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  The Rosy Moon


  Li Xiulu


  When he won a prize in the Province's calligraphy contest, Mr. Luo feltelated as if a gold ingot had fallen on him from the sky. The world instantlybecame ecstatically rosy in the eyes of the 23-year-old winner. At the moment,he was smoking a cigarette while judging Miss B's photograph in a glassframe with a calligrapher's eye. He found that she was by no means pretty and she was the one who almost became his wife! Look at her lips, he thought. How thick they are! Ugly beyond words! People would ask, then, how come a young calligrapher should choose to marry a cold drink peddler? It isn't a good match! Well, fortunately, the prue camein time, or it would be too late if we had gotten married.


  I must shake her off me! But some other people would certainly gossip about it, those who like to poke their noses into everything! I won't be scared. Times have changed. To hell with all those solemn vows I've made to her! I am now a calligrapher engaged in art. What does a cold drink peddler know about art? After all, I am like a coarse china plate that used to be put together with those commonplates for daily use until one day an archeologist discovered that it was anantique. Well, then, when it's placed with other precious antiques in the museum, all the common plates will have to bow low to it. Jealousy, naturally, will come with admiration. For that's the way things are. Thus Mr. Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw it away, feeling well justified. In its place he put in a color stage photo of Miss A, and went on dreaming. See? With her charm and grace this woman must be the one that makes a match for me now. To Mr. Luo, the woman used to be a fairy queen whom he could only look up to and admire at a distance. But now that he felt himself to be the prince of art....A fairy queen and a prince, what a perfectmatch!


  He took up a writing brush and began to write.


  "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter of fire to pretty Miss A.


  The second letter was to Miss B the thick-lipped: "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter of ice.


  He then dropped both the fire and the ice into the mailbox.


  In a shed by the river, Miss B wept bitterly. She crumpled the letter, threw it into the river, and then went on with her work.


  In a small house on the river bank, Miss A let out a contemptuous laughafter reading the letter, crumpled it and threw it into the river. She thentumed to her study. of a script.


  The two crumpled letters floated slowly down the river and disappeared.


  When evenulg came, Mr. Luo sat by the river smoking a cigarette, and gaz-ing at the water with the eyes of an artist. There reflected a rosy moon in thewater. In the moon there was a golden palace, and out of the palace flew thecharming and elegant Chang Er, the moon goddess....



  Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside


  Yan Gang

  內(nèi)畫(huà)壺是鼻煙壺的一種。內(nèi)畫(huà)技藝起源于北京。相傳清朝道光年間(1821-1850年),北京有一個(gè)破落文人,嗜好鼻煙,無(wú)錢(qián)購(gòu)買(mǎi)時(shí)就用竹簽刮煙壺壁上的煙油代替,久而久之,煙壺壁上一道道紋痕縱橫交錯(cuò),儼然如畫(huà),引起了民間藝人的興趣,他們開(kāi)始在煙壺的內(nèi)壁上作畫(huà)。最早的內(nèi)畫(huà)壺,畫(huà)面簡(jiǎn)單粗糙。到了光緒年間( 1875-1908年),技藝日趨成熟,煙壺的內(nèi)壁先經(jīng)過(guò)磨砂,然后再將竹簽或毛筆伸入壺內(nèi),采用反畫(huà)技法,把圖案畫(huà)在壺壁上,奇異又雅致。

  The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing. The story goes that inthe Qing Dynasty during the reign of Dao Guang (1821-1850),an impoverished scholar wasaddicted to snuff. To relieve his cravingfor the powdered tobacco, he scraped his snuff bottlefrom the inside with abamboo slip. Gradually the marks left on the inner wall of the bottle madeapicture, catching the fancy of folk artists. The art of drawing pictures inside snuff bottles wasthus created and popularized. In the beginning the pictures were simple and roughly drawn. Butby the reign of Guang Xu (1875-1908),the art had been perfected: Artists made delicatedrawings with bamboo slips or calligraphy brushes on the bottles' polished inner walls.


  Today, snuff-boffle pictures fall into three different categories-the Jing(Beijing), Ji (Hebei) andLu (Shandong). Wang Xisan's art is representative of the Ji school. In 1957 Wang studiedunder the famous artists Ye Xiaofeng and Ye Xiaosan. He further developed the art byabsorbing the good points of different schools and using the traditional tools, bamboo andwood slips,as well as writing brushes. Finally he created a style of his own. Traditionally,snuff-bottle themes were confined to characters from folktales or flowers and grasses. Wang Xisanmade a breakthrough by portraying a kitten playing with a butterfly on its tail, a picture fullof wit and humour. Wang Xisan was also the first to use calligraphy on snuff bottle pictures.In recent years his bottle drawings, using techniques borrowed from Western oil painting,havebeen praised in China and abroad. His picture Two Monkeys was awarded a prize for excellenceby the 12th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Associa-tion in 1980. Pu Yi and Wan Rong wasappraised as the best work by the 13th Intemational Snuff Bottle Artists' Assoaation and in1985 American Presidents won recognition as a unique piece of Chinese art.


  A Hundred Children, another masterpiece by Wang Xisan was painted on a bottle 8cm highand 7cm in diameter, which was modeled on a crystal bottle from the Qing Dynasty unearthedin Nanpi County, Hebei Province. By using a combination of Chinese ink styles and western oil,Wang vividly portrayed one hundred innocent and lively children, some clustered under a tree,others studying a seismograph or playing chess, and yet others discussing poems and paintingor climbing trees. This snuff bottle has been listed as one of the state's best works of art.



  A Man Upholding Unity


  Wang Meng


  Ai Tuanjie stole into Lao Wang’s home quietly and whispered surrepti-t tiously to him, “LaoWang, just ignore him. As the saying goes, a Prime Minister's heart is big enough for a boat tosail. So you needn’t bother to reason with him.”


  Lao Wang blinked his eyes in bewilderment. He was busy making fiirniture and so he didn’t havethe time to make any response.


  “In fact,you must have heard about it,” he continued. “But you didn't pay any heed to it, I amsure. You are above all gossip.”


  Lao Wang stooped to fix the plane.


  Ai Tuanjie bent closer and went on, “You know, Lao Zhou said your nose is artificial.


  Lao Wang let out a snort through his nose but kept silent.


  Ai Tuanjie moved still closer, breathing hot air into Lao Wang’s ear, “Lao Zhou said your nosewas picked up from among the rubbish heap in front of his house and stuck on to your face bythe adhesive made of pig skin "


  This remark finally made Lao Wang look up at him.


  He then added, "Lao Zhou also said that you have sold your own nose to a profiteer withoutpaying tax."


  Lao Wang knit his brows.


  “Don't get upset. Don’t, please! Ai Tuanjie hastened to console him. “We all know that yournose is first-rate. It is a rarity, an original one. What Lao said only proves his utterignorance. You wouldn't mind, would you?


  Lao Wang lowered his head again and began to wonder, “What on earth prompted Lao Zhou totalk behind my back like that?”


  Ai tuanjie emphasized, “We must first of all uphold unity. Unity comes anything else.”


  With these remarks, Ai Tuanjie left Lao Wang and went to “uphold unity” at Lao Zhou’s.





