


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  Johnny Depp has been named as the highest paid actor in Hollywood thanks to his role in Alice in Wonderland, according to Forbes. The actor earned £50m for portraying the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s 3-D version.

  據(jù)《福布斯》稱,強尼·戴普因出演由蒂姆·伯頓執(zhí)導(dǎo)的3D 影片《愛麗絲漫游仙境》中的“瘋帽匠”一角而大賺五千萬英鎊,收入居眾星之首。

  The Disney film has grossed class="main">


時間: 焯杰674 分享


時間: 焯杰674 分享

  這部迪斯尼公司出品的影片全球總票房已達(dá)10 億美元,使戴普成為首位主演兩部票房超10 億美元影片的男星,另一部影片為《加勒比海盜》。

  Depp also landed a big upfront payday estimated at more than £15m for The Tourist starring alongside Angelina Jolie.


  Last year Depp was 10th place on the Forbes annual list of top earning actors with a salary of £18m.

  在去年男演員收入排行榜中,戴普憑借1800 萬英鎊的收入位居第10。

  The 47-year-old actor is currently filming the latest instalment of the Pirates series in Hawaii. Comic Ben Stiller is named as the second on the top earning actors list with £38m. also received an estimated £10m for the third in the series of “Meet the Fockers” with Robert De Niro.

  這位47 歲的男演員目前正在夏威夷緊鑼密鼓地拍攝《加勒比海盜》的最新一集。喜劇演員本·斯蒂勒以3800 萬英鎊的收入位居其次。由本·斯蒂勒主演的《博物館奇妙夜2》大獲成功。據(jù)估計,他還因與羅伯特·德尼羅聯(lián)袂出演《拜見岳父大人3》而入賬一千萬英鎊。

  Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is the only British star on the top 10 list for 2010, which was dominated by US actors. His income for last June to June 2010 was put at £16.6m. He has completed filming the last in the series of the Potter films and his next role will be in the ghost story “Woman in Black”.

  今年榜單的前十名幾乎被美國人包攬,飾演“哈里·波特”的影星丹尼爾·雷德克里夫是唯一入圍前十名的英國男星。他在去年6 月至今年6 月間共入賬1660 萬英鎊。他已經(jīng)完成了“哈里·波特”系列影片“大結(jié)局”的拍攝,接下來將出演恐怖片《黑衣女人》。

  Forbes calculated the rankings by surveying agents, managers, producers and lawyers to determine what the stars were paid. They also took into account money they received as a percentage of the box office profits.



  At 32, singer and actor Park Yong-ha was riding high on the‘Korean Wave’that has swept across Asia ’s entertainmentindustry. He rose to fame in 2002 on the pan-Asian television hit‘Winter Sonata’and was set to take his career to new heights this summer with a starring role alongside fellow Yoon Eun-hye in the much-anticipated television drama‘Love Song.’A Japanese concert tour was due to kick off later this month.

  32 歲的歌手兼演員樸龍河曾在橫掃亞洲娛樂圈的“韓流”中乘風(fēng)破浪。2002 年他出演了韓劇《冬季戀歌》,這部電視劇在亞洲走紅,樸龍河也因此成名。他原定于今年夏天與一線明星尹恩惠一同出演備受期待的連續(xù)劇《戀歌》,這一角色會把他的事業(yè)推向新的高峰。日本的巡回演唱會原本也將于七月底開演。

  But on June 30th, the actor who appeared to have the world at his feet was found dead in his apartment by his mother, apparently having killed himself.

  然而在6 月30 日這一天,這位看起來正處在人生巔峰狀態(tài)的男演員卻被發(fā)現(xiàn)死在家中,很明顯是自殺。

  His death shocked fans, and marked the latest in a series of suicides by famous South Koreans.


  These deaths are representatives of a wider turmoil in South Korea. In 2009, South Korea had the highest suicide rate among the 31 mostly wealthy nations in OECD, at around 22 deaths per 100,000 people (compared with around 18 in 100,000 for the OECD as a whole.)

  這些名人的自殺事件只是韓國整個國家高自殺率的一個縮影。韓國2009年的自殺率在經(jīng)合組織(OECD)31 個發(fā)達(dá)國家中是最高的,每10 萬人中就有約22 人自殺(OECD 的整體水平為每10 萬人有18 人自殺)。

  The OECD report attributes the rise of suicide to a fast-changing economy over the decades. Lee Min-soo, professor of psychiatry at Korea University College of Medicine, supports this view.

  OECD 在報告中將韓國的高自殺率升高歸咎于快速轉(zhuǎn)型的經(jīng)濟。高麗大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院的精神病學(xué)教授李民勛同意這一觀點。

  In the past decades, South Korea has embarked on a process of political and commercial freedom and high-tech industrialization that has made it one of the wealthiest countries in the world. But at the same time as this‘economic miracle ’ has swept the country to greater riches, many traditional social structures have broken down, with smaller families, rising house prices, the end of lifelong employment, fierce competition for the best jobs and rising alcoholism.‘It is the price we pay for such unsustainable fast economic development, ’says Dr. Lee.


  Dr. Lee also points to the heavily publicized suicides of South Korean celebrities as a possible factor in the high suicide rate overall. A link is hard to prove, says Dr. Lee-but‘the extensive coverage and detailed reporting on how people kill themselves is worrying.’






