
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 專業(yè)英語 > 醫(yī)學英語 > 英語基礎藥物的單詞


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  1.tablet n. 藥片

  Please take two tablets three times a day after meal.


  2. tarry adj. (大便)柏油狀的

  The symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding include heartburn, stomachache,black, tarry bowel movements and other clinical manifestations.


  3. taste n. & v. 味道;發(fā)出味道

  My sense of taste isn’t very good; I have a cold.


  4. tear n. 眼淚

  Dehydration can result in dry mucous membranes, decreased sweat, saliva and tears.


  5. temperature n. 溫度

  basic body temperature 基礎體溫

  normal temperature 正常體溫

  6. tendency n. 傾向

  The experts investigated the incidence tendency of infectious diseases in Shanghai from 2004 to 2007.


  7. tender adj. 觸痛的;嫩的

  Liver is tender and enlarged.


  8. tendon n. 腱

  A ruptured tendon 撕裂的跟腱

  9. terminal adj. 晚期的

  terminal stage of cancer癌癥晚期

  10. test n. & v. 試驗;檢驗;考驗

  early pregnancy test 早孕測試

  11. therapist n. 治療學家

  physical therapist 理療師

  radiation therapist 放射治療師

  speech therapist 語言治療師

  12. therapy n. 治療,療法

  antibiotic therapy 抗生素療法

  inhalation therapy 吸入療法

  13. thermometer n. 體溫計

  oral thermometer 口腔體溫計

  axilla thermometer腋窩溫度計

  14.thigh n. 大腿

  The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.


  15. thirsty adj. 渴的

  Insensible thirst 不顯性渴感

  16. thoracic adj. 胸的

  thoracic vertebrae 胸椎

  thoracic cavity 胸腔

  17. thorax n. 胸,胸腔

  barrel-shaped thorax 桶狀胸

  18 .throat n. 咽喉,嗓音

  sore throat 咽喉痛

  to clear one’s throat 清清喉嚨

  19. thumb n. 拇指

  Thumb up! 很棒!加油!

  20. thyroid n 甲狀腺

  thyroid cancer 甲狀腺癌

  thyroid nodule 甲狀腺結(jié)節(jié)

  21. tight adj. 緊的

  It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.


  22. tissue n. 組織

  connective tissue 結(jié)締組織

  fibrous tissue 纖維組織

  23. toe n. 趾,腳趾

  from head to toe 從頭到腳

  great toe 拇趾

  24. toilet n. 廁所

  toilet paper 衛(wèi)生紙

  There are toilet facilities for the disabled.


  25. tongue n. 舌頭

  tongue depressor 壓舌板

  26. tonsil n. 扁桃腺

  tonsil of cerebellum 小腦扁桃體

  tonsillectomy 扁桃體切除術(shù)

  27. tooth decay 齬齒

  The most common and most preventable problem affecting children’s teeth is dental decay.


  28. towel n. & vt. 毛巾

  bath towels 浴巾

  two sections of paper towel 兩格紙巾

  29. toxic adj. 有毒的,中毒的

  toxic hepatitis 中毒性肝炎

  a toxic drug 毒藥

  30. toxin n. 毒素

  bacterial toxins 細菌毒素

  31. trachea n. 氣管

  tracheal intubation 氣管插管

  32. tract n. (解剖)管道

  digestive tract 消化道

  genitourinary tract 生殖泌尿道

  33. transfer n. 遷移,轉(zhuǎn)移

  The patient was transferred from ICU to neurosurgical unit.


  34. transfusion n.輸血,輸液

  autologous transfusion 自體輸血

  component transfusion 成分輸血

  35. transmit vt. 傳播

  Mosquitoes can transmit malaria


  transmission of HIV / AIDS among people

  HIV/ AIDS在人群間傳播

  36. trauma n. 外傷

  birth trauma 產(chǎn)傷

  psychic trauma 精神創(chuàng)傷

  37. traumatic adj. 外傷的,創(chuàng)傷的

  Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 創(chuàng)傷后壓力心理障礙癥

  38. tray n. 托盤

  A young nurse holds a medication tray.


  39. treat vt. 治療

  Genetic research is creating new ways for people to prevent and treat disease.


  40. treatment n. 治療

  conservative treatment 保守療法

  surgical treatment 外科療法

  41.trunk n. 軀干

  intestinal lymphatic trunk 腸淋巴干

  42. tuberculosis adj. 結(jié)核,結(jié)核病

  Intestinal tuberculosis 腸結(jié)核

  primary tuberculosis 原發(fā)性結(jié)核

  43.tumor n. 腫塊,腫瘤

  fatty tumor 脂肪廇

  benign tumor 良性腫廇

  44.ulcer n. 潰瘍

  stress ulcer 應激性潰瘍

  a gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍

  45. ultrasonic adj. 超聲波的

  ultrasonic testing 超聲測試

  ultrasonic imaging 超聲成像

  46. ultrasound n. 超聲

  ultrasound transducer 超聲傳感器

  medical ultrasound scanner 醫(yī)學超聲掃描儀

  47. unconscious adj. 不省人事,無意識的

  After she hit her head, she was unconscious for several minutes.


  48. undernourished adj. 營養(yǎng)不良的

  Surgical procedures place additional stress on undernourishedpersons.


  49. uremia n. 尿毒癥

  The kidneys work hard to remove numerous toxins from the body. When the kidneys fail, the toxins can build up and cause uremia.


  50. ureter n. 輸尿管

  Ureters carry urine from kidneys to bladder.






