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  China was one of the world's pioneers in usingcurrency.Copper coin was the main type of currencyused in ancient China.Round coins with square holesreplaced all pre-Qin currencies and became thedominant form of Chinese currency from theunification of China in the Qin Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.However,variousmonetary systems were used throughout the dynasties.Banknote first emerged in the SongDynasty,and was widely circulated in the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.Currencies developedclosely with the social,economic and political systems in each historical period.Since the Hanand Tang Dynasties,Chinese copper coins and banknote began to be copied by variousneighboring states.About the same time,foreign currencies flowed into China,stimulating thedevelopment of an international commercial economy.

  1.中國古代使用的主要貨幣類型是銅錢:該句的主干是“主要貨幣類型是銅錢”。翻譯時,可把“中國古代使用的”譯為過去分詞短語,作后罝定語。故該句譯為Cooper coin was themain type of currency used in ancient China.

  2.圓形方孔的硬幣取代了所有先秦錢幣:其中“圓形方孔”可譯為round coins with square holes,故該句整體譯為Roundcoins with square holes replaced all pre-Qincurrencies。

  3.中國錢幣的主要形式:其中“主要的”可用dominant表達,故該處整體譯為the dominant form ofChinese currency。

  4.出現(xiàn):可譯為emerge或appear,turn up,arise等。

  5.廣泛使用:即“廣泛地流通”。該處翻譯時應使用被動語態(tài),譯為was widely circulated。

  6.大約同期:可譯為About the same time。


  目前,中國年齡在18歲至30歲之間的人口數(shù)量約為2.7億,該年齡段人群智能手機(smartphone)擁有率髙達92%,遠髙于全球67%的平均水平。據統(tǒng)計,中國城鎮(zhèn)居民全年人均(percapita)可支配收入(disposable income)為24565元,平均每月2047元,工作三個月才買得起一部5288元的iPhone 5。而2012年前10個月美國實際人均可支配收人為32653.1美元,平均每月3265美元,一個月就可以買16部199美元的iPhone 5。按此計算,美國在iPhone 5的消費力方面是中國的48倍,而智能手機普及率(coverage)仍被中國超過,由此可見中國人對智能手機的巨大熱情。


  Currently,there are about 270 million people agedbetween 18 and 30 in China,and the owning rate ofsmartphone among this age group is up to 92%,farabove the global average of 67%.According tostatistics,the annual per capita disposable incomeof Chinese urban residents is 24,565 yuan,with average monthly income per capita being 2,047yuan.That means,urban residents can afford an iPhone 5 with a price of 5,288 yuan afterworking for 3 months.Whereas,during the first 10 months in 2012,actual per capita disposableincome in America is 32,653.1 dollars,with average monthly income per capita being 3,265dollars.That tells us,American people can afford 16 iPhones 5 by working only for onemonth.Calculating in this way,American people's consumptive power of iPhone 5 is 48 timesthat of Chinese people.But the coverage of smartphone in America is still surpassed byChina,from which Chinese people's great enthusiasm towards smartphone is obvious.

  1.目前:可用currently或at present表達。

  2.年齡在18歲至30歲之間的人口數(shù)量約為2.7億:可譯為there are about 270 million people aged between18 and 30。

  3.城鎮(zhèn)居民全年人均可支配收入:其中“人均”可譯為percapita,“可支配收入”可用disposable income表達。


  5.智能手機普及率仍被中國超過:“普及率”可用coverage表達,“超過”可用surpass或overtake表達,故該處譯為the coverage of smartphone is still surpassed by China。


  黃鶴樓(Yellow Crane Tower)位于湖北省武漢市蛇山(Snake Hill),享有“天下江山第一樓”之稱。它是江南最著名的塔樓之一。由于地理位置優(yōu)越,孫權將黃鶴樓建成軍隊瞭望塔(watchtower)。數(shù)百年來,其軍事用途逐漸被遺忘,而主要被當做風景如畫的景點欣賞。唐代有許多膾炙人口的詩篇贊美黃鶴樓。正是這些詩,黃鶴樓才能如此著名,吸引人們前來參觀。不同朝代,黃鶴樓有不同的建筑特色。然而,今天的黃鶴樓是基于淸朝塔樓建造的。


  Located on Snake Hill in Wuhan, Hubei Province,Yellow Crane Tower is enjoying the fame of "The FirstScenery under Heaven". It is one of the most famoustowers at the south of the Yangtze River. Due to theideal location, it was built by Sun Quan, Emperor ofWu, as a watchtower for his army. After hundreds of years,its military function was graduallyforgotten and the tower served mainly as a picturesque spot. During the Tang Dynasty, manypopular poems were written in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower. It was these poems thatmade the tower so renowned and attractive for people to visit. The tower had differentarchitectural features in different dynasties. However, the tower which stands today is based onthe one designed during the Qing Dynasty.

  1.位于湖北省武漢市蛇山:可譯為Located on Snake Hillin Wuhan,在句中作狀語,表明黃鶴摟的位置。

  2.天下江山第一樓:可譯為The First Scenery underHeaven。









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