


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  Han Meimei pays a visit to Li Lei on Sunday.

  H: This is the second time I’ve been here.


  L: You’ve been here before?


  H: Several weeks ago, John showed me around, but we only took a look at the buildings and scenery.


  L: Next week you two will come and sit in on the class of positive psychology, right?


  H: Yes, I feel time goes by so slowly. Tell me about your first impression of Harvard.


  L: Well, as I went through the main gate and entered the Yard, the sun was filtering through the trees, softly illuminating the historic, brick buildings and causing the green grass to sparkle in the early morning dew. I gazed out the window at this beautiful scene and thought to myself, “No freshman should be so lucky.”

  L:好吧,當我穿過大門來到哈佛園,看到陽光穿過樹木,柔和地照在古老的磚墻建 筑上,陽光下綠草在晨露里閃光。我凝望著窗外,看著這美麗景色,心想M沒有 新生竟會這么幸運了”。

  H: Get to the point, tell me about your life in the first week. The first thing you did must be going to your dorm room.

  H:說重點,給我說說你第一周的生活。第一 件事應該是去宿舍吧。

  L: Right. I was luckily enough to move into the Canaday Hall. It s the newest dormitory in Harvard Yard,yet it was completed as early as in 1974.

  L:對。我很幸運搬進了卡納迪堂,它是哈佛 學院最新的宿舍樓了。盡管如此,它早于 1974年就建成了。

  H: The newest was built in 1974. How old the other dormitories are!

  H:最新的樓都是1974年的,其他宿舍樓該 多古老呢!

  L; Very old. Some were even built in the 18th and 19th century.


  H: I know. Last time John and I had a look at Massachusetts Hall, the oldest dormitory, from the outside.


  L: In addition to Mass Hall and Canaday Hall, there're about 15 other dormitory buildings, most of which are quite ancient. And these dormitories have housed many distinguished people in history. Emerson lived in Hollis Hall, J. F. Kennedy lived in Weld Hall, Bill Gates lived in Wigglesworth Hall, and so on and so forth.

  L:除了馬薩諸塞堂和卡納迪堂,還有大約15個宿舍樓,很多都很古老。歷史上有 很多著名人士曾經住過這些宿舍樓。愛默生住過霍利斯堂,J. F.肯尼迪住過維 爾德堂,比爾?蓋茨住過威格爾斯沃斯堂,等等。

  H: The feeling of living in these buildings must be different.


  L: Quite different. When I went into the Canaday Hall, I was a little disappointed. It lacks some of the charm of the freshmen housing. Instead of hardwood floors and fireplaces, Canaday's rooms have white cinderblock walls and sketchy carpeting,

  L:相當不一樣。我剛進卡納迪堂時,有點失望。它缺少一些新生宿舍的魅力。卡納 迪的房間不是硬木地板和壁爐,相反卻是白色煤渣墻壁和破爛的地毯。

  H: I think it’s good to have a different feeling in modem times when everything is made of, you know, cement. Didn’t it give you the feeling of historical vicissitudes?

  H:我想,在什么都是用水泥做的現(xiàn)代社會,有一種別樣的感覺也挺好的。設有給你 一種歷史滄桑感?

  L: Whatever you say, I was really disappointed at the first sight. However, my initial disappointment quickly wore off as I came to realize all the advantages Canaday has to offer.

  L:隨便你怎么說,反正我第一眼看到時,真的有些失望。不過,這種失望很快就消 失了,因為我發(fā)現(xiàn)了卡納迪的好處。

  H: You change your mind so quickly and easily.


  L: I'm sharing a suite with four other boys that has four singles off of a large common room. Thus, only two of us have to share a bedroom. I chose to share a room with another boy.

  L:我和另外4個男生住在一個套房里,有四個房間,一個公共休息室。所以,只有 兩個人需要住在一個房間里。我選擇和另_男生住在一個房間。

  H: That’s wonderful. In Chinese universities, usually six or eight students have to share one room. It’s too crowded. How do you like your roommates?

  H:那很好啊,在國內的大學,通常6到8個人要住在一個房間,很擠。你喜歡你的 室友嗎?

  L: I adore my roommates. They’ve definitely helped make this place feel more like home. During this first week, it’s such a relief to have four boys to be my friends whom I can count on to help me through this adjustment process.

  L:喜歡,他們幫了我很多忙,讓我有家的感覺。第一周能有4個人成為我的朋友, 我感覺輕松許多,我靠他們幫我度過了調整期。

  H: Do you have any difficulties in communication?


  L: No. Sure, we're completely different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interests, but we actually reflect quite well the diversity that Harvard is so proud to offer. There is nearly no obstacles between us.

  L:沒有。當然我們的背景、民族、宗教和興趣都完全不同,但我們實際上很好地反 映了哈佛的多樣性,這是哈佛引以為豪的。我們之間幾乎沒有什么障礙。

  H; Will you live in the same dorm room all four years?


  L: No, in the second year, we,11 move from dormitories to Houses. But I haven’t ftgure out what Houses are like.
