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  The Negotiating Table

  You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are alloutcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of theseprofessional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art ofnegotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helpshim drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field andneeds to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make agood impression so that people will recommend him.

  The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from eachother. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point ofview. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one ofthem usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this isoften just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the ideainitially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.

  It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohensays that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch yourlook to suit your customer. You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example,dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable.People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather thansuperior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.

  Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of theother side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person issaying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to become their best friendsbut being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush whatyou are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity.Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.

  Inevitably some deals will not succeed. Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the betterchance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone towaste. However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this becomes too great ,neither party may be prepared to see the deal through . More common is a corporate culture clashbetween companies, which can put paid to any deal. Even having agreed a deal, things may not betied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argueabout small details.

  De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation. Their goals are totally selfish.They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly. If Mum refuses theirrequest , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him. If al else fails, they will try thegrandparents, using some emotional blackmail. They can also be very single-minded and have aninexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing. So there are lesson to be learnedfrom watching and listening to children.

  15 Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order to

  A put people at ease

  B remain detached

  C be competitive

  D impress rivals

  16 Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning to

  A convince the other party of their point of view

  B show they are not really interested

  C indicate they wish to take the easy option

  D protect their company’s situation

  17 Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you should

  A adapt your style to the people you are talking to

  B make the other side feel superior to you

  C dress in a way to make you feel comfortable.

  D try to make the other side like you

  18 According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you to

  A gain their friendship

  B speed up the negotiations

  C plan your next move.

  Dconvince them of your point of view

  19 Deals sometimes fail because

  A negotiations have gone on too long

  B the companies operate in different ways

  C one party risks more than the other.

  D the lawyers work too slowly

  20 Dr Cohen mentions children’s negotiation techniques to show that you should

  A be prepared to try every route

  B try not to make people feel guilty

  C be careful not to exhaust yourself

  D control the decision-making process.

  關(guān)于negotiating techniques的文章。 傳統(tǒng)的閱讀題型,相對比較容易。

  15題,答案很明顯:he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation。幫助他抽離他的談話中的感情成分。要想選對,只需要知道選項B中detached的含義:not reacting to orbecoming involved in something in an emotional way

  16題,這題貌似只能采取排除法。因為幾個選項和原文的對應(yīng)都不是太明顯。問為什么很多人在一開始要對一個建議說“不”。答案是第二段的最后一句:Top management may well reject the idea initially becauseit is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.。最高管理層在一開始可能會拒絕這個建議,因為這樣是一個更安全的選擇。但是如果他們真的不感興趣的話,他們就不會在那里(談判)了。A在這段文字中沒有提到,B不對,他們肯定是感興趣的,C也不對沒有提到,原文說的是safer option。選D,之所以會拒絕,因為從維護公司利益的角度,這樣是一個safer option。

  17題,答案也很明顯:Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the otherside can relate to you.這里的兩個詞組可以解釋下:

  dress down: to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wearrelate to :to feel that you understand someone's problem, situation etc

  所以這個句子意思是穿的不那么正式,這樣可以讓另一方接近你。也就是A說的是你的風(fēng)格適應(yīng)你的談判對象。C不對,不是make you feel comfortable,而是make others feel comfortable。D也不對,可能會誤選,不是讓別人喜歡你,like太夸張了,只是容易接近。

  18題,答案在第四段的第一句話:Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is bygetting into the world of the other side.。走進另一方的世界,就是原文說的understanding the otherperson,目的是為了sell your proposal,也就是讓對方接受你的建議,選D。

  19題,談判失敗的原因,答案是第五段的這么一句:More common is a corporate culture clashbetween companies, which can put paid to any deal。公司文化沖突導(dǎo)致的。文化沖突,就是兩個公司在運作、理念等等上的不一致,選C:兩個公司以不同的方式運作。

  20題,為什么要借鑒小孩子的辦法,原文最后一段提到小孩子的辦法就是,爸爸不行找媽媽,媽媽不行就在感情上敲詐爺爺奶奶。此路不通就換另一條,就是A說的嘗試每一條路線。B沒有提到,C不對,原文說小孩子有inexhaustible supply of energy。D也沒有提到。

  The Scientific Approach to Recruitment

  When it (0) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision ismade within the first five minutes of a meeting.??Yet employers like to (21) themselves that theyare being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes. In today’s competitive marketplace, the (22) of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the company’s success and, as aresult , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.

  One method in particular that has (24) in popularity is testing , either psychometric testing,which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or ability£aptitude testing (25) anorganization with an extra way of establishing a candidate’s suitability for a role. It (26) companiesto add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testing candidates to ascertain theirability against those identified elements.

  The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one (27) of the recruitment process mayhave some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential futureperformance of any individual. The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniquesand strong definition of the elements of each position to be (29) as the whole recruitment processis based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on aCT and the first five minutes of a meeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employedin the (30) of recruitment.

  21.A suggest B convince C advise D believe

  22.A worth B credit C quality D distinction

  23.A secure B relies C attain D achieve

  24.A lifted B enlarged C expanded D risen

  25.A provides B offers C contributes D gives

  26.A lets B enables C agrees D admits

  27. A portion B member C share D component

  28. A extent B size C amount D measure

  29.A occupied B met  C filled D appointed

  30 A business B topic C point D affair

  《The scientific approach to recruitment》,招人的科學(xué)方法。這篇完型比較簡單。完型填空也有兩種題型,兩種解題思路。一種是從意思上理解然后做出選擇,一種是根據(jù)單詞的用法。前者比較容易,后者很考驗語言功底。

  21題,理解上下文的意思。前面說招人時的決定一般是在五分鐘以內(nèi)做出的。但是雇主們試圖使自己詳細相信他們在挑選過程中是經(jīng)過了深思熟慮的。Convince oneself,使確信。其他的詞沒有這個用法。


  23題,招人者試圖利用一切方法來抓住這個領(lǐng)域最好的(人才),secure the best,抓住最好的。realise是實現(xiàn),attain是獲得,后面不能接人,achieve是實現(xiàn)一個目標(biāo)。

  24題,rise in popularity,固定搭配,popularity是知名度的意思,這個詞組應(yīng)該可以翻譯成聲名鵲起。

  25題,provides with,提供。給組織提供另外一種方法。offer的用法是offer sb sth,contribute在這里意思不對。



  Component:one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc

  Portion:a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts



  29題,fill a position,填補空位,fill在這里的意思是to perform a particular job, activity, or purposein an organization, or to find someone or something to do this。不能選occupy,因為occupy更強調(diào)人的一種主動,而這里只是客觀說某個需要填補的職位。

  30題,in the business of,也是一種固定的說法,在什么的過程中。很多場合都可以使用。可以多看幾個例句:

  We’re in the business of stimulating the economy(By Obama)