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  Some people claim that widespread advertisingin the modern society has a harmful effect on youngpeople. Therefore, advertisements should be strictlylimited on TV, radio, the internet and in publicplaces.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree withthis statement?

  Although advertising has existed for thousandsof years and is certainly not a recent invention, it isonly in our modern society that the great influence and importance of widespread advertisingis full play. However, in my opinion, many advertisements are harmful to young people’s mentaldevelopment and, therefore, should be banned in the mass media.

  To begin with, various factors have given rise to the thriving of advertising industry, themost significant one being the proliferation of new products, services and technologies. In orderto give their new inventions the utmost publicity, many businesses choose to promote themby broadcasting attractive advertisements through mass media, such as television, radio andinternet. In addition, the increasingly fierce competition in the commercial world hascompelled a lot of companies to resort to exaggerated and even deceitful advertisements togain an edge over their business rivals.

  As many social critics have pointed out, the current trend in advertising exerts acorrupting influence on young people’s minds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents in modern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieand cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attraction of theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexual suggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry. Young people, especiallythose adolescents, are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in eroticfantasies

  Therefore, the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strict censorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicit pictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules and regulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain public places, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner and healthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincrease the costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published through massmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.

  In summary, the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects onthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditional cultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.


  No one can avoid being influenced byadvertisements and advertising exerts a tremendousinfluence on us. Recently, there are people who areof the opinion that public has the right to know thecorrect information of the advertisements andgovernment also should restrict the contents of these advertisements. Personally I agree withthis opinion for the following reasons.

  In the first instance, consumers have the right to know the correct information beforedeciding on whether to buy them. Advertisements are highly information that helps people tomake choice before they go to buy what they need. If the advertisement exaggerates theproducts it also will persuade people into buying things, which they don’t really want.

  Secondly, any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos inthe market. Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decentproducts or products of bad quality. His bread in truth is made with soy flour, while headvertises it as white bread. These misleading information causes illegal competition.[More:www.cnielts.com]

  Last but not least, government should stipulate laws in consumers’ interests. According tothe laws, advertisements must be truthful. If the advertisements mislead consumers,government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.

  In general, the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable. A good advertisementcan be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving. So we needcorrect information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements. Letmisinformation of advertisements be far away from us.


  Some people think children’s spending time onTV and video is good, while others think it is bad.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  It is true that a lot of children, from below 3 tohigh school, would like to spend time in watching arange of TV programs and videos. One of the mostobvious reasons for this is that these are soattractive, vivid and touching our lives that thechildren who are curious cannot resist theirtemptation at all.

  Some people, especially the parents, argue thatthis is very damaging. They probably begin bypointing out that their children who are limited in self-control and self-principle will easily taketoo much time in watching instead of being back to study after doing for a short while. Inaddition to this, it is well aware that the amount of violence and unhealthy pictures are filledwith videos for some reasons. When children who are still simple watch too much amountwithout any correct guidance, some of them will easily break the laws in the realistic world byimitating the details of crimes.

  However, others who disbelieve watching TV or video is bad claim that TV programs andthe amount of videos can fully help children understand outside world or relax their stressfulbrains after intense study. Obviously, those who often watch TV have a wider range ofknowledge and better understandings to our society than those who do not. All of this isbeneficial to children’s growth and their future social life.

  Overall, I would like to say that watching TV or videos are necessary for children who needknowledge and information, but the point is that parents must ensure their children not towatch too much or too long, and at the same time the Government should give a harshwarning to media with overuse of unhealthy contents.