


時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享



  T: Hi, Carl. How are you? I haven’t seen you for a long time.


  C: Hello, Toni. I’m fine. What about you?


  T: Actually, I’m so tired. I’ve just finished my trip to Oxford.


  C: Do you mean the University of Oxford? I’ve been meaning to go out there for a while.


  T: Yeah! I visited almost all the Oxford colleges,such as Balliol College, Christ Church College, Merton College, New College,All Souls College, and so on. However, I regarded New College as the most beautiful institute of the University of Oxford.

  T:是的。我?guī)缀鯀⒂^了牛津大學(xué)所有的學(xué)院,如:貝利奧爾學(xué)院、基督敎堂學(xué)院、 默頓學(xué)院、新學(xué)院和眾靈學(xué)院等等。但是,我認(rèn)為新學(xué)院是牛津大學(xué)最美的 學(xué)院。

  C: Really? Why do you think so?


  T: Well, the design of the buildings of New College is grandiose and novel. Moreover, it is the first college to design the whole buildings as an integer. The quadrangle can be remarked as the template of college construction. Taking it as an example, quite a lot of colleges were built, like famous Winchester College.

  T:新學(xué)院的建筑設(shè)計(jì)旣大方又新穎,而且是所有學(xué)院中頭一個(gè)把建筑設(shè)計(jì)為一 個(gè)整體的。這個(gè)正方形的建筑群堪稱(chēng)一座學(xué)院建筑范本。好多學(xué)院都是以它 為范本建造的,比如著名的溫徹斯特大學(xué)。

  C: Right. I also know that New College and Winchester College have striking architectural similarities for both were the work of master mason William Wynford.


  T: William Wynford? You have reminded me of the New College motto “Manners Makyth Man”. It was created by William of Wykeham, the originator of New College and an excellent master mason.

  T:威廉溫福德?你讓我想起了新學(xué)院的格言‘‘風(fēng)度造就人才”。它是由學(xué)院的 創(chuàng)始人威廉?威克姆提出的,他也是一位出色的石匠。

  C: An interesting motto! What does it mean? I suppose it might be suggesting that it is beneficial to have good manners.

  C:有趣的格言1它是什么意思呢?我想它是在暗示,擁有好的禮貌和習(xí)慣是有益 處的。

  T: In fact, you don’t really capture its full scope. What it really means is that it is not by birth, money, or property that an individual is defined, but by how he (or she) behaves towards other people.

  T:事實(shí)上,你并設(shè)有真正領(lǐng)悟到它的內(nèi)涵。它真正的意思是,決定一個(gè)人最主 要的因素不是出身貴賤和有多少財(cái)富,而是他如何待人接物。

  C: Oh, I see. The motto is extremely awesome,moreover very philosophic.


  T: What’s more, the motto is in many respects fairly revolutionary. It was written in English, rather than Latin, which makes it very unusual in Oxford. As I know, even St. Catherine’s College, founded in 1965,has a Latin motto.

  T:更不可思議的是,這個(gè)格言在很多方面來(lái)說(shuō)都是相當(dāng)別具一格的。它是用 英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)的,而不是拉丁語(yǔ),這使得它在牛津顯得格格不入。據(jù)我所知,就連1965年創(chuàng)建的圣凱瑟琳學(xué)院的格言也是用拉丁文寫(xiě)的。

  C: Well, it is really a peculiar motto. Does anything else attract you?


  T: Rowing! You know I like it very much. New College is the only Oxford or Cambridge College to have won an Olympic Medal. The New College Club represented Britain at the Summer Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden in 1912 and obtained a silver medal in rowing.

  T:賽艇!你知道我非常喜歡這項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)。新學(xué)院是牛津大學(xué)和劍橋大學(xué)的所有學(xué) 院中唯一贏得奧運(yùn)獎(jiǎng)牌的學(xué)院。1912年,新學(xué)院俱樂(lè)部代表英國(guó)參加在瑞典 首都斯德哥爾摩舉行的夏季奧運(yùn)會(huì),幷在賽艇比賽中榮獲銀牌。

  C: Marvelous! The college is the pride of Oxford.


  T: Of course! The Boat Club adds to the College’s reputation.


  C: New College has already been well-known in the world. It plays an active part in popular culture. New College was used as a filming location for the 1991 Inspector Morse, the 1997 film Tomorrow Never Dies and the 2005 film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I know the College through watching these films.

  C:新學(xué)院已經(jīng)是舉世闖名了。它在大眾文化中起著積極的作用。新學(xué)院曾被用 做很多部電影的拍攝基地,如:1991年的《摩斯偵探》,1997年的《明日帝國(guó)》 以及2005年的(哈利?波特與火焰杯》。我就是通過(guò)看這些電影才知道新學(xué)院 的。

  T: What a shame! I have watched merely Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, in which New College Cloisters served as the Hogwarts background for some scenes.

  T:真遺憾!我僅僅看過(guò)《哈利?波特與火焰杯》。在電影里,新學(xué)院回廊在一些 場(chǎng)景中被用做霍格沃茲的背景。

  C: Oh, it’s time for class. There is no point to being late, right?


  T: Yeah, that’s right. Let’s continue after class.


  C: Ok! See you later.

  C:好的! 一會(huì)兒見(jiàn)。


  牛津大學(xué)新學(xué)院是牛津大學(xué)中歷史最悠久的學(xué)院之一,擁有約620年的歷史,是由溫徹斯特大主教、溫莎城堡的建造者威廉·威克姆(William of Wykeham)所建,最初是為了建造一所高等學(xué)府,以培養(yǎng)更多的教士,來(lái)補(bǔ)足因黑死病流行而大量缺乏的教會(huì)人員。新學(xué)院是牛津大學(xué)中規(guī)模最大、資金最充沛的學(xué)院之一,位于牛津鎮(zhèn)中部,也時(shí)常被譽(yù)為擁有了最漂亮的建筑群,是第一個(gè)采用方庭院建筑設(shè)計(jì)的學(xué)院,成為之后牛津多所學(xué)院模仿的對(duì)象。