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  A balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is thekey to a healthy life. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with this statement? Give reasons foryour answer.


  Although a balanced diet is important, there areother factors which contribute to a healthy life.People in some cultures do not eat a balanced diet,but use limited food sources. In addition, lack ofstress could well be as important as diet.

  One culture-related reason concerns environmental or climatic conditions. The Inuit, in theArctic Circle, live in harsh surroundings and their major source of food for many months of theyear is fish. Nutritionists in industrialized countries would not consider their diet balanced oreven healthy, yet Inuit people have flourished in food from the sea for centuries. Anothercultural reason is religion-based. Many Hindus are vegetarians because of their religion. Again,many dieticians claim that vegetarianism is unbalanced because humans need protein,especially from animals. Hindus, however, seem to be quite healthy, suffering no ill effects fromthe lack of animal protein.

  The major reason for disagreeing with the balanced diet argument, however, is to do withstress. Even though people in the past did not always have a balanced diet, something existingonly on potatoes and bread, they lived healthy lives because there afflicts urban residentstoday. Secondly, there is a large percentage of contemporary people who do their jobs, thenrelax in front of the TV, and quite often eat junk food. But seem healthy enough. They may bespared disease by their relatively stress-free lives.

  In conclusion, although it is undeniable that a balanced diet is of some importance tohealth, there are no doubt more factors that may get involved in affecting people's health. Forexample, in terms of living environment, climate and stress in them.


  The online survey, conducted over a five-weekperiod, found that six out of 10 men were fed upwith inaccurate commercial descriptions of them.

  Bassil said the images of men on television andin advertisements had not changed for decadeswhereas the image of women in the media wasalways changing as their roles in the home and theworkplace altered.

  "In TV sitcoms and in adverts, young men are portrayed as immature, frat boys who arealways trying to get around their wives or girlfriends finding out about their bad behavior. Thisis just not the case," he said.

  The survey by AskMen.com, a unit of Fox Interactive Media, found that 56 percent of menbelieved that being a good father or husband made them "manly."

  It also found that 75 percent admitted to crying over a woman while 57 percent of mencook at home and enjoy doing it.

  "There really seems to be a revival of traditional values among men which goes againsteverything you see in the media," said Bassil.


  The construction of new sports facilities are definitely needed in an environment wherepeople's health is in a declining state. However, there are those who believe that the way toimproving people's health should lie in other measures that governments have to come up withto get people to live more healthily.

  In many countries around the world, sports facilities are diminishing at an alarming rate,with existing ones being threatened with closure or face redevelopment in favor of housing andcommercial development. The lack of sports facilities has directly led to a sharp decline in thegeneral public's involvement in sports activities, which is the major culprit for ill health andexcessive weight nowadays. If a wider range of sports and fitness facilities (swimming pools,basketball court and gymnasiums etc.) were available, then people would be more willing tospend time in these facilities to train their bodies and to improve their fitness, instead of living asedentary life at home watching television, playing video games or using computers.

  However, the building of such facilities may become a waste of time and taxpayers' money ifthey are built far away from where people live or if they are too expensive to use. There arescenes of empty sports grounds in many cities because it takes too much trouble to get there,and many sports clubs are receiving fewer guests because they charge unreasonably highmembership fees. In these cases, the government should be spending more on advertisinghealthier life style instead of just wasting money on facilities that are not going to be activelyused by the people. For example, it is important for people to know that little things like joggingor taking the stairs provide as many benefits as using exercising equipment in a sports club.

  All in all, the government should be spending more money on the campaigns of getting thepeople to be more involved in a healthier lifestyle instead of wasting taxpayers' money onsports facilities that are barely used by the general public. This is by far the best way ofimproving the health standards of a nation as a whole.


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