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大帝親筆 我如電影般夢(mèng)幻的人生

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大帝親筆 我如電影般夢(mèng)幻的人生




  I swear to God, my life is a movie.


  It's a movie.


  I know corny dudes are always saying that becausethey bought like an SUV or whatever, but I swear Ican say it for real. I'll prove it to you like this...


  This is a real story. Hand to God. When I came over from Cameroon at 16, I didn't know anyEnglish, didn't know a single person in America, didn't really understand the culture exceptfor like basic hip-hop. And I know people sort of know my story, but I don't think they reallyunderstand how crazy it is. Because I had just started playing basketball literally — literally — three months before I got an offer to come play high school ball in Florida.


  I could dunk, but I had no handle.


  So I went to the practice on the first day, and I was so bad that the coach kicked me out of thegym. I didn't know what I was doing. I was so skinny, so soft. But the worst part was that allmy own teammates were seriously pointing and laughing at me, like the asshole kids in themovies about high school. It was crazy. I'm looking at these dudes, not really understandingwhat they're even saying, like, Damn guys, come on, let's just trust the process here.


  And they're just like, "LOL NAH YOU SUCK."


  Man, I went back to my dorm and cried. I was like, This is crazy. What am I even doing here? Ican't play. I'm going home.


  But then I was sitting in my room listening to Lil Wayne or something, in my feelings, thinkingabout these dudes making fun of me, and suddenly my competitive side took over. I gotreally, really motivated. Whenever people say I can't do something, I actually love it. It makesme want to prove them wrong so bad. So I said to myself, Alright, I'm literally just going towork and work in the gym until I'm good. KOBE.

  但很快我就坐起來(lái)聽(tīng)著Lil Wayne,或是其他。想想那些家伙取笑我,突然我的好勝心又回來(lái)了,這一切,真的讓我動(dòng)力十足,每當(dāng)有人對(duì)我說(shuō)不行的時(shí)候,我真的愛(ài)死了這個(gè)感覺(jué),它讓我想去證明這些人錯(cuò)的如此離譜,所以,我對(duì)自己說(shuō),我會(huì)在體育場(chǎng)一塊一塊的打磨自己,直到我變得所向披靡,科比。

  I got better and better, especially around the rim, but I still couldn't shoot. So I startedworking out with one of my teammates, Michael Frazier II. Remember him? This dude was ashooter. Like, killing it. He hit 11 threes in a game once for Florida. So after practice, I'd dothese three-point drills with him, and of course, he's smashing me. I have no form, nofundamentals. I'm jacking shit up. But I just can't take losing to this dude every day. I'm socompetitive that I'm like, I gotta beat this guy. I gotta find a way.


  So I'm chilling one night, and I go on YouTube, and I'm thinking I'm about to figure thisshooting thing out.


  I go to the search box like...










  Then the light bulb went off, man. I typed in the magic words.




  Listen, I know it's a stereotype, but have you ever seen a normal, 30-year-old white guy shoota three-pointer? That elbow is tucked, man. The knees are bent. The follow-through is perfect. Always. You know how in America, there's always an older guy wearing like EVERLAST sweat-shorts at the court? That guy is always a problem. His J is always wet.


  Those are the guys I learned from on YouTube. Just random people shooting threes withperfect form. Me and Michael would play after practice for hours, and I'd just try to imitate howthey shot the ball, and I started being able to compete. It was crazy, because getting somerange changed my whole game. Teams couldn't play off me anymore, and I started doing a lotbetter.


  I know people are going to think I'm exaggerating, but that's a real story. I didn't even reallyknow who J.J. Redick was at that point. I barely knew anything about the NBA because I couldnever watch it in Cameroon. And no, I don't mean that like we were too poor and we didn'thave a TV. We had a TV. We had a pretty normal life. Americans have crazy ideas about Africa, like its all one big country.


  No, the reason I couldn't watch the NBA is because my mom was super, super strict aboutschool. She didn't play around. I could never stay up to watch the games. Every single day itwas: Wake up, eat, go to school from seven to five, run home and take a nap, wake up and eatdinner, then study until like midnight. I'm telling you — school is too easy in America, man. InCameroon, it's crazy. Elementary school is like college. I didn't even have any friends becauseall I ever did was sleep and do homework.


  I remember when Cameroon had the Golden Generation at the 2002 World Cup, I was eightyears old, so I was begging my mom and dad to let me play soccer. But they weren't having it. So when I got to be older, I got a little more rebellious, and I'd sneak out of the house to play.


  There was like an hour window after school when my mom wasn't home yet, and the soccer fieldwas right next to our house, so I had this whole scheme. I'd run home after school and put mybookbag by the kitchen table and then I'd open up a science book or whatever. And I'd havethat thing all highlighted and everything, like I was really grinding.


  Papers and pens everywhere. Then once that was all set up, I'd run back out to the field. Iliterally got so good that I could hear the specific sound of my mom's car coming down thestreet. If I was at the other end of the field and I was too far away, whoever was playing keeperwould see her car coming and be yelling like, "Joel! Joellllllllllll! Your mom's coming, bro! Run!


  And I'd sprint into the back of our house, hide my shoes and sit down at the table, likesweating. Like I was thinking so hard about science that I was about to pass out. I had like 25 seconds before my mom parked her car, took off her shoes and got inside to make sure I wasstudying.


  I'd be sitting there with a glass of juice or whatever, like, "Hello, Mom. It's me, Your Good Son."


  The first time I ever watched an NBA game was the 2009 Finals.


  Lakers vs. Magic.


  Dwight. Pau. Odom. KOBE.


  I had never seen anything like that. I was watching those dudes shoot like 100% from the floor. Everything was going in. The way they moved, and the athleticism, I thought it was the coolestthing in the world.


  I had that moment like, I just wanna do that.


  I begged my mom and dad. I begged for a year.


  My dad was like, "Nobody in Cameroon plays basketball. You can play volleyball."


  I'm like, "Yo, volleyball?"


  By that time, I had started hearing some American hip-hop on the internet, and I'd be trying tosing the words to look cool, even though I didn't know any English. I'd be walking around schoolsinging that Lil' Bow Wow and Ciara song. Remember that? All I could say in English was like "Hello, good morning," and then "I AIN'T NEVER HAD NOBODY DO ME LIKE YOU."


  That was my exposure to American culture — Bow Wow, Kanye and Kobe. Sometimes I'd go tothis court by my house where guys would play pickup, and every time I'd shoot the ball, I'dliterally yell out, "KOBE!"


  Imagine it. I'm out there shooting bricks, yelling out Kobe, on a busted hoop in Cameroon.


  Seven years later, I was playing Kobe.


  It's a movie. It's really a movie.


  Even when people hear the story, they think like, "Oh, they discovered this crazy talent inAfrica, and this guy came over and started killing it. Kansas. NBA. Boom."


  Nah. You don't even understand.


  When I was 16, Luc Mbah a Moute invited me to come to the basketball camp that he puts onevery summer in Cameroon, and the only reason was because I was like 6 foot 10. I was sonervous that I didn't even show up the first day. The second day, I showed up, they put me inthe game and I dunked on somebody.


  I think I was so scared that my adrenaline took over or something.


  Straight away, first game. And I mean — not just dunked. Dunked on somebody.


  I was like, OH SHIT.


  I mean, I was still terrible, but it was enough. They could see something in me. I got a spot atthe Basketball Without Borders camp in South Africa. Two months later, I was on a plane toFlorida to go to high school in America.


  A year later, I committed to Kansas.


  I didn't even know what March Madness was. I didn't know who the good teams were. The onlyreason I chose Kansas was because Luc told me, "Kansas is the best. You should go to Kansas."


  So I went to Kansas.


  And this is another true story ... hand to God.


  My very first scrimmage at Kansas, I got dunked on so hard by Tarik Black that I almost quit. Tarik dunked on me so hard that I was looking at plane tickets home. This guy was a senior. He was a grown man. I didn't know what was going on. He got his own rebound and dunkedover me so hard that everything went in slow motion.

  在堪薩斯大學(xué)的第一場(chǎng)比賽中,我就遭到了塔里克·布萊克(司職中鋒,效力于休斯頓火箭)狠狠地暴扣,我差點(diǎn)因此而放棄籃球了。 塔里克惡狠狠地隔扣了我,以至于賽后,我就在看回家的機(jī)票了。這家伙是大四學(xué)生,是個(gè)身強(qiáng)體壯的成年人。我不知道接下來(lái)會(huì)發(fā)生什么事。他一次又一次地?fù)尩竭M(jìn)攻籃板,并且在我頭頂上將球重重地扣進(jìn)籃框,當(dāng)時(shí)的我覺(jué)得一切都像電影里的慢鏡頭一樣真真切切。

  He dunked the ball off my head, for real. But I didn't even tell you the worst part. The worstpart was that the entire Kansas women's hoops team was sitting in the bleachers watching thescrimmage. The whole gym was laughing at me. It was crazy. Seriously, it was like aWORLDSTAR situation.


  So I went straight to Bill Self's office afterward and I said, "I can't do this. You have to redshirtme. I can't play with these guys."


  And Bill was like, "What? Are you serious? In two years, you're going to be the No. 1 pick in theNBA draft."


  The thing was, I had been told that all these college coaches lie. So I really thought he wastrying to be slick with me. In my head, I was like, Alright, I'm just going to keep showing upand at least I'll get a degree out of this. That will make my mom happy.


  The only thing that kept me going was the way that I was raised by my parents. They alwaystold us to keep working, no matter what. I had this DVD that my coach in Cameroon hadmailed to me when I first came to America. It was an hour-long tape of Hakeem Olajuwon andsome other legendary big men. I probably watched that DVD every single day for three years. Iwould study the way Hakeem moved, and I would go out and try to imitate him.


  I did it in high school, and I did it at Kansas.


  I was basically just imagining that I was a good basketball player. The power of the mind is kindof amazing. I mean, I sucked. But somehow, I convinced myself that I was Hakeem. And Istarted getting better and better. And then I sort of started killing it.


  I pretended my way to the NBA. I seriously got to the league by watching YouTube and living inthe gym. There's no other way to explain it. Remember when KG won the title with the Celtics, and he was acting all crazy, screaming out, "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  That speaks to me. That's my life. It happened so fast that it doesn't even make sense.


  The most surreal moment was when Kobe was retiring, and he played his last game in Philly. After the game, they set up a little room for us to talk for a minute. He walked in, and I shookhis hand and I told him, "Man, I know you probably hear this a lot, but I literally started playingbasketball because of you seven years ago. Whenever I'd be shooting the ball at the park, I'd beyelling out, ‘KOBEEEEEE!' "


  He laughed and we talked for a minute, and then before he left he said the most Kobe thing. Tomost people, it wouldn't mean anything. But to me, it was surreal. It was like I was in a videogame or something.


  He said, in the most Kobe way, "O.K., young fella. Keep working. Keep working."


  Thank you, Kobe. Thank you, Hakeem. Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Kansas. Thankyou, Philly. Thank you, Lil' Bow Wow. Thank you, Random White People.


  It's a movie, I swear.






