
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 有關(guān)模擬面試的英語對話


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  A: Hello, I am Zhu Guanghua. I hear you want to recruit a graduate of English major. So I am calling to make an appointment. Can I talk to the person in charge of personnel?

  A:你好。我叫朱光華。我聽說你們海關(guān)想 招一個(gè)英語專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生。我現(xiàn)在打電 話先聯(lián)系一下,我能找負(fù)責(zé)人事的人談 一下好嗎?

  B: Well, that is me. Good morning. I am Mr. Liu. Thank you for your interest in our customs house and calling us. Now could you make a general introduction to yourself?

  B:噢,我就是。你好,我姓劉。謝謝你對我 們感興趣并來電話詢問。請你簡單介紹 一下你的情況好嗎?

  A: OK, Mr. Liu. I am a student of Business English major of the Foreign Languages Department of the Join University. I am graduating this June. All of students are hunting for jobs.

  A:好的,劉先生。我是聯(lián)合大學(xué)外語系商 貿(mào)英語專業(yè)的學(xué)生,6月份就要畢業(yè)了。 所有的同學(xué)都在聯(lián)系找工作。

  B: How old are you?


  A: I’m 23.

  A: 23 歲

  B: What have your major courses been at the university?


  A: English Reading and Comprehension, Oral English, English Writing, Business English, Financial Management, International Trade and marketing. All the courses are taught in English, some even by foreign teachers.

  A:有英語閱讀理解、英語口語、英語寫作、 商務(wù)英語、財(cái)務(wù)管理、國際貿(mào)易、市場學(xué) 等等。所有課程都用英語講授,有些課 程是由外籍教師講授的。

  B: Do you have any experience as a leader at the university?


  A: Yes, I’m the monitor of our class for two years. I have organized many activities outside the classroom.

  A:是的,我當(dāng)了兩年的班長,組織過許多課 外活動。

  B: Well, then, why are you interested in our customs house?


  A: To work at the customs house is challenging and training. And I like to be a staff of the state or a public servant. And my parents live close to your customs house. So I sincerely hope that I can come to work for the house.

  A:海關(guān)工作既考驗(yàn)人,又鍛煉人。我也想 做國家的工作人員或是公務(wù)員。我父母 住的地方離你們海關(guān)很近。綜合這些因 素,我很希望到你們海關(guān)工作。

  B: Very good. You are welcome. Let’s talk more about the details when we meet, OK? Can you come for an interview in the afternoon next Wednesday? Please come with your resume and your school recommendation form. And we will love you to break this information to others who are interested.

  B:那好。我們很歡迎。詳細(xì)情況,我們見面再談吧。你能不能下周三下午來這里 參加面試?請帶上你的個(gè)人簡歷和學(xué)校 推薦書。還歡迎你把消息告訴其他感興 趣的同學(xué)。

  A: OK. Thank you. I will come for sure. Till then, see you.


  B: See you.



  A: Are you Miss Cao Fang?


  B: Yes, that’s me.


  A: We’ve received your resume in answer to our advertisement. In my opinion, your application qualifications for the director of the Public Relations Department are satisfactory, but there are still some questions to ask you.

  A:我們已經(jīng)收到了你的應(yīng)聘簡歷。在我看 來,你提出申請公關(guān)部主任一職的資格 是令人滿意的。不過,我們?nèi)杂袔讉€(gè)問 題要問問你。

  B: Thank you for your encouragement. It is great pleasure for me to have an opportunity for this interview.

  B:謝謝您的鼓勵。能有機(jī)會參加面試,我 感到非常高興。

  A: When will you finish your studies at college?


  B: At the end of June or at the beginning of July this year.


  A: According to your resume, you have taken Applied Sociology as your major in college, haven’t you?

  A:根據(jù)你的簡歷介紹,你在大學(xué)里學(xué)的是 應(yīng)用社會學(xué)專業(yè),對嗎?

  B: Yes, I have.


  A: Why did you choose Applied Sociology as your major?

  A:你為什么要選擇應(yīng)用社會學(xué)作為你的專 業(yè)呢?

  B: First of all, I think Applied Sociology is a practical subject that can be widely applied to research on society and man. Secondly, I am an outgoing person and like associating with people having different interests and cultural backgrounds. Hence, I chose the Applied Socialgy as my major when entering college four years ago.

  B:首先,我認(rèn)為應(yīng)用社會學(xué)是一門實(shí)用性 學(xué)科,它可以廣泛地用于對社會和人的 研究;其次,我是一個(gè)性格開朗的人,并 且喜歡同具有不同興趣和文化背景的人 交往。于是,4年前我進(jìn)人大學(xué)時(shí),便將 “應(yīng)用社會學(xué)”選作了我的專業(yè)。

  A: Then, have you taken the course in Public Relations when you are majoring in Applied Sociology?

  A:那么,你在攻讀“應(yīng)用社會學(xué)”專業(yè)時(shí)學(xué) 過“公共關(guān)系”課程嗎?

  B: I’m sorry to say I haven’t taken the course, but I have taken many other courses that concerned the public relations, such as Social Psychology, Public Affairs and Mass Communication.

  B:很遺憾,我沒有學(xué)過這門課。不過,我學(xué) 過許多與公共關(guān)系相關(guān)的課程,臂如“社 會心理學(xué)”、“公共事務(wù)學(xué)”以及“大眾傳 播學(xué)”等。

  A: Have you ever done any practical work on public relations?

  A:你曾經(jīng)做過有關(guān)公共關(guān)系方面的實(shí)際工 作嗎?

  B: No, but I think I’m quick at picking up things.


  A: What do you know about this job?


  B: This is a very exciting job?


  A: Exciting?


  B: Yeah. If employed I will have a lot of chances to get in touch with many famous people, such as the community’s top business leaders, the stars in the entertainment industry, etc..

  B:是的.如果我得到這項(xiàng)工作,我就有機(jī)會 與許多名人接觸,比如地方知名企業(yè)'負(fù) 責(zé)人,娛樂圈的明星等等。

  A: Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job?


  B: My education has given me a great deal of knowledge about public relations, and I have excellent communication skills. In addition, I can communicate with foreigners easily as my English is very good.

  B:我所受的教育使我對公共關(guān)系有了很多 了解,并且我有非常出色的交際能力。 另外由于我英語很好,可以很輕松地與 外國朋友進(jìn)行交流。

  A: You speak English fluently. Do you often read and write in English?

  A:你的英語說得很流利。你常用英語閱讀 和寫作嗎?

  B: Yes, I do. But it seems I speak the language better than I read and write in English.

  B:是的,我常常用英語讀寫。不過,跟讀寫 相比,我說英語似乎要更好一些。

  A: When did you begin to learn English?


  B: I began to learn English when I was in the middle school. In other words, I have learned English for about ten years.

  B:我讀中學(xué)時(shí)就開始學(xué)英語了。換句話 說.我學(xué)英語差不多已有10年了。

  A: Which tests have you passed in learning English?


  B: I passed the CET-4 and the CET-6 two years ago. In addition, I also took the TOEFL and received a score of 589 last year.

  B:兩年前我就通過了“大學(xué)英語四級考試” 和“大學(xué)英語六級考試”。此外,去年我 還參加了“托福”考試,成績是589分。

  A: What foreign language can you speak besides English?


  B: A little French and a little Japanese, but neither of them is very good.

  B:還會說一點(diǎn)兒法語和一點(diǎn)兒日語,不過 兩者說得都不太好。

  A: Do you know how to use PC (personal computer) to process the information on management?

  A:你知道怎么使用微機(jī)處理有關(guān)管理方面 的信息嗎?

  B: I’m sorry to say I’m not familiar with the processing for management information, but l,m sure I could learn quite soon because I have taken a course in the Chinese Information Processing with a Computer in college.

  B:很遺憾,我對處理管理信息不大熟悉,不 過我相信我很快就能學(xué)會,因?yàn)槲以诖?學(xué)曾學(xué)過一門“計(jì)算機(jī)漢語信息處理”的 課程。

  A: If you are employed today by our hotel, when could you begin to work formally?

  A:如果今天你被本酒店錄用,什么時(shí)候你 能正式上班呢?

  B: I think, if everything is without a hitch, I can begin formally in the first ten days of July.

  B:如果一切順利的話,我想7月上旬我就 能正式上班了。

  A: Well, we will give you three months’ probation to see if you fit the work. Moreover, the work will offer you RMB 3,000 yuan a month plus room and board during the probation. Would you agree to these arrangements?

  A:好吧,我們給你3個(gè)月的試用期,看看你 是否勝任這個(gè)工作。此外,在試用期內(nèi), 你的工資是每個(gè)月3000元人民幣,包括 吃住。你同意這些安排嗎?

  B: Yes, I quite agree with what you say.


  A: OK, ifs settled. We will notify you of the news that you are hired by mail next week. Then, you could come here and report to me.

  A:那么,就這么定了。下個(gè)星期,我們將用 信件通知你被錄用的消息。之后,你就 可以上我這兒報(bào)到了。

  B: Thank you, Mr. Smith. It’s very kind of you to give such a cordial interview to me. See you next time.

  B:謝謝您,史密斯先生。承蒙親切接見,十 分感謝。再見。


  A: Come in, please.


  B: I’m Yao Jing. You wanted me to come here at two o’clock this afternoon so that you can have a talk about the position with me.

  B:我叫姚靜。是您要我今天下午2點(diǎn)鐘來 這兒,以便同我談?wù)動嘘P(guān)工作的事。

  A: Oh, yes. You are on time indeed. Have a seat, please.


  B: Thanks.


  A: I’ve seen from your resume that you are a college graduate.


  B: Yes, Madam. I graduated from Wuhan College of Finance and Trade three years ago.


  A: What did you take as your major in college?


  B: I took Accounting as my major.


  A: What kinds of work were you in charge of in the previous company?

  A:你在前一家公司里主管哪些方面的工 作?

  B: I was in charge of cost price and sales revenue.

  B:我主管成本價(jià)格與銷售收人方面的工 作。

  A: All right, I see. Why do you want to work for a Sino-American joint venture enterprise now?


  B: There are two reasons for me to do it. Firstly, I’m sure that there will be more opportunities for advancement if I enter your enterprise. Secondly, I’d like to ac quaint myself with American culture if possible.

  B:對我而言,有以下兩條理由:其一,我確 信如果能進(jìn)人貴企業(yè)就職,我就會有更 多的晉升機(jī)會;其二,如果可能的話,我 希望對美國文化有所熟悉。

  A: I see. If you don’t mind my asking, what was your monthly salary when working in that company?

  A:哦。如果你不介意我詢問的話,在那家 公司工作時(shí)你的月薪是多少呢?

  B: Four hundred dollars per month.


  A: About the salary, we’d pay you seven hundred dollars a month. Is it satisfactory?

  A:至于薪水,我們一個(gè)月付你700美元,你 覺得滿意嗎?

  B: That will be fine. I’m sure that I could do my work well.


  A: Good. I think you could. Then, we’ll give you a three-month’s trial.

  A:好的,我想你能工作干好。那么,我們將 試用你3個(gè)月。

  B:Thank you, Madam. When am I supposed to start working?

  B:謝謝您,夫人。我應(yīng)該在什么時(shí)候開始 上班呢?

  A:Starting from next Monday. Please bring your college diploma and ID card with you when you come, and report to the Personnel Department first.

  A:從下個(gè)星期一開始。來上班時(shí)請把你的 大學(xué)畢業(yè)證書和身份證帶來,先到公司 人事部報(bào)到。

  B:Yes, I will bring them with me when coming here. Thank you again, goodbye.






