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  小想法 大事業(yè)

  你曾經(jīng)想到過的那個非凡的主意后來怎樣了? 你是否因為覺得那只是個小小的念頭而將其忽略了呢?

  Have you ever considered what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts or if you had paid more attention to it ?

  你是否考慮過, 如果你依照直覺行事,或是多用點心,當初那個小小的念頭將會變成怎樣?

  Imagine a scenario ,where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book , suddenly a light buld is turned on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind . The thought catches your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to discard it , but wait a minute !

  想像這樣一個場景:你正坐在家里看電視或看書,一個想法或念頭閃過腦際,令你眼前一亮, 豁然開朗。這個想法雖然令你心中為之一動,但卻似乎毫無意義,于是你打算放棄它。但是請等一下!

  That thought could be the potential beginning of the success you have so mush yearned for . As the thought crosses your mind . your senses become alert and you suddenly see a possibility , a realization , a solution , a conclusion , or find the answer to a problem whose solution has long eluded you .

  那個想法可能就是你渴望已久的潛在的成功起點 。當它在你頭腦中閃過時,你的思維變得敏銳起來,你突然看到了一種可能性、一種想法的實現(xiàn)、一個解決方案、一個結(jié)論,或是找到讓你困惑已久的問題的答案。

  It is almost as if a divine being has whispered the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your sences to a reality thereby bringing illumination to your life . It is like finding the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.

  這就像是一位圣人在你耳邊低語,告訴你最佳的解決方案, 或者將你的思維喚回到現(xiàn)實,從而給你的人生帶來光明。這就像是找到智力拼圖的最后一塊一樣。

  This becomes an AHA moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that little but powerful thought .

  這將成為一個令人驚喜的時刻。當你滿心激動,努力領(lǐng)會那個不起眼但非常有用的想法的實用性時, 周圍的一切都好像靜止了。

  Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase as you become conscious of the great possibilties that can arise if that little thought is acted upon . This becomes the moment to build upon that thought and to write down any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review .


  Seemingly meaningless little thought or ideas when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects .


  Many successful projects have been born from the little positive thoughts that were carefully nurtured and recognized as tickets to great things .


  You may have heard people say many times that it just came to me in a flash moment , a small idea or seemingly meaningless thought may cross your mind about something you have been planning to accomplish .


  Don't waste an opportunity to act on a potenntially brilliant idea . You don't have to wait for a major peers in order for a major idea , a master stratety , or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought .


  That little thought or idea is the beginning of great things if you decide to follow it thought .



  The Buddhist monk said to the boy's father, “You should leave your son alone here. I'll make him into a real man within three months. However, you can't come to see him during this period. ”


  Three months later, the boy's father returned. The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the boy and an experienced boxer. Each time the fighter struck the boy, he fell down, but at once the boy stood up; and each time a punch knocked him down, the boy stood up again. Several times later, the Buddhist monk asked, "What do you think of your child?"


  "What a shame!" the boy's father said. "I never thought he would be so easily knocked down. I needn't have him left here any longer."


  "I'm sorry that that's all you see. Don't you see that each time he falls down; he stands up again instead of crying? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have."



  Nothing succeeds lacks confidence.When you are truly confident,it radiates from you like sunlight,and attracts success to you like a magnet.


  It's important to believe in yourself.Believe that you can do it under any circumstances,because if you believe you can,then you really will.The belief keeps you searching for answers,which means that pretty soon you will get them.


  Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity and confidence.It comes from a strong sense of purpose.It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility,rather than just letting life happen.


  One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.


  Confidence is compassionate and understanding.It is not arrogant. Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity,while confidence comes from strength and integrity.


  Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it.Know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you want,and live your life with confidence.


  Anything can be achieved through focused,determined effort and self-confidence.If your life is not what you want it to be,you have the power to change it,and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose,and you will have the life you want.






