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  Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers. One day, she suddenly feels a desire to communicate with the outside world. What happens to her? Please read the following story.


  The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot. On the broad, level land floor the gang plows bit deep and left the black earth shining like metal where the shares had cut. On the foothill ranches across the Salinas River, the yellow stubble fields seemed to be bathed in pale cold sunshine, but there was no sunshine in the valley now in December. The thick willow scrub along the river flamed with sharp and positive yellow leaves.


  It was a time of quiet and of waiting. The air was cold and tender. A light wind blew up from the southwest so that the farmers were mildly hopeful of a good rain before long; but fog and rain do not go together.

  這是一個安靜,叫人等待的季節(jié)。空氣涼涼的,柔柔的。從西南方向吹來一陣輕風,農(nóng)民們隱隱地感到不久會有一場及時雨,但雨和霧是不 一起來的。

  Across the river, on Henry Allen's foothill ranch there was little work to be done, for the hay was cut and stored and the orchards were plowed up to receive the rain deeply when it should come. The cattle on the higher slopes were becoming shaggy and rough-coated.


  Elisa Allen, working in her flower garden, looked down across the yard and saw Henry, her husband, talking to two men in business suits. The three of them stood by the tractor shed, each man with one foot on the side of the little Fordson. They smoked cigarettes and studied the machine as they talked.


  Elisa watched them for a moment and then went back to her work. She was thirty-five. Her face was lean and strong and her eyes were as clear as water. Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening costume, a man's black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clod-hopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets to hold the snips, the trowel and scratcher, the seeds and the knife she worked with. She wore heavy leather gloves to protect her hands while she worked.


  She was cutting down the old year's chrysanthemum stalks with a pair of short and powerful scissors. She looked down toward the men by the tractor shed now and then. Her face was eager and mature and handsome; even her work with the scissors was over-eager, over-powerful. The chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy.


  She brushed a cloud of hair out of her eyes with the back of her glove, and left a smudge of earth on her cheek in doing it. Behind her stood the neat white farm house with red geraniums close-banked around it as high as the windows. It was a hard-swept looking little house with hard-polished windows, and a clean mud-mat on the front steps.


  Elisa cast another glance toward the tractor shed. The strangers were getting into their Ford coupe. She took off a glove and put her strong fingers down into the forest of new green chrysanthemum sprouts that were growing around the old roots. She spread the leaves and looked down among the close-growing stems. No aphids were there, no sowbugs or snails or cutworms. Her terrier fingers destroyed such pests before they could get started.


  Elisa started at the sound of her husband's voice. He had come near quietly, and he leaned over the wire fence that protected her flower garden from cattle and dogs and chickens.


  "At it again," he said. "You've got a strong new crop coming." Elisa straightened her back and pulled on the gardening glove again: "Yes. They'll be strong this coming year." In her tone and on her face there was a little smugness. "You've got a gift with things," Henry observed. "Some of those yellow chrysanthemums you had this year were ten inches across. I wish you'd work out in the orchard and raise some apples that big." Her eyes sharpened. "Maybe I could do it, too. I've a gift with things, all right. My mother had it. She could stick anything in the ground and make it grow. She said it was having planters' hands that knew how to do it." "Well, it sure works with flowers," he said. "Henry, who were those men you were talking to?" "Why, sure, that's what I came to tell you. They were from the Western Meat Company. I sold those thirty head of three-year-old steers. Got nearly my own price, too."

  “又侍弄你的花兒啦,”他說,“它們今年長勢好啊。”聽到丈夫搭話,伊利莎直起身,順手把那只手套又戴上:“對,今年長勢會很好。”不管是言語中還是臉上都洋溢著得意。 “你干活兒很有一手,”亨利說,“你今年種的黃菊花中有的有十英寸那么大,真希望你去侍弄果園,也結出那么大的蘋果來。”她的眼睛一亮。“或許我也能。我的確在種植方面有一手,我媽媽也是那樣。她隨便把什么東西往地下一插,就能活。她說是因為有了莊稼人的手才知道怎么去種植。”“嗯,種花也是這樣的,”他說。“亨利,剛才同你說話的那些人是誰呀?”“啊,對了,我正要跟你說呢。他們是西部肉制品公司的。我把那三十頭三歲的菜牛賣給他們,差不多是我要的價格。”

  "Good," she said. "Good for you." "And I thought," he continued, "I thought how it's Saturday afternoon, and we might go into Salinas for dinner at a restaurant, and then to a picture show - to celebrate, you see." "Good," she repeated. "Oh, yes. That will be good." Henry put on his joking tone. "There's fights tonight. How'd you like to go to the fights?" "Oh, no," she said breathlessly. "No, I wouldn't like fights." "Just fooling, Elisa. We'll go to a movie. Let's see. It's two now. I'm going to take Scotty and bring down those steers from the hill. It'll take us maybe two hours. We'll go in town about five and have dinner at the Cominos Hotel. Like that?" "Of course I'll like it. It's good to eat away from home." "All right, then. I'll go get up a couple of horses." She said, "I'll have plenty of time to transplant some of these sets, I guess."

  “太好了,”她說,“真有你的。” “我想,”他接著說,“現(xiàn)在是周六下午,我們可以去薩利納斯的一家飯店吃頓飯,再去看場電影,慶祝一下,你看怎么樣。”“太好了,”她重復道。“真是好極了。”亨利接著開玩笑說,“今天晚上有拳擊賽,你愿意看嗎?”“不,”她緊張地說,“我可不喜歡拳擊賽。”“騙你哪,伊利莎。我們?nèi)タ措娪?。讓我想一下,現(xiàn)在是下午兩點,我去叫斯哥迪,把牛趕下山。這大概要兩個鐘頭。我們會在五點鐘到城里,去克民諾斯酒店吃晚飯。你覺得怎么樣?”“當然可以,在外面吃飯好。”“那好,我去準備幾匹馬。”“我想我會有充裕的時間把這些苗兒種上的。”伊利莎說。

  She heard her husband calling Scotty down by the barn. And a little later she saw the two men ride up the pale yellow hillside in search of the steers. There was a little square sandy bed kept for rooting the chrysanthemums. With her trowel she turned the soil over and over, and smoothed it and patted it firm. Then she dug ten parallel trenches to receive the sets. Back at the chrysanthemum bed she pulled out the little crisp shoots, trimmed off the leaves of each one with her scissors and laid it on a small orderly pile.


  A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road. Elisa looked up. The country road ran along the dense bank of willows and cottonwoods that bordered the river, and up this road came a curious vehicle, curiously drawn. It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it like the cover of a prairie schooner. It was drawn by an old bay horse and a little grey-and-white burro. A big stubble-bearded man sat between the cover flaps and drove the crawling team. Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately. Words were painted on the canvas, in clumsy, crooked letters. "Pots, pans, knives, scissors, lawn mowers. Fixed." Two rows of articles, and the triumphantly definitive "Fixed" below. The black paint had run down in little sharp points beneath each letter.

  路邊這時傳來了車輪的吱嘎聲和馬蹄的聲響。伊利莎抬起了頭。河邊上密密麻麻的柳樹和楊樹旁是條鄉(xiāng)間小路,沿著這條路來了一輛奇怪的車,走的樣子很怪。那是一輛老式的帶彈簧的四輪馬車,上面的帆布圓頂子象是拓荒者用的大篷車的頂篷。拉著它的是匹栗色的馬和一頭灰白的小毛驢。在車頂蓋的下面坐著個胡子拉碴的人,趕著這輛車往前爬行。在馬車后輪之間,一條瘦骨嶙峋的長腿雜種狗不聲不響地跟著。車蓬的上面歪歪扭扭地寫著“修理鍋、罐、刀、剪子、割草機”。修理的器皿寫了兩行,“修理”兩個字在下面,顯得很自信。寫字用的黑色顏料在每個字母下面都流成了一個 個小尖頭。

  Elisa, squatting on the ground, watched to see the crazy, loose-jointed wagon pass by. But it didn't pass. It turned into the farm road in front of her house, crooked old wheels skirling and squeaking. The rangy dog darted from between the wheels and ran ahead. Instantly the two ranch shepherds flew out at him. Then all three stopped, and with stiff and quivering tails, with taut straight legs, with ambassadorial dignity, they slowly circled, sniffing daintily. The caravan pulled up to Elisa's wire fence and stopped. Now the newcomer dog, feeling out-numbered, lowered his tail and retired under the wagon with raised hackles and bared teeth.


  The man on the wagon seat called out, "That's a bad dog in a fight when he gets started." Elisa laughed. "I see he is. How soon does he generally get started?" The man caught up her laughter and echoed it heartily. "Sometimes not for weeks and weeks,” he said. He climbed stiffly down, over the wheel. The horse and the donkey drooped like unwatered flowers. Elisa saw that he was a very big man. Although his hair and beard were greying, he did not look old. His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease. The laughter had disappeared from his face and eyes the moment his laughing voice ceased. His eyes were dark, and they were full of the brooding that gets in the eyes of teamsters and of sailors. The calloused hands he rested on the wire fence were cracked, and every crack was a black line. He took off his battered hat.

  坐在車上的男人喊道,“這條狗打架受驚時不是條好狗。”伊利莎笑道,“我看是的,它一般要多久就會受驚?”那人被伊利莎的笑聲感染,也大聲地笑了起來。“ 有時好幾周也不會,”他說。說著,他生硬地從車輪上爬下車。那匹馬和那頭毛驢耷拉著腦袋,象缺了水的花。伊利莎看得出他是個大塊頭,雖然頭發(fā)胡子都白了,卻并不顯老。襤褸的黑色西裝皺皺巴巴的,還有星星點點的油漬。笑聲一停,他眼角眉梢的笑容也頓時沒了。他雙眼烏黑,充滿憂郁,這種眼神通常只出現(xiàn)在卡車司機或水手的眼里。他放在鐵絲柵欄上的手打滿了老繭,裂著一條條黑乎乎的口子。他脫下了那頂破爛的帽子。

  "I'm off my general road, ma'am," he said. "Does this dirt road cut over across the river to the Los Angeles highway?" Elisa stood up and shoved the thick scissors in her apron pocket. "Well, yes, it does, but it winds around and then fords the river. I don't think your team could pull through the sand." He replied with some asperity, "It might surprise you what them beasts can pull through." "When they get started?" she asked. He smiled for a second. "Yes. When they get started." "Well," said Elisa, "I think you'll save time if you go back to the Salinas road and pick up the highway there." He drew a big finger down the chicken wire and made it sing. "I ain't in any hurry, ma'am. I go from Seattle to San Diego and back every year. Takes all my time. About six months each way. I aim to follow nice weather."

  “夫人,我走岔路了,”他說,“沿這條土路過河上得了去洛山磯的公路嗎?”伊利莎站了起來,把那把大剪子放到圍裙口袋里。“啊,上得了。不過,這條路要繞很遠,然后還要從水中蹚過河,我想你很難走過那片沙灘。”他粗暴地回答,“要是你知道這些家伙都走過什么樣的地方,或許會吃驚的。”“一旦它們受驚嗎?” 她問。他笑了一笑。“是的,一旦它們受驚。”“嗯,”伊利莎說,“我想,要是你拐回去到薩利納斯的路,再從那兒上公路,會省些時間。”他用一個大手指彈了一下柵欄,它響了起來。“我一點兒都不著急,夫人。我每年從西雅圖走到圣地亞哥,再回來,總是不慌不忙。一趟大概半年光景,哪兒的天氣好我就往哪兒走。”

  Elisa took off her gloves and stuffed them in the apron pocket with the scissors. She touched the under edge of her man's hat, searching for fugitive hairs. "That sounds like a nice kind of a way to live," she said. He leaned confidentially over the fence. "Maybe you noticed the writing on my wagon. I mend pots and sharpen knives and scissors. You got any of them things to do?" "Oh, no," she said quickly. "Nothing like that." Her eyes hardened with resistance. "Scissors is the worst thing," he explained. "Most people just ruin scissors trying to sharpen ‘em, but I know how. I got a special tool. It's a little bobbit kind of thing, and patented. But it sure does the trick." "No. My scissors are all sharp." "All right, then. Take a pot," he continued earnestly, "a bent pot, or a pot with a hole. I can make it like new so you don't have to buy no new ones. That's a saving for you." "No," she said shortly. "I tell you I have nothing like that for you to do."


  His face fell to an exaggerated sadness. His voice took on a whining undertone. "I ain't had a thing to do today. Maybe I won't have no supper tonight. You see I'm off my regular road. I know folks on the highway clear from Seattle to San Diego. They save their things for me to sharpen up because they know I do it so good and save them money." "I'm sorry," Elisa said irritably. "I haven't anything for you to do." His eyes left her face and fell to searching the ground. They roamed about until they came to the chrysanthemum bed where she had been working. "What's them plants, ma'am?" The irritation and resistance melted from Elisa's face. "Oh, those are chrysanthemums, giant whites and yellows. I raise them every year, bigger than anybody around here." "Kind of a long-stemmed flower? Looks like a quick puff of colored smoke?" he asked. "That's it. What a nice way to describe them." "They smell kind of nasty till you get used to them," he said. "It's a good bitter smell," she retorted, "not nasty at all." He changed his tone quickly. "I like the smell myself." "I had ten-inch blooms this year," she said.

  他的臉頓時變得一種夸張的痛苦,就連聲音也變得嗚咽了。“我今天一件活兒都沒干成,或許今晚飯都吃不上。你看我走錯了路,我認識從西雅圖到圣地亞歌沿途所有的人,他們都把那些壞的家伙放起來等我來修,因為他們知道我活兒干得好,給他們省錢。”“對不起,”伊利莎有些著惱。“我沒什么東西好讓你修。”他的目光離開了她的臉,落到了地上,四處瞥了瞥,最后停到伊利莎忙碌著的那片菊花地上。“夫人,那些是什么呀?”聽到這話,伊利莎臉上的惱怒和拒絕緩和了。“ 啊,那是菊花,巨白菊和黃菊。我每年都種,開起來比方圓左近的人種的都大。”“是一種長莖花嗎?看起來象是一朵彩色煙霧?”他問。“正是,你這樣比喻太恰當了。”“要是不習慣它的香味,聞起來有點兒難受,”他說。“那是一種好聞的苦香,”她反駁道,“一點兒也不難受。”他馬上改了口。“我就很喜歡那種香味。”“我今年有直徑十英寸那么大的花,”她說。

  The man leaned farther over the fence. "Look. I know a lady down the road a piece, has got the nicest garden you ever seen. Got nearly every kind of flower but no chrysanthemums. Last time I was mending a copper-bottom washtub for her (that's a hard job but I do it good), she said to me, 'If you ever run across some nice chrysanthemums I wish you'd try to get me a few seeds.' That's what she told me.”Elisa's eyes grew alert and eager. "She couldn't have known much about chrysanthemums. You can raise them from seed, but it's much easier to root the little sprouts you see there." "Oh," he said. "I s'pose I can't take none to her, then." "Why yes you can," Elisa cried. "I can put some in damp sand, and you can carry them right along with you. They'll take root in the pot if you keep them damp. And then she can transplant them." "She'd sure like to have some, ma'am. You say they're nice ones?" "Beautiful," she said. "Oh, beautiful." Her eyes shone. She tore off the battered hat and shook out her dark pretty hair. "I'll put them in a flower pot, and you can take them right with you. Come into the yard."

  那人又朝柵欄里邊靠了靠。“喂,我認識下面離這兒不遠的一位太太,從沒見過那么好的花園,里面幾乎什么花兒都有,就是沒有菊花。我上次給她修了一個銅底洗衣盆。那可是件棘手的活兒,不過我干得很好。她跟我說,‘如果你能碰上什么好的菊花,希望你能給我?guī)c兒種子來。’她這么跟我說。”伊利莎眼睛一亮,變得熱切起來。"她不可能知道很多關于菊花的知識。你可以下種,但插幼苗的方法更容易,就是你在那邊看到的那些。”“啊,”他叫道。“這樣的話,我估計一棵也給她帶不去了。” “為什么不能?你可以,”伊利莎大聲說,“我可以把幼苗種在濕的沙土里,你就可以隨身帶著了。只要保持沙土不干,這些幼苗就會在花盆里生根,然后她就可以移栽它們了。”“她肯定很高興有這些菊花,夫人。它們是很漂亮的菊花,對吧?”“漂亮,”她說,“啊,非常漂亮。”她的雙眼這會兒炯炯有神。她一把拉下了那頂破舊的帽子,烏黑漂亮的頭發(fā)散了開來。“我把它們栽到一個花盆里,你再帶走。到院里來吧。”

  While the man came through the picket gate Elisa ran excitedly along the geranium-bordered path to the back of the house. And she returned carrying a big red flower pot. The gloves were forgotten now. she kneeled on the ground by the starting bed and dug up the sandy soil with her fingers and scooped it into the bright new flower pot. Then she picked up the little pile of shoots she had prepared. With her strong fingers she pressed them into the sand and tamped around them with her knuckles. The man stood over her. "I'll tell you what to do," she said. "You remember so you can tell the lady." "Yes, I'll try to remember." "Well, look. These will take root in about a month. Then she must set them out, about a foot apart in good rich earth like this, see?" She lifted a handful of dark soil for him to look at. "They'll grow fast and tall. Now remember this: In July tell her to cut them down, about eight inches from the ground." "Before they bloom?" he asked. "Yes, before they bloom." Her face was tight with eagerness. "They'll grow right up again. About the last of September the buds will start."


  She stopped and seemed perplexed. "It's the budding that takes the most care," she said hesitantly. "I don't know how to tell you." She looked deep into his eyes, searchingly. Her mouth opened a little, and she seemed to be listening. "I'll try to tell you,” she said. “Did you ever hear of planting hands?" "Can't say I have, ma'am." "Well, I can only tell you what it feels like. It's when you're picking off the buds you don't want. Everything goes right down into your fingertips. You watch your fingers work. They do it themselves. You can feel how it is. They pick and pick the buds. They never make a mistake. They're with the plant. Do you see? Your fingers and the plant. You can feel that, right up your arm. They know. They never make a mistake. You can feel it. When you're like that you can't do anything wrong. Do you see that? Can you understand that?" She was kneeling on the ground looking up at him. Her breast swelled passionately. The man's eyes narrowed. He looked away self-consciously. "Maybe I know," he said. "Sometimes in the night in the wagon there -"


  Elisa's voice grew husky. She broke in on him, "I've never lived as you do, but I know what you mean. When the night is dark - why, the stars are sharp-pointed, and there's quiet. Why, you rise up and up! Every pointed star gets driven into your body. It's like that. Hot and sharp and - lovely." Kneeling there, her hand went out toward his legs in the greasy black trousers. Her hesitant fingers almost touched the cloth. Then her hand dropped to the ground. She crouched low like a fawning dog. He said, "it's nice, just like you say. Only when you don't have no dinner, it ain't." She stood up then, very straight, and her face was ashamed. She held the flower pot out to him and placed it gently in his arms. "Here. Put it in your wagon, on the seat, where you can watch it. Maybe I can find something for you to do." At the back of the house she dug in the can pile and found two old and battered aluminum saucepans. She carried them back and gave them to him. "Here, maybe you can fix these."


  She stopped and seemed perplexed. "It's the budding that takes the most care," she said hesitantly. "I don't know how to tell you." She looked deep into his eyes, searchingly. Her mouth opened a little, and she seemed to be listening. "I'll try to tell you,” she said. “Did you ever hear of planting hands?" "Can't say I have, ma'am." "Well, I can only tell you what it feels like. It's when you're picking off the buds you don't want. Everything goes right down into your fingertips. You watch your fingers work. They do it themselves. You can feel how it is. They pick and pick the buds. They never make a mistake. They're with the plant. Do you see? Your fingers and the plant. You can feel that, right up your arm. They know. They never make a mistake. You can feel it. When you're like that you can't do anything wrong. Do you see that? Can you understand that?" She was kneeling on the ground looking up at him. Her breast swelled passionately. The man's eyes narrowed. He looked away self-consciously. "Maybe I know," he said. "Sometimes in the night in the wagon there -"


  Elisa's voice grew husky. She broke in on him, "I've never lived as you do, but I know what you mean. When the night is dark - why, the stars are sharp-pointed, and there's quiet. Why, you rise up and up! Every pointed star gets driven into your body. It's like that. Hot and sharp and - lovely." Kneeling there, her hand went out toward his legs in the greasy black trousers. Her hesitant fingers almost touched the cloth. Then her hand dropped to the ground. She crouched low like a fawning dog. He said, "it's nice, just like you say. Only when you don't have no dinner, it ain't." She stood up then, very straight, and her face was ashamed. She held the flower pot out to him and placed it gently in his arms. "Here. Put it in your wagon, on the seat, where you can watch it. Maybe I can find something for you to do." At the back of the house she dug in the can pile and found two old and battered aluminum saucepans. She carried them back and gave them to him. "Here, maybe you can fix these."


  After a while she began to dress, slowly. She put on her newest underclothing and her nicest stockings and the dress which was the symbol of her prettiness. She worked carefully on her hair, penciled her eyebrows and rouged her lips. Before she was finished she heard the little thunder of hoofs and the shouts of Henry and his helper as they drove the red steers into the corral. She heard the gate bang shut and set herself for Henry's arrival. His step sounded on the porch. He entered the house calling, "Elisa, where are you?" "In my room, dressing. I'm not ready. There's hot water for your bath. Hurry up. It's getting late."


  When she heard him splashing in the tub, Elisa laid his dark suit on the bed, and shirt and socks and tie beside it. She stood his polished shoes on the floor beside the bed. Then she went to the porch and sat primly and stiffly down. She looked toward the river road where the willow-line was still yellow with frosted leaves so that under the high grey fog they seemed a thin band of sunshine. This was the only color in the grey afternoon. She sat unmoving for a long time. Her eyes blinked rarely. Henry came banging out of the door, shoving his tie inside his vest as he came. Elisa stiffened and her face grew tight. Henry stopped short and looked at her. "Why - why, Elisa. You look so nice!" "Nice? You think I look nice? What do you mean by 'nice'?"


  Henry blundered on. "I don't know. I mean you look different, strong and happy."

  "I am strong? Yes, strong. What do you mean 'strong'?" He looked bewildered. "You're playing some kind of a game," he said helplessly."It's a kind of a play. You look strong enough to break a calf over your knee, happy enough to eat it like a watermelon." For a second she lost her rigidity. "Henry! Don't talk like that. You didn't know what you said." She grew complete again. "I'm strong," she boasted. "I never knew before how strong." Henry looked down toward the tractor shed, and when he brought his eyes back to her, they were his own again. "I'll get out the car. You can put on your coat while I'm starting." Elisa went into the house. She heard him drive to the gate and idle down his motor, and then she took a long time to put on her hat. She pulled it here and pressed it there. When Henry turned the motor off she slipped into her coat and went out.


  The little roadster bounced along on the dirt road by the river, raising the birds and driving the rabbits into the brush. Two cranes flapped heavily over the willow-line and dropped into the river-bed. Far ahead on the road Elisa saw a dark speck. She knew. She tried not to look as they passed it, but her eyes would not obey. She whispered to herself sadly, "He might have thrown them off the road. That wouldn't have been much trouble, not very much. But he kept the pot," she explained. "He had to keep the pot. That's why he couldn't get them off the road." The roadster turned a bend and she saw the caravan ahead. She swung full around toward her husband so she could not see the little covered wagon and the mismatched team as the car passed them. In a moment it was over. The thing was done. She did not look back. She said loudly, to be heard above the motor, "It will be good, tonight, a good dinner."


  "Now you're changed again," Henry complained. He took one hand from the wheel and patted her knee. "I ought to take you in to dinner oftener. It would be good for both of us. We get so heavy out on the ranch." "Henry," she asked, "could we have wine at dinner?" "Sure we could. Say! That will be fine." She was silent for a while; then she said, "Henry, at those prize fights, do the men hurt each other very much?" "Sometimes a little, not often. Why?" "Well, I've read how they break noses, and blood runs down their chests. I've read how the fighting gloves get heavy and soggy with blood." He looked around at her. "What's the matter, Elisa? I didn't know you read things like that." He brought the car to a stop, then turned to the right over the Salinas River bridge. "Do any women ever go to the fights?" she asked. "Oh, sure, some. What's the matter, Elisa? Do you want to go? I don't think you'd like it, but I'll take you if you really want to go." She relaxed limply in the seat. "Oh, no. No. I don't want to go. I'm sure I don't." Her face was turned away from him. "It will be enough if we can have wine. It will be plenty." She turned up her coat collar so he could not see that she was crying weakly - like an old woman.

  “你又變了,”亨利抱怨說。他一只手離開了方向盤,拍了拍她的膝蓋。“我應該經(jīng)常帶你到城里去吃飯。這對我們都有好處,農(nóng)場上的生活太沉悶了。“亨利,” 她問,“我們吃飯時可以喝一杯嗎?”“當然可以。啊,真是太好了!” 她沉默了一會兒,又說,“亨利,拳擊賽時雙方會不會傷得很厲害?”“有時有一點,不過不常。怎么了?”“嗯,我從書上看到,他們有的把鼻子都打斷了,鮮血順著胸往下流。拳擊手套浸滿了血,濕漉漉地很沉。” 他回過頭來看著她。“伊利莎,你怎么了?我不知道你還看這些東西。” 他把車停了下來,然后向右轉,開上薩利納斯橋。“看拳擊的有女人嗎?” 她問。“啊,當然了,有一些。怎么了,伊利莎?你也想看嗎?我覺得你不會喜歡的。不過,要是你真想去看我會帶你去的。”她無精打采地坐在座位上。“哦,不,不,我不想,真不想。” 她把臉轉向了另一面。“只要有酒,就夠了。就很高興了。” 她把大衣的領子豎了起來,以免他看到自己在輕輕啜泣——象是一位老太太。

  威廉. S. 毛姆經(jīng)典散文閱讀:一種錯覺

  It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched, for they are full of the truthless ideals which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real they are bruised and wounded. It looks as if they were victims of a conspiracy; for the books they read, ideal by the necessity of selection, and the conversation of their elders, who look back upon the past through a rosy haze of forgetfulness, prepare them for an unreal life.

  They must discover for themselves that all they have read and all they have been told are lies, lies, lies; and each discovery is another nail drivens into the body on the cross of life. The strange thing is that each one who has gone through that bitter disillusionment add to it in his turn,, unconsciously, by the power within him which is stronger than himself.

