣,同時(shí)也 能發(fā)揮我的專業(yè)優(yōu)勢(shì)。這個(gè)職位將我的 編輯夢(mèng)想與專業(yè)背景很好地結(jié)合起來(lái), 所以我選擇了貴出版社。

  B: As an English editor, you must have good command of English, in general, at least TEM-8. Since you are not an English major, I think you do not suit this position.

  B:外語(yǔ)編輯對(duì)外語(yǔ)水平要求很高,一般都 要求專業(yè)8級(jí)以上。您不是不外語(yǔ)專業(yè) 的,可能不太適合這個(gè)職位。

  A: The English editor you wanted is mainly in charge of the social science books’ translation, rewriting and editing. Only English ability is not enough, social science knowledge is also needed. My major, International Politics, not only gives me a background of social science knowledge, but also improves my English level. In addition, my major has a high demand for English as its speciak ty, so we often take courses in English and directly study English material. As a result, I can do the job well although I’m not an English major.

  A:貴出版社要招聘的這名英語(yǔ)編輯主要負(fù) 責(zé)社科類外語(yǔ)圖書的翻譯、編寫和校對(duì) 工作。僅僅有好的外語(yǔ)水平而沒(méi)有扎實(shí) 的社會(huì)科學(xué)知識(shí)是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的。我學(xué)習(xí) 的國(guó)際政治專業(yè)不但為我提供了社會(huì)科 學(xué)的專業(yè)知識(shí)背景,又大大提高了我的 外語(yǔ)水平。由于我們專業(yè)的特殊性,我 們專業(yè)本身對(duì)外語(yǔ)水平要求就很高,我 們經(jīng)常用英文上課,研究英文資料。所 以,我雖然不是學(xué)習(xí)外語(yǔ)專業(yè),但我完全 可以把這份工作做好!

  B: How long will you complete a translation as an English editor?

  B:如果您是一名英語(yǔ)編輯,您最快能用多 長(zhǎng)時(shí)間出一本譯著?

  A: Maybe one and a half month. Firstly, I must spend three or four days in finding the translators. Then, I’ll receive the translation back in 10 or 15 days. At last, I’ll edit the translation versions quickly in one week and return them to have a check again. A week later, l,ll receive my version back. About 10 days later, I’ll finalize the version and hand them in. Just like this, it’s about 43 days. Of course, there probably exist some difficulties in the process.

  A:我想大概需要一個(gè)半月的時(shí)間。首先, 我要花三到四天尋找合適的翻譯人員, 然后,在10?15天后陸續(xù)回收稿件;此 后,我會(huì)陸續(xù)用一周的時(shí)間速審稿件,視 情況陸續(xù)返還翻譯者,由其進(jìn)行修改;一 周后,我回收稿件,進(jìn)行校對(duì)。大約10 天后,稿件定稿,圖書完成。按照這個(gè)進(jìn) 度,整個(gè)過(guò)程大概需要43天。當(dāng)然這只 是一個(gè)粗略的估計(jì),實(shí)際操作當(dāng)中可能 會(huì)出現(xiàn)這樣那樣的一些特殊情況。

  B: If the translation versions infringe on the other's copyright, in general, what civil liabilities will you undertake?

  B:如果出版的譯本侵犯了他人的著作權(quán), 一般而言,需要承擔(dān)什么民事責(zé)任?

  A: According to the specific conditions, we must stop infringing, eliminate the affections, make a formal apology in public, and pay for the loss.

  A:應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)情況,承擔(dān)停止侵害、消除影 響、公開(kāi)賠禮道歉、賠償損失等民事責(zé) 任。

  B: Could you tell me something about your personality?


  A:The characterstic of me is amiable and conscientious. I am easy and generous so I get well along with my friends and schoolmates. I always work with conscientiousness from start to finish, so my friends often say that I am the only one they can trust.

  A:我的性格特點(diǎn)是為人隨和、認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé)。 我寬容大度,所以與同學(xué)、朋友相處非常 融洽;在做事情上,我一絲不茍、善始善 ,終,所以身邊的人都很信任我,說(shuō)我辦事 讓人放心。

  B: What are your defects?


  A: It is too careful about all the things. Sometimes, I may be too careful with the thing that can't be considered seriously by other people, which makes me feel tired.

  A:我的缺點(diǎn)是過(guò)于認(rèn)真。有時(shí)候,別人都 認(rèn)為是無(wú)所謂的事情,我也會(huì)特別認(rèn)真, 這樣有時(shí)候會(huì)感到很累。

  B: How skillful are you operating a computer?


  A: I have a computer of my own, so I have no problem in operating it. I can operate Windows and DOS efficiently, as well as Office. I am proficient in searching information, receiving and sending E-mails on the Internet.

  A:我擁有個(gè)人電腦,所以一般的使用是沒(méi) 有問(wèn)題的。Windows和DOS都很熟悉, Office辦公軟件也能夠熟練使用,也能 夠熟練應(yīng)用網(wǎng)絡(luò)搜索資料、收發(fā)郵件。

  B: There’s no high pay and dwelling house in our company. Can you accept it?

  B:我們的待遇并不是很高,而且也沒(méi)有房 子,這一點(diǎn)您能夠接受嗎?

  A: Salary isn’t the only standard in choosing the job. The key point is the interest and the long-term future. The most important thing is that I love this job. Otherwise, with the speeding up of the process of globalization, there are more and more contacts between different cultures. So I think ifs a bright job.

  A:待遇并不是選擇工作的唯一標(biāo)準(zhǔn),我認(rèn) 為關(guān)鍵是工作興趣和長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)的發(fā)展前景。 我很喜歡這份工作,這是最為重要的。 另外,隨著全球化進(jìn)程的加快,不同國(guó)度 之間文化的交往會(huì)越來(lái)越多,所以這份 工作還是很有前途的。

  B: I’ve no questions. Do you have any questions?

  B:我要問(wèn)的問(wèn)題也就這么多了,您有什么 問(wèn)題要問(wèn)嗎?

  A: In general, giving top priority to the senior in promotion is more serious in some institutions. I don’t know if Ifs the same in your publish company. In other words, does young fellows have advancement opportunity in your office?

  A: 一般而言,在一些事業(yè)單位里面,論資排 輩現(xiàn)象都比較嚴(yán)重,不知道你們的出版 社存不存在這個(gè)問(wèn)題?或者說(shuō),年輕人 在這里有沒(méi)有發(fā)展空間?

  B: We are now in the stage of the new superseding the old. We’d like to take this opportunity to make a reform on personnel so as to raise the work efficiency. Since last year, we have invited 10 young university students , and two of them have been raised to vice directors. So I think, work hard and you’ll get many chances.

  B:我們出版社正處在一個(gè)新老更替的階 段,也想就此機(jī)會(huì)做一些人事方面的改 革,以便提高工作效率。從去年開(kāi)始,我 們招聘了 10個(gè)年輕的大學(xué)生,有2個(gè)已 經(jīng)升為副主任。所以我想,只要用心工 作,機(jī)會(huì)還是很多的。

  A: You said just now that you won’t offer house. Do you offer rent allowances?

  A:剛才您說(shuō),出版社不提供住房,那么有沒(méi) 有租房補(bǔ)貼?

  B: Yes. We will pay 600 Yuan per month for those who don’t have houses.

  B:有,出版社會(huì)為每一個(gè)沒(méi)有房子的員工 提供每月600元的住房補(bǔ)貼。

  A: Thank you for your answer and I have no other questions.


  B: OK, that’s all for today. You will be informed of the result in a week. Good luck!

  B:好,那我們的面試就到這里吧!我們會(huì) 在一周內(nèi)通知您面試結(jié)果。祝您好運(yùn)!

  A: Thank you very much for your interviewing. I go now. Bye!



  A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Xue. I just see your resume that you apply for the position as assistant of manager.

  A:見(jiàn)到你我很高興,薛先生。我剛看你的 簡(jiǎn)歷,你申請(qǐng)經(jīng)理助理的職位。

  B: Yes.


  A: Tell me about yourself.


  B: I am a self starter. And I work well with all types of people.

  B:我是一個(gè)積極主動(dòng)的人。而且我可以和 各式各樣的人相處得很好。

  A: Can you elaborate?


  B: I have been involved in management and customer service in a variety of different positions.

  B:我在不同的職權(quán)上搞過(guò)主管和客戶服務(wù) 方面的工作。

  A: Has that experience helped you?


  B: Yes, it has helped me a lot.


  A: Hands-on experience is the best.


  B: Yes, it is.






