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  We recently asked netizens to tell us the best post-grad advice they've ever received. Here's what they had to say:


  1. Your major doesn't have to define who you are in life.


  "As a liberal arts degree holder, the best advice I received from my dean was that my major didn't define who I had to be in life." — Es Tee Smith, Facebook

  “作為一名文科畢業(yè)生,我從系主任那兒得到的最佳建議是:我的專業(yè)并不能決定我未來人生的方向。” ——埃斯·T·史密斯,臉書

  2. The only thing you have to be is yourself.


  "The best advice I ever received came from '90s pop god, Ethan Hawke, in Reality Bites: 'Honey, the only thing you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.'" — courtneys61

  “我收到過的最好建議來自于90年代的流行巨星伊桑·霍克,他在電影《四個畢業(yè)生》中說:“親愛的,在23歲之前,你唯一要做的就是做真實(shí)的自己。” ——courtneys61

  3. Put on your big girl pants.


  "My sassy grammy said, 'Alex, you just gotta put on your big girl pants, put on some lipstick, and accomplish your dreams. You got this baby girl. No one can hold you down. And if they try to, give them a swift kick in the ass.'" — alexandralmarth


  4. You have to jump.


  "You're going to jump alone, with no one else beside you. But you're GONNA jump. Just remember you don't jump the same as everyone else. Your timeline isn't theirs. They might land a big dream job in a month, and maybe you'll get yours a year from now, or even 10 years. But you will get there. First though, you have to jump." — MelisCapozio

  “沒有人在你身邊的時候,你需要一個人跳下去。你一定得跳。記住,你要跳得與別人不一樣。你的時間線與他們不同。他們可能一個月內(nèi)就找到了理想的工作,而你可能需要一年,甚至十年之久。但你一定會找到的。不過首先,你一定要跳。” ——MelisCapozio

  5. You're now your own personal brand. Be sure to market wisely. — Margaret Aprison, Facebook

  現(xiàn)在你就是你自己的品牌。一定要聰明地推銷自己。 ——瑪格麗特·艾普利森,臉書

  6. No one really knows what they're doing!


  "The last week of classes before graduation I had a meltdown, and my professor looked at me and said 'no one actually knows what they're doing. All of these adults you look up to, and admire, they're all making this shit up as they go. You're not all alone in this big scary world. I promise.'" — lailar

  “畢業(yè)前上最后一周課的時候,我很沮喪,我的教授看著我說:‘實(shí)際上,沒有人真正明白自己在做什么。你所敬仰并羨慕的那些成年人,他們做事情的時候也是這樣。我可以肯定地說,在這個大千世界,并不是只有你一個人充滿恐懼。’” ——lailar

  7. You are your biggest obstacle.


  " 'You are your biggest obstacle,' spoken by the best teacher/friend I've ever had. She didn't BS us but told us we are the only ones to blame if we don't like our situation." — lizv4367ed200


  8. Despite your degree, don't be above anything.


  "Even though you have a degree, you're not above doing anything. Never turn down a job because you think you're too good for it." — Sarah Marie, Facebook


  9. Embrace the now.


  "Everything is a stepping stone taking you on to bigger and better things, so embrace the 'now' and don't get too worried that you'll be stuck in one place. Those who are stuck in the same job are only stuck because they let themselves be." — Lauren Keller, Facebook

  “每件事情都是使你邁向更廣闊更美好未來的墊腳石。所以要擁抱‘當(dāng)下’,不要過于擔(dān)心你可能被困在某個地方。被某個工作困住的人,只能是因?yàn)樗麄冏栽副焕А?rdquo; ——勞倫·凱勒,臉書

  10. "Always try to make the familiar strange and the strange familiar."


  11. No matter what, save 20% of your income.


  "An older lady on a plane told me right before graduating: 'Whatever your job, whatever your salary, save 20% of your income. It's the first step to success.' Old ladies on planes always have the best advice." — jpa46b8aa91e

  “畢業(yè)前有一次乘飛機(jī),一位老奶奶告訴我:‘無論你工作好壞,無論你薪水高低,都要把收入的20%存起來。這是成功的第一步。’飛機(jī)上的老奶奶們總是有最好的建議。 ——jpa46b8aa91e

  12. Keep busy in between employment.


  "If you're having trouble landing a job straight out of school (like 99.9% of graduates these days), keep busy with things that'll add to your resume: volunteering, internships, etc. It all helps, and it shows potential employers that you've got drive!" — Jessica Thi, Facebook

  “如果你在離校后不能夠很順利地找到工作(像如今99.9%的畢業(yè)生一樣),就不斷做一些其他事情以充實(shí)你的簡歷,比如做志愿者、找實(shí)習(xí)機(jī)會等。這些都會對你未來有幫助,會使你潛在的雇主看到你很有干勁兒!” ——杰西卡·提,臉書

  13. Newtwork.


  "My graphic design professor said 'it's all about who you know, so network as much as you can!'" — carleyc48360faa9

  “我的平面設(shè)計課的教授說:‘這是個拼人脈的時代,所以你要盡你所能擴(kuò)大你的人脈網(wǎng)絡(luò)。” ——carleyc48360faa9

  14. Just apply.


  "Apply for that job, even if you think you aren't qualified or if it requires a big move you aren't sure you want to make, etc. Just apply because you never know what might happen, but if you don't apply, you definitely won't get the job." — rachelnydeng

  “只管投簡歷,即使你覺得無法勝任也沒關(guān)系,即使它要求你做很大改變而你并不確定想這么做,也沒關(guān)系。不斷投簡歷吧,因?yàn)槟阌肋h(yuǎn)不知道會發(fā)生什么;但如果你不投,你就肯定不會得到那份工作。” ——rachelnydeng

  15. There is no such thing as failure.


  "There is no such thing as failure, only learning experiences. So learn from the mistakes you make and make time for the things you love." — MelanieLocke


  16. "No matter how you spend 'em...there's 24 hours in a day." —danyelllar

  “不管你怎么過,每天都是24小時。” ——danyelllar

  17. Prove. Them. Wrong.


  ”Don’t let anybody tell you you can‘t. Prove them wrong." — Justgaby3

  “不要讓任何人有機(jī)會說你不行。向他們證明,是他們錯了。” ——Justgaby3

  18. Just breathe!


  "The best advice I have received is to just breathe! Because when your mind is a puzzle of a million pieces going in all directions, we forget even the most simple actions." — Wally Ann Wiscovitch, Facebook

  “我收到過的最好建議是深吸一口氣!因?yàn)楫?dāng)你的思維被許多不同頭緒的問題千絲萬縷地纏繞時,我們甚至?xí)涀詈唵蔚慕鉀Q辦法。” ——沃利·安·威斯克維茨,臉書