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  英語(yǔ)作文到底怎樣才能寫好? 這是很多同學(xué)初中三年都一直追問(wèn)的問(wèn)題。今天,小編和大家分享字母W的單詞+詞組+句型,希望對(duì)你的學(xué)習(xí)有幫助,喜歡的同學(xué)快點(diǎn)收藏起來(lái)吧


  1. wait v.等候;等待

  I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉,讓你久等了。

  wait for 等候

  Who are you waiting for ? 你在等誰(shuí)呢?

  wait for sb. to do sth 等某人做某事

  2. wake v. 醒,醒來(lái),喚醒或弄醒某人

  What time do you usually wake ( up ) in the morning ?


  Try not to wake the baby (up) ? 別把孩子吵醒了。

  3. walk v./n. 走;行走;散步;步行距離

  I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. 我步行到學(xué)校去。

  It is a long walk to the town. 到城里要走很長(zhǎng)的路程。

  Let's go for a short walk. 咱們?nèi)ド⑸⒉桨?

  a 20-minute walk from here 從這里走20分鐘的路程

  4. wall n.墻壁;圍墻

  We have painted all the walls white.我們把所有的墻壁都漆成了白色。

  There was a wall around the park. 公園四周有圍墻。

  5. want v.(常與to連用)想,想要,需要

  Did You Want to Tell Me something? 你想告訴我什么嗎?

  They want good jobs. 她們想要好的工作。

  The house wants painting. 房子需要油漆了。

  6. war n. 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng);沖突

  They are at war with the country . 他們與那個(gè)國(guó)家在交戰(zhàn)。

  World War II = the Second World War 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)

  7. warm adj.溫暖的;暖和的;熱烈的;親切的

  It is getting warmer day by day. 天氣一天比一天暖和起來(lái)了。

  We received a warm welcome. 我們受到熱烈的歡迎。

  warm-hearted 熱心的

  warmly adv. 溫暖地;熱烈地

  8. warn v. 警告;提醒

  He warned me not to go there. = He warned me against going there. 他警告我不要去那里。

  I warned him that it was dangerous. 我警告他那是危險(xiǎn)的。

  9. wash v.洗;洗滌

  10. waste v.浪費(fèi);揮霍 n. 浪費(fèi);濫用;廢料;廢物

  Hurry up, we are wasting time. 快點(diǎn)吧,我們別再浪費(fèi)時(shí)間了。

  It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。

  11. watch v.注視;觀看 n.手表

  watch a game 觀看一場(chǎng)比賽

  watch out 戒備,提醒,小心

  I watched him come/coming out of the bank. 我看著他從銀行出來(lái)了/正從銀行出來(lái)。

  on watch 值班

  12. water n. 水 v. 澆水

  by water 乘船;由水路

  water the flower 澆花

  13. watermelon n. 西瓜

  a slice of watermelon 一塊西瓜

  14. way n. 道;路;手段;方法;方式

  This way, please. 請(qǐng)這邊走。

  Do it (in) this way. 照這樣做。

  There are many ways to do (of doing) it. 做這件事有許多方法。

  all the way 一路上

  He ran all the way to school. 他一路跑到學(xué)校。

  by the way 順便提起

  in a way 從某個(gè)角度

  in the (one’s) way 防礙

  on the (one’s) way 在途中

  the way to 去…...的路

  15. we pron. 我們;咱們

  16. weak adj. 弱的

  be weak in 在某方面有欠缺

  in a weak voice 用虛弱的聲音

  17. wealth n.財(cái)富

  a man of great wealth 大富翁

  wealthy adj. 富有的

  18. wear (wore, worn) v.穿戴;蓄留

  I always wear brown shoes. 我總是穿棕色的鞋。

  He wears a beard. 他留胡子。

  wear out adj. 穿壞;精疲力竭

  He has worn out his shoes. 他的鞋穿壞了。

  He is worn out. 他精疲力竭。

  19. weather n.天氣;氣象

  What’s the weather like today? 今天天氣怎么樣?

  weather forecast 天氣預(yù)報(bào)

  20. Wednesday n.星期三

  21. week n. 星期;周

  this week 本星期

  weekday n.工作日

  What did you do on weekdays ? 你工作日做什么?

  weekend n.周末

  22. weigh v. 稱...…重量;測(cè)出重量

  He weighed himself on the scale. 他在磅秤上量體重。

  How much do you weigh ? 你體重多少?

  weight n.重力;重量

  What is your weight ? 你體重多少?

  23. welcome adj.受歡迎的 v. 歡迎

  You are welcome.不用謝

  Welcome to China ! 歡迎到中國(guó)來(lái)!

  24. well adv. (better\ best)好;很好 adj.(better\ best) 健康的

  as well 也

  He takes a walk after supper as well. 他晚飯后也散步。

  as well as 和……同樣好

  He speaks English as well as I.他英語(yǔ)講得和我一樣好。

  You look well. 你氣色很好。

  25. west n.西;西方 adj. 西方的

  26. wet adj. (wetter / wettest )濕的

  27. whale n.鯨

  28. what pron.什么 ad. 什么;多么

  what…for ? 為何......?

  What did you go there for ? 你為何去那里?

  what if… ? 如果…...該怎么辦?

  What if I don’t know anyone ? 如果我不認(rèn)識(shí)任何人怎么辦?

  What color is it ? 它是什么顏色?

  What a tall tree! 多么高的樹(shù)啊!

  29. whatever conj./pron.不管什么

  Whatever happens, I will go. = No matter what happens, I will go.不管發(fā)生什么,我都要去。

  30. wheat n.小麥

  31. wheel n. 輪子;機(jī)輪

  A bicycle has two wheels. 自行車有兩個(gè)車輪。

  32. when conj. 當(dāng)...…時(shí) adv.什么時(shí)候

  When I was a boy, I was weak. 當(dāng)我小的時(shí)候,身體不好。

  When will he arrive ? 他什么時(shí)候會(huì)到?

  33. whenever conj. 無(wú)論什么時(shí)候

  You may come whenever you come 你無(wú)論什么時(shí)候來(lái)都可以。

  34. where adv. 在哪里;到哪里 conj. 在...…的地方

  Where do you live ? 你住哪里?

  I like places where the weather is always warm. 我喜歡天氣暖和的地方。

  35. whether conj. 是否

  I asked him whether he would come. 我問(wèn)他是否要來(lái)。

  36. which adj./pron. 哪一個(gè);哪一些 conj. ...…的那個(gè)/那些

  37. while conj.當(dāng)...…時(shí);雖然;然而 n. 一會(huì)兒

  While he was eating, I asked him to lend me


  英語(yǔ)作文到底怎樣才能寫好? 這是很多同學(xué)初中三年都一直追問(wèn)的問(wèn)題。今天,小編和大家分享字母W的單詞+詞組+句型,希望對(duì)你的學(xué)習(xí)有幫助,喜歡的同學(xué)快點(diǎn)收藏起來(lái)吧


  1. wait v.等候;等待

  I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉,讓你久等了。

  wait for 等候

  Who are you waiting for ? 你在等誰(shuí)呢?

  wait for sb. to do sth 等某人做某事

  2. wake v. 醒,醒來(lái),喚醒或弄醒某人

  What time do you usually wake ( up ) in the morning ?


  Try not to wake the baby (up) ? 別把孩子吵醒了。

  3. walk v./n. 走;行走;散步;步行距離

  I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. 我步行到學(xué)校去。

  It is a long walk to the town. 到城里要走很長(zhǎng)的路程。

  Let's go for a short walk. 咱們?nèi)ド⑸⒉桨?

  a 20-minute walk from here 從這里走20分鐘的路程

  4. wall n.墻壁;圍墻

  We have painted all the walls white.我們把所有的墻壁都漆成了白色。

  There was a wall around the park. 公園四周有圍墻。

  5. want v.(常與to連用)想,想要,需要

  Did You Want to Tell Me something? 你想告訴我什么嗎?

  They want good jobs. 她們想要好的工作。

  The house wants painting. 房子需要油漆了。

  6. war n. 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng);沖突

  They are at war with the country . 他們與那個(gè)國(guó)家在交戰(zhàn)。

  World War II = the Second World War 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)

  7. warm adj.溫暖的;暖和的;熱烈的;親切的

  It is getting warmer day by day. 天氣一天比一天暖和起來(lái)了。

  We received a warm welcome. 我們受到熱烈的歡迎。

  warm-hearted 熱心的

  warmly adv. 溫暖地;熱烈地

  8. warn v. 警告;提醒

  He warned me not to go there. = He warned me against going there. 他警告我不要去那里。

  I warned him that it was dangerous. 我警告他那是危險(xiǎn)的。

  9. wash v.洗;洗滌

  10. waste v.浪費(fèi);揮霍 n. 浪費(fèi);濫用;廢料;廢物

  Hurry up, we are wasting time. 快點(diǎn)吧,我們別再浪費(fèi)時(shí)間了。

  It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。

  11. watch v.注視;觀看 n.手表

  watch a game 觀看一場(chǎng)比賽

  watch out 戒備,提醒,小心

  I watched him come/coming out of the bank. 我看著他從銀行出來(lái)了/正從銀行出來(lái)。

  on watch 值班

  12. water n. 水 v. 澆水

  by water 乘船;由水路

  water the flower 澆花

  13. watermelon n. 西瓜

  a slice of watermelon 一塊西瓜

  14. way n. 道;路;手段;方法;方式

  This way, please. 請(qǐng)這邊走。

  Do it (in) this way. 照這樣做。

  There are many ways to do (of doing) it. 做這件事有許多方法。

  all the way 一路上

  He ran all the way to school. 他一路跑到學(xué)校。

  by the way 順便提起

  in a way 從某個(gè)角度

  in the (one’s) way 防礙

  on the (one’s) way 在途中

  the way to 去…...的路

  15. we pron. 我們;咱們

  16. weak adj. 弱的

  be weak in 在某方面有欠缺

  in a weak voice 用虛弱的聲音

  17. wealth n.財(cái)富

  a man of great wealth 大富翁

  wealthy adj. 富有的

  18. wear (wore, worn) v.穿戴;蓄留

  I always wear brown shoes. 我總是穿棕色的鞋。

  He wears a beard. 他留胡子。

  wear out adj. 穿壞;精疲力竭

  He has worn out his shoes. 他的鞋穿壞了。

  He is worn out. 他精疲力竭。

  19. weather n.天氣;氣象

  What’s the weather like today? 今天天氣怎么樣?

  weather forecast 天氣預(yù)報(bào)

  20. Wednesday n.星期三

  21. week n. 星期;周

  this week 本星期

  weekday n.工作日

  What did you do on weekdays ? 你工作日做什么?

  weekend n.周末

  22. weigh v. 稱...…重量;測(cè)出重量

  He weighed himself on the scale. 他在磅秤上量體重。

  How much do you weigh ? 你體重多少?

  weight n.重力;重量

  What is your weight ? 你體重多少?

  23. welcome adj.受歡迎的 v. 歡迎

  You are welcome.不用謝

  Welcome to China ! 歡迎到中國(guó)來(lái)!

  24. well adv. (better\ best)好;很好 adj.(better\ best) 健康的

  as well 也

  He takes a walk after supper as well. 他晚飯后也散步。

  as well as 和……同樣好

  He speaks English as well as I.他英語(yǔ)講得和我一樣好。

  You look well. 你氣色很好。

  25. west n.西;西方 adj. 西方的

  26. wet adj. (wetter / wettest )濕的

  27. whale n.鯨

  28. what pron.什么 ad. 什么;多么

  what…for ? 為何......?

  What did you go there for ? 你為何去那里?

  what if… ? 如果…...該怎么辦?

  What if I don’t know anyone ? 如果我不認(rèn)識(shí)任何人怎么辦?

  What color is it ? 它是什么顏色?

  What a tall tree! 多么高的樹(shù)啊!

  29. whatever conj./pron.不管什么

  Whatever happens, I will go. = No matter what happens, I will go.不管發(fā)生什么,我都要去。

  30. wheat n.小麥

  31. wheel n. 輪子;機(jī)輪

  A bicycle has two wheels. 自行車有兩個(gè)車輪。

  32. when conj. 當(dāng)...…時(shí) adv.什么時(shí)候

  When I was a boy, I was weak. 當(dāng)我小的時(shí)候,身體不好。

  When will he arrive ? 他什么時(shí)候會(huì)到?

  33. whenever conj. 無(wú)論什么時(shí)候

  You may come whenever you come 你無(wú)論什么時(shí)候來(lái)都可以。

  34. where adv. 在哪里;到哪里 conj. 在...…的地方

  Where do you live ? 你住哪里?

  I like places where the weather is always warm. 我喜歡天氣暖和的地方。

  35. whether conj. 是否

  I asked him whether he would come. 我問(wèn)他是否要來(lái)。

  36. which adj./pron. 哪一個(gè);哪一些 conj. ...…的那個(gè)/那些

  37. while conj.當(dāng)...…時(shí);雖然;然而 n. 一會(huì)兒

  While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2.


  You like tennis, while I'd rather read. 你愛(ài)打網(wǎng)球,但我愛(ài)看書(shū)。

  after a while 過(guò)了一會(huì)兒

  38. white adj. 白色的;雪白的 n. 白色

  She was dressed in white. 她穿白衣服。

  39. who pron./pron. 誰(shuí);什么人

  Who is that man? 那人是誰(shuí)?

  a man who wants to see you 那個(gè)要見(jiàn)你的人

  40. whole adj. 整個(gè)的;全部的 n. 整體;全部

  They told me the whole story. 他們給我講了整個(gè)的故事。

  the whole of that area 整個(gè)那個(gè)地區(qū)

  41. whom pron.誰(shuí)(who 的賓格,在口語(yǔ)中常用 who 代替)

  the man with whom she talked 跟她說(shuō)話的那個(gè)人

  42. whose adj./pron. 誰(shuí)的;那人的;那些人的

  Whose is this? 這是誰(shuí)的?

  Whose bicycle is this? 這是誰(shuí)的自行車?

  43. why adv. 為什么 conj. 為什么;...…的理由

  Why did you do it? 你為什么這樣做?

  Do you know why he was late? 你知道他為什么遲到嗎?

  44. wide adj. 寬的;廣闊的;廣泛的

  wide interests 廣泛的興趣

  wide knowledge 廣博的知識(shí)

  45. wife n.妻子 (wives )

  46. will n. 意志;決心 aux. 將;愿意;必須

  47. win v.獲勝,贏得

  Who won the race? I won but David came second.


  48. wind n. 風(fēng)

  A cold wind blew from northwest. 冷風(fēng)從西北方向吹來(lái)。

  49. window n. 窗;窗戶

  Please shut the window. 請(qǐng)關(guān)上窗戶。

  50. windy adj.多風(fēng)的;大風(fēng)的

  It is windy today.今天多風(fēng)。

  51. wine n. 葡萄酒;果酒

  Wine is made from grapes. 這果酒是由葡萄制成的。

  52. wing n. 翅;翼

  The bird spread its wings. 那鳥(niǎo)展開(kāi)它的翅膀。

  53. winner n. 得勝者

  Who was the winner ? 誰(shuí)是勝利者?

  54. winter n. 冬天;冬季

  55. wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的

  56. wish v. 希望;(常與for連用)想要;n. 愿望

  I wish you a very happy future. 祝你一生幸福。

  I wish I were a cat. 我希望我是一只貓。

  You have everything you could wish for. 你想要的已經(jīng)全有了。

  57. with prep. 和,伴隨著,用,帶有,具有,在......身邊

  talk with a friend 與朋友談話.

  change with the temperature 隨著溫度而變化

  cut meat with a knife 用刀割肉

  tea with sugar 加糖的茶水

  a country with a long history 歷史悠久的國(guó)家

  Take an umbrella with you. 隨身帶把傘去。

  with smile 面帶微笑地

  sleep with the window open 開(kāi)著窗睡覺(jué)

  58. without prep.沒(méi)有(帶);不

  go out without a coat 沒(méi)穿大衣出去

  59. wolf n. 狼

  60. woman n. 成年女子;婦女

  Women’s Day 婦女節(jié)

  61. wonder n.驚奇;驚嘆 (常與at, that連用)覺(jué)得奇怪;驚奇;納悶;想知道

  I wonder at his rudeness. 我對(duì)他的粗魯感到奇怪。

  I wonder why James is always late for school. 我想知道為什么詹姆斯上學(xué)總是遲到。

  62. wonderful adj.非凡的;精彩的

  63. wood n. 木;木頭;樹(shù)林(常用復(fù)數(shù))

  The chair is made of wood. 這個(gè)椅子是由木頭做的。

  He went for a walk in the woods. 他到樹(shù)林里去散步。

  64. wooden adj.木制的;木頭似的

  The room is full of wooden furniture. 那個(gè)房間擠滿了木制家具。

  65. word n.詞;單詞 ;話; 消息;承諾

  Tell me in your own words. 用你自己的話告訴我。

  'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. '我一句也聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)了!'我憤怒地說(shuō)。

  No word has come from the battle front. 前線還沒(méi)有消息傳來(lái)。

  The boy kept his word. 那孩子信守諾言。

  66. work v. 工作 n.工作;作品

  They work from morning till night. 他們從早到晚工作。

  work out 解答,計(jì)算出

  Though we thought it over, we still couldn’t work it out.


  the works of Shakerspeare 莎士比亞的作品

  at work 在工作

  At this time of day,my parents are both at work.


  out of work 失業(yè)

  Lots of people are out of work in the USA today.如今在美國(guó)有很多人失業(yè)。

  worker n.工人;工作者

  a factory worker 工廠工人

  67. world n.世界;...…界

  This car is used all over the world. 這種小汽車全世界都使用。

  the scientific world 科學(xué)界

  68. worry v.擔(dān)心;憂虎

  Don’t worry if you can’t finish it. 你做不完也不必?fù)?dān)心。

  worry about 擔(dān)心

  Don’t worry about that thing. 別為那事發(fā)愁。

  worried adj. 發(fā)愁的

  be worried about one’s job 為某人的工作擔(dān)心

  worth adj.值…...錢; 值得(做某事)

  Our house is worth about 60 000 pounds. 我們的房子約值60 000英鎊。

  The book is worth reading.= It is worth reading the book. 這本書(shū)值得一讀。

  69. would aux. 將要(will的過(guò)去式);愿意

  Would you (please) tell me the way ? 可否請(qǐng)教你告訴我怎么走?

  He said that he would go. 他說(shuō)他要過(guò)去。

  would like 想要

  70. wound n. 傷;創(chuàng)傷 v. 傷;創(chuàng)傷

  The wound was healing slowly. 傷口慢慢愈合了。

  The guard was wounded in the leg. 護(hù)衛(wèi)員腿部受了傷。

  71. write (wrote, written) v.寫;書(shū)寫

  He sometimes writes for newspapers. 他偶爾替報(bào)社寫文章。

  I’ll write you a letter. = I’ll write a letter to you. = I’ll write to you. 我會(huì)寫信給你的。

  write down 記下;寫下

  write to… 寫信給...…

  writing n. 筆跡;書(shū)法

  I can never read your writing. 我怎么也看不懂你的筆跡。

  72. wrong adj. 錯(cuò)誤的

  He took the wrong train. 他搭錯(cuò)了火車。

  Something is wrong with my bike. 我的自行車壞了?

  What’s wrong with you ? 你怎么了?



  You like tennis, while I'd rather read. 你愛(ài)打網(wǎng)球,但我愛(ài)看書(shū)。

  after a while 過(guò)了一會(huì)兒

  38. white adj. 白色的;雪白的 n. 白色

  She was dressed in white. 她穿白衣服。

  39. who pron./pron. 誰(shuí);什么人

  Who is that man? 那人是誰(shuí)?

  a man who wants to see you 那個(gè)要見(jiàn)你的人

  40. whole adj. 整個(gè)的;全部的 n. 整體;全部

  They told me the whole story. 他們給我講了整個(gè)的故事。

  the whole of that area 整個(gè)那個(gè)地區(qū)

  41. whom pron.誰(shuí)(who 的賓格,在口語(yǔ)中常用 who 代替)

  the man with whom she talked 跟她說(shuō)話的那個(gè)人

  42. whose adj./pron. 誰(shuí)的;那人的;那些人的

  Whose is this? 這是誰(shuí)的?

  Whose bicycle is this? 這是誰(shuí)的自行車?

  43. why adv. 為什么 conj. 為什么;...…的理由

  Why did you do it? 你為什么這樣做?

  Do you know why he was late? 你知道他為什么遲到嗎?

  44. wide adj. 寬的;廣闊的;廣泛的

  wide interests 廣泛的興趣

  wide knowledge 廣博的知識(shí)

  45. wife n.妻子 (wives )

  46. will n. 意志;決心 aux. 將;愿意;必須

  47. win v.獲勝,贏得

  Who won the race? I won but David came second.


  48. wind n. 風(fēng)

  A cold wind blew from northwest. 冷風(fēng)從西北方向吹來(lái)。

  49. window n. 窗;窗戶

  Please shut the window. 請(qǐng)關(guān)上窗戶。

  50. windy adj.多風(fēng)的;大風(fēng)的

  It is windy today.今天多風(fēng)。

  51. wine n. 葡萄酒;果酒

  Wine is made from grapes. 這果酒是由葡萄制成的。

  52. wing n. 翅;翼

  The bird spread its wings. 那鳥(niǎo)展開(kāi)它的翅膀。

  53. winner n. 得勝者

  Who was the winner ? 誰(shuí)是勝利者?

  54. winter n. 冬天;冬季

  55. wise adj. 明智的;有智慧的

  56. wish v. 希望;(常與for連用)想要;n. 愿望

  I wish you a very happy future. 祝你一生幸福。

  I wish I were a cat. 我希望我是一只貓。

  You have everything you could wish for. 你想要的已經(jīng)全有了。

  57. with prep. 和,伴隨著,用,帶有,具有,在......身邊

  talk with a friend 與朋友談話.

  change with the temperature 隨著溫度而變化

  cut meat with a knife 用刀割肉

  tea with sugar 加糖的茶水

  a country with a long history 歷史悠久的國(guó)家

  Take an umbrella with you. 隨身帶把傘去。

  with smile 面帶微笑地

  sleep with the window open 開(kāi)著窗睡覺(jué)

  58. without prep.沒(méi)有(帶);不

  go out without a coat 沒(méi)穿大衣出去

  59. wolf n. 狼

  60. woman n. 成年女子;婦女

  Women’s Day 婦女節(jié)

  61. wonder n.驚奇;驚嘆 (常與at, that連用)覺(jué)得奇怪;驚奇;納悶;想知道

  I wonder at his rudeness. 我對(duì)他的粗魯感到奇怪。

  I wonder why James is always late for school. 我想知道為什么詹姆斯上學(xué)總是遲到。

  62. wonderful adj.非凡的;精彩的

  63. wood n. 木;木頭;樹(shù)林(常用復(fù)數(shù))

  The chair is made of wood. 這個(gè)椅子是由木頭做的。

  He went for a walk in the woods. 他到樹(shù)林里去散步。

  64. wooden adj.木制的;木頭似的

  The room is full of wooden furniture. 那個(gè)房間擠滿了木制家具。

  65. word n.詞;單詞 ;話; 消息;承諾

  Tell me in your own words. 用你自己的話告訴我。

  'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. '我一句也聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)了!'我憤怒地說(shuō)。

  No word has come from the battle front. 前線還沒(méi)有消息傳來(lái)。

  The boy kept his word. 那孩子信守諾言。

  66. work v. 工作 n.工作;作品

  They work from morning till night. 他們從早到晚工作。

  work out 解答,計(jì)算出

  Though we thought it over, we still couldn’t work it out.


  the works of Shakerspeare 莎士比亞的作品

  at work 在工作

  At this time of day,my parents are both at work.


  out of work 失業(yè)

  Lots of people are out of work in the USA today.如今在美國(guó)有很多人失業(yè)。

  worker n.工人;工作者

  a factory worker 工廠工人

  67. world n.世界;...…界

  This car is used all over the world. 這種小汽車全世界都使用。

  the scientific world 科學(xué)界

  68. worry v.擔(dān)心;憂虎

  Don’t worry if you can’t finish it. 你做不完也不必?fù)?dān)心。

  worry about 擔(dān)心

  Don’t worry about that thing. 別為那事發(fā)愁。

  worried adj. 發(fā)愁的

  be worried about one’s job 為某人的工作擔(dān)心

  worth adj.值…...錢; 值得(做某事)

  Our house is worth about 60 000 pounds. 我們的房子約值60 000英鎊。

  The book is worth reading.= It is worth reading the book. 這本書(shū)值得一讀。

  69. would aux. 將要(will的過(guò)去式);愿意

  Would you (please) tell me the way ? 可否請(qǐng)教你告訴我怎么走?

  He said that he would go. 他說(shuō)他要過(guò)去。

  would like 想要

  70. wound n. 傷;創(chuàng)傷 v. 傷;創(chuàng)傷

  The wound was healing slowly. 傷口慢慢愈合了。

  The guard was wounded in the leg. 護(hù)衛(wèi)員腿部受了傷。

  71. write (wrote, written) v.寫;書(shū)寫

  He sometimes writes for newspapers. 他偶爾替報(bào)社寫文章。

  I’ll write you a letter. = I’ll write a letter to you. = I’ll write to you. 我會(huì)寫信給你的。

  write down 記下;寫下

  write to… 寫信給...…

  writing n. 筆跡;書(shū)法

  I can never read your writing. 我怎么也看不懂你的筆跡。

  72. wrong adj. 錯(cuò)誤的

  He took the wrong train. 他搭錯(cuò)了火車。

  Something is wrong with my bike. 我的自行車壞了?

  What’s wrong with you ? 你怎么了?