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  Avoid Misunderstanding

  "Why do they keep misunderstanding me?" We often hear people complain.Misunderstanding seems to be one of the most disturbing issues in interpersonal relationships.We often see how it undermines the harmonious relationships between people.

  Several factors contribute to misunderstanding.First,people with different personal and cultural backgrounds may have diverse perspectives in interpreting one behavior.Second,the language we use as a vehicle of conveying thought can be ambiguous,and various ways of decoding (解碼) words may result in barriers in communication.Third,misunderstanding occurs because of a lack of mutual trust.If you have prejudice (偏見) against someone,whatever he says may sound iii intentioned to you.

  Having gone so far in the exploration of the causes of misunderstanding,we can easily arrive at the ways to avoid them.Firstly,we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences among people.Secondly,we should be accurate and appropriate in our handle of language,avoiding misleading words.Thirdly,we should be constructive and patient in dealing with people.If we try hard enough,there will be more understanding and less misunderstanding in this world.


  Sunny day, my good friend bell zhi came to my house to play. At that time, I together with her on QQ, she know my password, but I didn't, because I have been very believe her, she would never make a gross, but just that day, I misunderstood her... Her home soon, I can't on the QQ, I'm out in a rash, asked the father, he said someone is on my QQ. At this time, I thought: "in addition to bell zhi know my password, no one knew, is nothing more than her..." I doubt the bell zhi slowly. I am sitting in front of a computer, desperately to curse her: "what did she turned sex, is really of! The one who is, won't have what good end, wait and see!" I like this for a whole afternoon, finally I don't think this way. After dinner, I make a phone call to her, she is a meet, I was very rude to speak: "you have on my Q? To be honest, quick!" Zhang two monks confused, she timidly replied: "I don't have your qq, I got home to watch TV, the computer didn't touched touch." I think: "well, well done, very will pack!" Then, I intentionally against her: "that why I can't on qq? If only you know my password, after you left, I won't on it. This is precisely what's going on?" "How do I know!" She readily answer. I fire emit three zhangs, angrily threw her a word: "is really dare not admit have a guilty conscience." Say, ignoring her feelings off my call. The next day, I finally can come up to the Q. After dad explained, I just know originally I Q of the virus, he helped me in tune. Now, I didn't realize his mistake, ah, I misunderstood the good friend, said yesterday that I would have brought her a lot of damage. I wronged her, she will be sorry. I apologized to her bravely, finally, we are still good friends. I reflect on their own reckless stupid, indiscriminate wronged person. Through this matter, I understand: encounter things must clear up things calmly, and then correct treatment. Only the discernment man, can avoid the happening of misunderstanding.

  陽光明媚的一天,我的好朋友鈴芷來我家玩。那時,我和她一起上QQ,她知道了我的密碼,可我并沒有防備,因為我一直以來都很相信她,她絕對不會做出見不得人的事,但正好那天,我誤會了她...... 她回家不久,我就上不到QQ了,我急得團團轉,問了爸爸,他說是有人正在上著我的QQ。這時,我想:“除了鈴芷知道我的密碼,再也沒有人知道了,無非是她......”我慢慢地懷疑起鈴芷。我坐在電腦前,拼命地咒罵她:“她怎么轉性了,真是的!這種人不會有什么好下場的,等著瞧吧!”我就這樣氣了整整一個下午,最后我覺得這不是辦法。飯后,我打了個電話給她,她一接,我就很無禮地開口:“你有沒有上我Q?實話實說,快!”她丈二和尚——摸不著頭腦,膽怯地回答:“我沒上你的Q啊,我一回到家就看電視了,電腦摸也沒摸過。”我想:“哼,做得不錯,挺會裝的!”然后,我故意頂她:“那怎么我上不到Q呢?好象只有你知道我的密碼啊,你走后,我就上不到了。這究竟是怎么回事呀?”“我怎么知道!”她爽快地回答。我火冒三丈,怒氣沖沖地丟給她一句:“真是做賊心虛不敢承認。”說罷,我不顧她的感受關了電話。 第二天,我終于能上到Q了。經過爸爸的一番解釋,我才知道原來我的Q中了病毒,他幫我調好了?,F在,我才認識到自己的錯誤,哎,我誤會了好朋友了,昨天我說的話一定會給她帶來了不少的傷害。我冤枉了她,她一定會不好受的。我勇敢地向她道歉了,最后,我們還是一對好朋友。 我反省了自己的魯莽愚蠢,不分青紅皂白就冤枉人。通過這件事,我明白了:遇到事情一定要鎮(zhèn)定地把事情弄清楚,然后再正確處理。只有明辨事理的人,才能避免誤會的發(fā)生。


  Today, as usual, I got up very early. Shave, brush my teeth, and then I go to school happily. Afternoon I as usual, and ran home from school to home, I saw dad counting money. I curiously ask: "what are you doing in a few money, father?" Dad said angrily: "I less one hundred yuan of money, so I turned and tossed in the number, or less one hundred yuan money. Small li, this one hundred yuan whether you take? Quick say!" I loudly say: "I didn't take!" Dad didn't believe, however, also said to check my bag. I feel the grievance, cry to say: "I didn't take, did not take. You do not believe that check my bag?" Dad said as he scold: "don't you have to do afraid I check?" I more angry, I was so mad words also said not to come out. At this time, dad took my bag to turn over one times, find no money. At this time, I was angry, still blame dad.

  Later, father to pick up my mother. Peace is not the same when he was walking, don't and I said a cry, and went away. Spirit cried and ran back to my room to hide in the woli cry.

  Didn't see me, when I go home mother ran upstairs to find me. Find my room and saw I hid himself in the pillow, affectionately asked me: "small li, don't you sick?" "No, dad insisted that I took him one hundred yuan......" Mother said: "ah, the father is really bad, you should not trust their children, should ask me more. At the same time your father where is I take one hundred dollars money. In the morning, he had gone. Someone calls I borrow one hundred dollars, I took from your father one hundred yuan. Ok, good boy, don't cry. My mom to talk to your father." I'll get up with her down the stairs. Mother gave dad a ruthlessly say the. Father embarrassed to say to me: "daughter, I'm sorry! It's dad is bad. Is dad misunderstood my lovely daughter. Now I solemnly apologize to you!" I smile through tears, said: "daddy, you should listen to the opinions of others, don't always doubt people!"








