


時間: 楚欣650 分享



  If you want to improve your language skills, you’d better listen up.(你想改善自己的語言技巧,那你最好細(xì)心多聽。)美國學(xué)者Professor Brongham接受某電臺訪問時說了上述這句話。

  節(jié)目主持問:Why is listening so important?(聽為什么這么重要呢?)

  Well, listening is a useful source of language input, and it serves as a foundation for other language skills like speaking, reading and writing.


  過去的英文學(xué)習(xí)法,較側(cè)重閱讀與寫作,相信讀友都知之甚詳。讀友來信問為什么讀了這么多年英文,不看中文字幕就聽不懂銀幕英語。大家都知道要多聽了。怎樣聽呢? 現(xiàn)在繼續(xù)引述給讀友觀摩。

  So, all you have to do is open your ears, and your English listening skills will improve, right?(那么,你要做的是張開自己的耳朵,你的英語聽力就會改善了,對嗎?)

  Not exactly.(不見得。)提高聽解力,進(jìn)而增強表達(dá)力又有什么秘訣呢?我們繼續(xù)聽下去:

  First of all, you have to pay attention.(首先,你得集中注意力。) Sometimes when you’re listening”, your mind is a million miles away.(有時,你“聽”的時候心思會飛到九霄云外。)同學(xué)們有沒有這種體驗啊?好,我們現(xiàn)在繼續(xù)聽Prodessor Brongham條分縷析。The words you hear just go in one ear and out the other.(你所聽到的字詞都只是左耳進(jìn),右耳出。)原來諺語“左耳進(jìn)右耳出”也有一句很類似的地道英語表達(dá)法?,F(xiàn)在大家都曉得活學(xué)活用這種慣用語(idiomatic expression)了。



  But when you concentrate, your mind can process the message. If you want to be a good listener-especially in a foreign language-you’ve got to stay focused.(但你集中精神時,你的心思可以處理信息,如果你想善于聆聽--特別是外語時--你一定要聚精會神。)

  此時節(jié)目主持問:Could you tell us how to pay attention?(你可以告訴我們怎樣集中精神嗎?)

  Professor Brongham接著答道:

  First, listen to anything and everything you can in English. This will help you absorb the rhythm and sounds of the language.(首先,盡可能聽英語的東西,這能幫助你吸收語言的韻律與聲調(diào)。)

  Second, think of your purpose in listening. Do you need specific information, like an address? Or do you just want to know the gist of a news story? Or are you listening to understand how someone is feeling?(其次,想一想你聽的目的是什么。你是否需要詳細(xì)的信息,例如地址?或者你是否只想知道新聞報道的要點?還是你想明白某人的感受?)


  (1) 沒有積存足夠的五語(五語包括習(xí)語(idiom)、口語(colloquialism)、諺語(proverb)、片語(phrase)、俚語(slang)。

  (2) 沒有掌握語音音標(biāo)(phonetic alphabet)與連音講法(linking)。

  現(xiàn)在聽美國著名學(xué)者Professor Brongham最后說的話。

  Third, record English programs off the radio or television. First play the cassette through without stopping, listening for the main ideas. Then rewind and replay the section you don’t understand.
