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  Back in the old days there were three boys, Tung, Truc, and Mai. Each of the boys was from a different region in Vietnam and by chance they were brought together to study under the same teacher. The only thing the young men had in common was how poor each of them was.

  Their families were dirt poor but the parents were determined for their sons to have an education. For that very reason, all of them buried themselves in their books so their family's effort would not go to waste. Somehow they became friends.

  When they became friends, the boys swore together that later on in life if one of the three became successful, he would not forget the others and their time in poverty. He would also promise to aid the other friends out of the lower class.

  After a while, due to family circumstances all three boys had to quit school; they went their separate ways. Tung was the first fortunate one to have his luck turn around. With a bright mind and perseverance, Tung was very determined to pursue his studies.

  Tung became a servant for an elderly man named Nghe in order to continue his studies. The old man recognized Tung's potential and determination and supported him like a son. For the next few years, Tung studied and he was finally able to obtain Tien Si (a person who passed all three examinations held by the government). With the Tien Si, Tung became an officer in the capital city.

  From that point, Tung's life picked up its pace, its speed turned into a whirlwind that no one could catch up with. Even though he now lived in luxury, Tung still remembered his book friends from before. One day, Tung decided to find his friends so he took a leave of absence.

  On Tung's journey to find his friends, he dressed as a commoner in order to avoid disturbances and being hassled by the guard soldiers around him. It did not take him a long time to find Truc's house, one of his two best friends back in the old days.

  曾有三個叫東(Tung),特呂克(Truc)和麥(Mai) 的男孩。他們來自不同的地區(qū),但命運安排他們師從于同一老師。




  為了繼續(xù)深造,東為一個名叫納喝(Nghe)的老人當仆人。老人看出了東的潛力和決心,像待兒子般的支持他完成學(xué)業(yè)。經(jīng)過幾年的苦讀,東終于成為了“進士”(Tien Si)(注:通過了政府組織的三門考試的人)。之后,在首都當官。



  The first visit...

  Let's back track a bit to Truc's story after he left his friends. The day after Truc quitted school he inherited a large amount of land from his grandparents on his mother's side. Through hard work and knowing how to turn the land around, Truc was able to make the land rich in ten years and became well off.

  Even though he was rich, he did not want to lose a dollar, a quarter, or even a penny to anyone. Because of this, Truc had forgotten the words of promise between the three friends in the past."AW Heck! Why waste your time searching? The other people did not bother to find you or I."

  With that thought, Truc felt very secure with all his actions and words. When Tung first saw how rich his friend was, he wanted to test how true the feelings were so he did not say anything about his current life. The only thing that Tung told Truc was that he missed his friend so he wanted to find and visit him.

  Judging from Tung's appearance, Truc guessed he only had enough to eat and only came to rekindle the friendship to ask for money. The thought floated with Truc as he pretended his life was still in difficulty and went on to tell Tung.

  "To tell you the truth, if it were not because of past recent business trips then I would not be losing to anyone. Earlier I was considering finding you in the North but after so many bad droughts continuously and then there was a famine, I had to mortgage some of my acres and it was not until recently that I finished paying it off."

  Truc went on and on about his so-called hardships in order to zip Tung's mouth if he had any thoughts about asking for money. To continue with the charade of his life of poverty, Truc gave his friend a small, simple dinner. The next morning before everyone woke up,

  Truc went to the cook and asked him to make a fish net and worms for his next plan. While Truc showed Tung around the property, they came upon the cook. Truc yelled at the cook, "Hey!'Dan bat kha ha tri' (at 3 do not let the net down). Don't you remember the old saying?! Why do you want to fish at this hour? Do you want me to go bankrupt?"

  The servant caught the owner's meaning and quietly left the scene. That afternoon when the chickens returned to their coop, Truc's wife told the house servant to pick the plumpest chicken to kill. Before the chicken could be killed, Truc ran into the kitchen screaming,

  "Ey! At 4 you should not kill birds! Even if your friend should visit, you should still not kill. It is highly forbidden."

  Tung was done witnessing how Truc's life was and continued onto Mai's house, the second friend who lived through hardships with Tung during his school years. Still in his commoner's clothes, Tung arrived at Mai's house and just as before at Truc's, he did not mentioned anything about his life.









  當特呂克帶著東參觀他的產(chǎn)業(yè)時,他們遇上了廚師。特呂克對廚子嚷道:“你忘了'Dan bat kha ha tri'(意為3點不撒網(wǎng)。)這句老話了嗎?為何要在這個時候捕魚呢?你想要我破產(chǎn)啊?“



  o money, no worry...

  Ever since Mai quit school and returned home, he saw his family's situation worsen. He workedhard to try to make it to the top but it seemed like it was not his time. All his business tripsended in failure and losses and when he switched to teaching, he suddenly became sick. Mai hadto sell off parts of his land to pay off the medical bills.

  In the end both husband and wife had to rent some land to farm and had to work on other'sland to be able to get by. Even though the couple had nothing and finding a meal was hard,they didn't once complain. Mai welcomed Tung warmly into his house when he came to visit.

  He introduced his friend to his wife, "This was my closest friend when I went to school in thecity. If you count the days since then, it must have been least fifteen years. Go and find food toserve to our guest." Tung saw his friend's wife listened to her husband and then took thebasket and left for the market.

  Around noon, he saw the woman carrying back a basket full of food but this time around herhead was in a black scarf even though it was not the wind season. He did not think of thismuch at first but soon after when he was roaming the house he saw Mai and his wife by therestroom whispering.

  He immediately hid himself on the side so they would not see him. Like something just kickedhim in the face, he was shocked walking into the scene. Mai's wife had just taken off her scarf;however, the fine black hair on her head was no longer there.

  Tung instantly questioned what had happened to her hair when Mai and his wife walked awayfrom the restroom. Mai's wife knew that they could not keep the secret hidden any longer, shesaid,

  "This morning there was no money when I left the house. I thought I could go and borrowsome money from the neighbors but they also didn't have any. However, there was a wigfactory in need of long hair, and since I have it I sold it. It is only once in a lifetime a friend likeyou comes to visit. Do you expect us only to look at each other the whole time? Please do notfeel bad. Once hair has been cut it will grow again. Why worry?"

  Tung was very touched by Mai's wife's words and actions. Not a moment sooner, he confessedto his friend about his life since the day they went their separate ways including the visit toTruc and how he was treated. After Tung was done talking, he took out a box of jewelry andgave it to Mai's wife and said,

  "The hair's root is the basis of a person. I truly regret not knowing beforehand of the situationso that you would have not sold your precious hair. Nonetheless, with that action I discoveredwhat kind of person you are and I want to give you this as a gift. Go ahead and sell this. Spendit however you like while you wait for your hair to grow back and can find work again."

  Not long after Tung returned home, he sent money to Mai and dispatched him to Nam Dinh tolearn the art of dyeing clothes. When Mai finished learning the skill, Tung helped him open up adyeing factory in the village. Their business began to grow bigger by the day and before long itbecame successful.

  Mai took what he knew and taught it to the people in the village. The dyeing skill became themost successful business that anyone had ever known. And what happened to Truc? It was notuntil later on when he heard Tung had become an officer in the capital city that he started toregret it.

  Next, he found out with Tung's help that Mai's business was as successful as it was. "If I hadknown then, I would not have treated my friend poorly rather than harboring the thought hewould run away with my money," he said this regretfully.

  One day, Truc packed up his luggage and went to search for his two friends. When he arrivedto each house, Truc received the same hospitality he had treated them to. He had no choicebut to drag himself home.

  So, what do you think? I think that every now and then we should be reminded of all the peoplemaking a difference in our lives. I hope that you are always surrounded with friends who youcan depend on. If you have any questions, do contact me. From where I am and wherever youare, have a good night.







  東回家不久,就寄錢給麥,并送他去南定(Nam Dinh)學(xué)習(xí)印染服裝藝術(shù)。麥學(xué)成歸來,東又幫他在村里開了個印染廠。他們的生意一天天壯大,不久就開始盈利。







  Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differencesbetween friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between persons of opposite sex?Let us try and understand.


  What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very goodfriend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share mostof our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our goodfriends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in acertain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deepand the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood byour friends.


  What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above aretaken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particularperson, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one somuch attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves aphysical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us loveso that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.


  Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lieawake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet yourfriend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But inlove, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love andfriendship.



  My Stepfather,My Friend

  Nine years ago,after Leo had died,people said to me,“I never knew he was yourstepfather.”You see,I never called him that.At first,he was no one special in my life.Thenhe became my friend.In time,I felt he was my father too.

  Leo married my mother when I was 11;two years later we moved into a house in a newsuburb an development.At first,our lawn was just a mud pile with a few untidy clumps ofgrass,but Leo saw bright possibilities.“Your mother wants flowers;she can plant themhere,where there’ s lots of sun,”he said,“We‘ll plant trees over there,to give usshade.And in the backyard,I‘d like a barbecue.”

  Then he smiled.“After so many years of apartment living,now we can have cookouts”

  For years Leo had lived in an apartment by himself,and now he was putting down roots in thesuburbs.At first our split-level house resembled all the others,but then it began tochange.Little touches――my mother’s flower garden,Leo’s trees ――made our houseunique.More important,a real family was forming within this house,with its own specialtraditions.Leo was becoming a full-time parent,and I was learning what it meant to have afather.

  Weekday mornings when the weather was bad,Leo often drove me to school.Having a fatherdrop you off may have been something my classmates took for granted,but I always thoughtit was wonderful .Saturday mornings,we went to the hardware store,then browsed in thefive-and-ten,buying a sports magazine for my brother and something for me.Somepeople might think that doing errands together is nothing special,but I,who had previouslyspent my childhood watching other families do these everyday activities,savored them nowwith intense delight.Looking back,I realize that Leo gave me what I needed most――theexperience of doing ordinary things together as a family.

  One day,we learned that my “real”father――who hadn’t seen or supported my brother or mefor more than five years――wanted to see us again,on a regular basis.We remembered toowell the early years we had spent with him.He had been angry and cruel,violent andunloving.Since my brother was then 17years old,he didn’t have to follow family-courtstipulations.But because I was still a“minor”,I had to meet with the judge.WhenLeo,my mother,and I entered the courtroom,my “real”father was already present.Iavoided his glance and told the judge I was part of a new family now,and that Leo taught mehow to make things,took me to the movies,and helped me with my homework.I said I didn’twant to see my “real”father anymore because he had never shown any love for me or evenmuch attention.The judge looked at Leo.“How are things going?”he asked.“They couldn’tbe better,”Leo answered.“I’m a lucky man to have such a family.”My “real”father’s visitationrequest was denied that day;he was out of my life,and I was deeply relieved.I also knewLeo had become my dearest friend.

  Aren’ t the best parents also good friends to their children,accepting them withoutreservation and telling them they can be counted on?

  Stepfamilies aren’ t bound by traditional ties,so the love and friendship they develop isextremely precious.Was Leo“perfect”?He‘d deny it if I said so.And that’s one reason whyhe was so“perfect”to me.Sometimes,during the first years my new family lived together,I‘dlook out my bedroom window on warm summer nights and see Leo and my mother in front ofour house.Together they’d walk.My parents,I would think.I actually have two parents.

  Soon after we moved to the suburbs,on e of our new neighbors introduced herself tome.She had already met my mother and Leo.

  “You know,”she remarked,“you look just like your father.”I knew she was just makingconversation――but even so...“Thank you,”I said.Why tell her anything different?


















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