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  The Great Wall:A Wonder in Human History


  Its construction began at 7th or 8th centuries BC,and continued now and then for over 2 000 years. The wall stretches across the vast area of north and central China,with a total length of more than 50 000km (100 000 li),reputed as “Enlivened for 2 000 years and Maneuvering for 100 000 li”.

  其建設(shè)始于公元前7或8世紀,并持續(xù)2000多年。長城橫跨中國北部和中部的廣大地區(qū),總長度超過50000公里(100 000里),被譽為“活躍2 000年和蜿蜒十萬余里”。

  Historical records show that since the Warring States Period,more than 20 lord states and imperial dynasties launched construction of defense walls,and the length would exceed 100 000 li (50 000 km),In other words, the bricks,stones,and earth are excessive for a modem highway of 10 m wide and 0.5 m thick to go around the planetfor 10 circles. That is amazingly great indeed,well worth its fame as one of the seven wonders in human history.

  歷史記錄顯示,自戰(zhàn)國時期,20多個王國和帝國王朝建設(shè)防御墻,長度將超過100000里(50 000里),換句話說,磚、石頭和土超過寬10米,厚0.5米的現(xiàn)代高速路,能繞地球10圈。這的確是令人驚訝,值得起人類歷史上七大奇跡之一的名聲。

  The Great Wall boasts serene scenery and historical value. Much of the Great Wall we see today was constructed in Ming Dynasty. After careful renovation, representative sections,such as Shanhai Pass,Juyong Pass,Badaling Section, Simatai Section, Mutianyu Section, Jiayu Pass, Gubeikou Pass and Jinshanling Section,has already become the world-renowned tourist attractions. Among them,Badaling Section,Juyong Pass,Simatai Section,Jins-hanling and Mutianyu Section are the most famous sections of the Great Wall.



  The Great Wall


  Natural Features


  From Shanhaiguan,northeast of Qinhuangdao City,Hebei Province in the east coast .the GreatWall rises and falls with the contours of the mountains westward .crossing theprovinces,municipalities and autonomous regions ofLiaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu for 6 700 kilometers,to end at Jiayuguan,southwest of Jiayu- guan City in Gansu Province.

  長城起于河北省東海岸秦皇島市東北部的山海關(guān),路跌宕起伏,順山西行,至西端甘肅省嘉峪關(guān)市西南的嘉峪關(guān),橫貫遼寧、河北、天津、北京、山西、內(nèi)蒙占、陜西、寧夏和甘肅等省、市、自治區(qū)全長約6 700公里。

  The construction of the wall be- gan during the Spring and Autumn pe- riod(770一476 BC)andV}Jarring States period(475一22l BC).Ducal states at that time built walls to defend their ownterritories. After the First Em- peror of the Qin Dynasty crushed all ri- val states,he foundedthe first central- ized and unified dynasty in Chinese history. To consolidate the country andward off invasion by ethnic minority tribes in the north,he had the walls linked andextended,giving rise to the 5 000-kilometer- long Qin Great Wall. Later dynasties fromHan(206 BC一220 AD)to Ming( 1368- 1644)kept building and improving the wall,extending itmore than 1 000 kilome- ters to today's scale. The wall stretches across the vast area of northand central China reputed as“Enlivened for 2 000 years and Maneuvering for 100 000 Ii"

  長城的修建始于春秋(公元前770年一公元前476年)、,戰(zhàn)國(公元前475年一公元前221年)。當(dāng)時的諸侯國為了保護自己的領(lǐng)地各自修建城墻以抵御外侵。秦始皇滅六國之后建立起了中國歷史上第一個央集權(quán)制的國家。為了鞏固國防和抵御北方少數(shù)民族的侵擾,秦始皇把各個國家的城墻連接起來并予以加長,形成了5 000多公里的秦長城。之后的漢朝(公元前206年一公元220年)至明朝 (1368一1644)不斷對長城進行加固、延伸,使之又增加了 1 000多公以,最終形成了長城如今的規(guī)模。長城綿延j中困北部和中部的廣人土地上,被稱為“上下兩千年,縱橫十萬里”。

  Great Wall of Han Dynasty was about 10000 km long,and it is the longest of all in history.Today,we can easily find its remains along a rough line from Xinjiang Autonomous Region toHebei Province. Silk Road went on along the wall for half of its length president of Former UnitedStates great Richard Nixon remarked on his visiting“This is the Great Wall and only a peoplewith a great past could have a with such a great wall will surely have a great great wall and sucha great people future"


  The Great Wall The walls are made comprises walls,passes,watchtowers, of large stonestrips. From east to west castles and fortresses. ,the sections at Shan-haiguan。Jinshanling,Mutianyu .Badaling and Jiayuguan have become tourist at- tradions


  The Great Wall we see today mostly dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The best- preserved andmost imposing section is at Badaling in Beijing. The section,located outside the JuyongguanPass .is made of large blue bricks and has an average height of 7. 8 meters. Five to six horsescan be ridden abreast along it. At regular intervals there is an arched door leading to the top ofthe wall. The walls are cov- ered with many lookout holes,window embrasures and castellatedcrenels. Beacon towers were also built at fixed intervals for passing on military information. Allthese indicate the important role of the Great Wall in military defense.


  As one of the most magnificent ancient defense works .the Great Wall is known as one of thewonders of the world. All tourists now know the saying,"You are not a real person until youhave climbed the Great Wall.”


  The Great Wall was put on the world cultural heritage list in 1987.


  Special Mention


  The format of its wall varied in accordance with the topography and defense requirements. Inplains or key passages it was built very high and solid,while relatively low and narrow on highand steep mountains to reduce the cost of money and man labor. In impossible places thewall-like mountain ridges were included in as a part,termed as“steep mountain wall”,or cutinto cliffs as part of it, termed as“cut mountain wall".


  In places like Juyong Pass,Badaling,and some in provinces of Hebei, Shanxi,andGansu,the wall is usually 7一8m high,4一5m thick on top and 6- 7m at the bottom. Towardsthe inside on the top is a parapet wall about 1 m high in case of the soldiers' falling over,andthat outwards is crenellated,about 2m high. The top of this side has breaches for watch,andholes below for shooting and sto- ning. In vital sections,the top is blocked by a series ofcrossing barrier walls in case the enemy climbed up.




  The Great Wall has fascinated William Lindesay since he first saw it on a map. In 1987, theLiverpool native made his first trek along 2,470 kilometers of the landmark, and he has calledChina home ever since.

  從第一次在地圖上看到長城開始,威廉•林賽(William Lindesay)就被深深吸引。1987年,這位土生土長的利物浦人第一次沿著長城徒步行進2,470公里,之后便把家安在了中國。

  He now spends his days hiking, researching, photographing and talking about the Great Wall,as the founder of a conservation group called International Friends of the Great Wall.

  如今,作為長城保護組織國際長城之友(International Friends of the Great Wall)的創(chuàng)始人,林賽每天的工作就是徒步爬長城、做研究、攝影以及談?wù)撻L城。

  Mr. Lindesay, 55 years old, also leads weekend treks of unrestored portions from hisguesthouse near Mutianyu, about 60 miles from Beijing, often rousing hikers at 3 a.m. sothey're far enough up the mountain to see the wall as the first rays of dawn turn it golden.


  He recently sat down with The Wall Street Journal in his map-lined Beijing study, to talk aboutskirting death in the Gobi, trying to measure the wall's length and his new book, 'The GreatWall Explained.' Below are edited excerpts from the interview.

  不久前林賽在他貼滿地圖的北京書齋里接受了《華爾街日報》的采訪,講述他在戈壁荒漠里與死神擦肩而過的經(jīng)歷,講述他如何用雙腳丈量長城,還談到了他的新書《長城圖解》(The Great Wall Explained)。以下是經(jīng)過編輯的訪談?wù)洠?/p>

  The Wall Street Journal: We'll start with some of the usual questions.


  Mr. Lindesay: I hope the first one has nothing to do with the length of the Great Wall. That'sthe biggest headache.


  OK, how long is it?


  There are many Great Walls in China. A few years ago, the state announced that they hadsurveyed the Ming wall, which is the wall most tourists see a segment of on their trips to China.And the figure announced was 8,851 kilometers. That announcement was made in April2009, and then at the same time the State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced thatthey were asking archeological teams in each provincial region containing wall to go out andmeasure it.

  林賽:在中國有很多處長城。幾年前,中國宣布勘測了明長城,就是大部分游客來中國旅行時會游覽的一段長城。官方宣布的數(shù)據(jù)是8,851公里。這個結(jié)果發(fā)布于2009年4月,同時中國國家文物局(StateAdministration of Cultural Heritage)也宣布,他們在發(fā)動長城沿線各省的考古小組走出去勘測長城。

  In June, the survey was complete, and the figure was 21,196 kilometers…I called some of mywall-researching colleagues. They also felt a little bit confused, so we kind of put our headstogether. The 21,196 is a measurement of all the visible Great Walls on the land of China asthey stand now. That takes into account scant remains, which would be ankle-high, to grandthings that you do want to take a photograph of and explore. And then if we subtract 8,851,the length of Ming wall, we get 12,345 as the length of the pre-Ming walls.

  當(dāng)年6月,勘測結(jié)束,結(jié)果是21,196公里……我打電話給我研究長城的同事,通報了這一結(jié)果。他們也感到有些不解,所以我們集思廣益,認為21,196公里是中國大地上現(xiàn)存所有可見的長城遺跡的總長度。這包括那些很不起眼的遺跡,可能只有腳踝那么高,也包括那些你想拍下來并探索一番的宏偉城 。然后如果減去8,851公里,即明長城的長度,那么明以前歷代所建長城的長度就是12,345公里。

  Is that the final answer?


  Well, it's actually created more confusion around the world and soured some internationalrelations, because despite talking to several journalists and giving them the insights, most ofthe headlines in the following week were along the lines of 'Great Wall Found to Be Twice theLength Originally Thought,' which is not at all the case.


  It's simply that the state looked at the Ming wall first, they looked at the pre-Ming wall second,and the two added together gives you the total length of all visible remains of the Great Wall inChina today.


  The Korean news services seized upon this news and accused China of stretching the length ofthe Great Wall like a rubber band.


  How would you answer it?


  I think it's best left at rest. The best way to appreciate the Great Wall of China is: wan li changcheng. These are four Chinese characters. 'Wan,' if you look it up in the dictionary, means10,000. 'Li' is a Chinese unit of distance equivalent to about 500 meters. 'Chang' is long;'cheng' is wall. So the direct translation of wan li chang cheng is the '10,000-li long wall.' But ifyou ask someone who's literate to translate 'wan' in that context they would say, it actuallydoesn't mean 10,000, it means endless, immeasurable. So the erudite translation of wan lichang cheng is 'the endless wall,' and in fact that is one of the opening discussions in my book.

  林賽:我覺得最好置之不理。贊賞中國長城的最佳方式是:萬里長城。這是四個中國字。如果你查字典,“萬”的意思是10,000。“里”是中國的距離單位,約等于500米。“長”就是很長;“城”就是城 。因此直譯的話,萬里長城就是“10,000里長的城 ”。但如果你讓有文化的人在這個語境中翻譯“萬”,他們會說,它并不是實指10,000,而是說無窮無盡,不可估量。所以萬里長城更有文化內(nèi)涵的譯法是“沒有盡頭的城 ”,事實上這是我新書里的一個開篇討論話題。

  Why did you write this book?


  After I made my initial Great Wall adventure in 1987, exactly 25 years ago, I saw a lot of thewall. I saw probably more of the Great Wall of China than another foreigner had for well overhalf a century, nearly a century. I really wanted to capitalize on that achievement and thatknowledge. I wanted to introduce the magnificence and the wonder and the mystery of theGreat Wall to people around the world as I discovered it.

  林賽:我1987年完成了第一次長城探險,那正好是25年前。我看到了很多城 ,可能比別的外國人在過去半個多世紀、近一個世紀看到的還多。我當(dāng)時很想充分利用那次成就和了解到的情況。我發(fā)現(xiàn)了長城,我就想把它的壯麗、非凡和神秘介紹給全世界的人。

  I was telling people the Great Wall story, and they were asking me questions. After a while Ibegan to think, the typical curious, thinking person, they may arrive in China and not knowthe difference between Mao and Ming. Anyway, I felt that most people's knowledge about theGreat Wall was actually very superficial, and a lot of it was completely incorrect.


  So I began to think, how can I really deliver a good engaging Great Wall story to the people Italk to? I wanted them to feel the thrill I felt without getting too bogged down and confused bythe difficult-to-pronounce Chinese names and the masses of dates, and the confusion of it all.


  There are reports that you found portions of the Great Wall outside China.


  To explain my findings of 2011, I coined a new term: 'Great Wall outside China.' Which is acompromise. It's a recognition that the structure being seen is a great wall─it's afortification built during the conflict between the nomadic people of the north and thesedentary crop-growing people of the south. But it's outside today's China.

  林賽:為解釋我在2011年的發(fā)現(xiàn),我造了一個新短語:“中國以外的長城”(Great Wall outside China)。這是一種折中的說法。我所看到的建筑物的確是長城,它是北方游牧民族和南方農(nóng)耕民族發(fā)生沖突時期修建的堡壘,但它又不在現(xiàn)在的中國境內(nèi)。

  How can they still be finding parts of the Great Wall today?


  I would rephrase it. Last year I never claimed to have discovered a section of the Great Wall. Ievidenced the existence of a section of Great Wall built by a dynasty not previously known tohave built a Great Wall.


  How did you do that?


  Thumbing through an atlas of Mongolia, I saw a symbol for what looked like the wall, but whenI checked it out in the legend, it was not the Great Wall of China. Of course, how could it be─itwas in Mongolia. It was the wall of Genghis Khan. And then eventually I looked on GoogleEarth and found this faint line crossing the south Gobi. So first of all, it's on the map, soobviously I didn't discover it. But I'm the first researcher that went there, and going there isnot easy. It's the heart of the Gobi.

  林賽:在翻看一本蒙古地圖冊的時候,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個像長城的符號,但我在圖例中查找時,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)它并不是中國長城。當(dāng)然,怎么可能是呢,它是在蒙古境內(nèi)。它是成吉思汗長城。最后我在Google Earth上發(fā)現(xiàn)了這條穿越戈壁灘南部的模糊線條。因此它本來就在地圖上,但我沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)它。不過我是第一個到達那里的研究者,而且去那里很不容易。那是戈壁灘的心臟地帶。

  Didn't you risk your life in one expedition?


  It turned out that way. Just a year before, I had made a documentary, and I wanted to takeviewers of the documentary to one of the rarest parts of the wall, dating from 110 B.C.


  We couldn't get there with vehicles, because there were dried-up watercourses, wadis, verydeep, preventing vehicle access. I was going in with a crew of filmmakers carrying equipment,and some of the members of the crew ignored my caution to take 10 bottles. It transpiredhalfway through this filming sequence that many people only set off with two or three bottlesof water, so those with the water had to share it out, and that meant everyone was short ofwater on the return trek. People started suffering from cramps, collapsing with the heat, andeventually we decided on a rescue plan: Me, my assistant and the cameraman would continueon trying to get to the road and organizing a rescue, while the others waited.


  The temperature reached 46 degrees Celsius in the late afternoon. I don't want to come thatclose to death anymore.






