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  Most of us have struggled at some point with sleep. Whether it’s not getting enough sleepor struggling to get up in the morning, it can be difficult to get the balance just right.


  However, sleep is essential if we want to be productive in life. It provides us with theenergy we need to get stuff done!


  Here are the 10 most common sleep mistakes people make and a few tips for avoidingthem!


  1. The snooze button


  Don’t EVER hit the snoozebutton. It really is much more beneficial to just get up on yourfirst alarm. Think about it – the snooze button gives you an extra 10 minutes or so sleep. Inthe grand scheme of your day this really won’t provide you with any more energy. In-fact itdoes the opposite. Research has shown that ‘interrupted sleep’ can cause us to feel moretired.


  2. Disorganized sleeping habits


  It’s much easier to get to sleep each night (and wake up feeling refreshed) if we have aregular routine. This means going to bed at roughly the same time each night and getting upat roughly the same time each morning. If you’re disorganized with your sleeping routine, youend up interrupting your natural sleeping rhythms, which can cause insomnia and fatigue.


  3. Long naps


  Long naps can disrupt your sleeping rhythms so if you’re desperate for a nap then keep itunder the 30 minute mark (and before 4pm). Short naps after lunch can help to restore energylevels (just make sure you don’t sleep in).


  4. Caffeine/stimulants


  Don’t drink any caffeinated drinks after mid-day. Caffeine stimulatesyour body for up to 12hours after consumption so it’s important to restrict your intake later in the day. Be aware ofsupposed ‘herbal’ drinks such as green tea, which can have a high dose of caffeine. Alwayscheck the label.


  5. Stress &negative thinking


  Stress is a large reason why many people find it difficult to sleep. One of the worse thingsyou can do is be stressed before bed. Stress produces chemicals that physically stop us fromsleeping. Try and clear your mind before bed time and make an effort to think positive thoughtsthat aid sleep.


  6. Too much light


  Our bodies depend on ‘sleep signals’ to fall asleep and one of those signals is darkness.Make sure your room is as dark as possible before trying to get to sleep. Even a thin stream oflight coming in through your window can disrupt your pinealgland’s production of sleephormones and therefore disturb your sleep rhythms, so make sure your blinds are closed!


  7. Sugar before bedtime


  Sugary snacks before bedtime are a really bad idea. The sugar can disrupt the chemicals inyour body causing you to wake up during the night. Limit all late night sweet treats – if you’rehungry go for a protein based snack instead.


  8. Alcohol before bedtime


  Alcohol is a sedativeand therefore people get fooled into thinking it will help them get agood nights sleep. The reality is that it may initially induce sleep, however it usually drasticallyimpairs sleep during the second half of the night which leads to interrupted sleep patterns thatwill leave you feeling fatigued in the morning (not to mention the hangover!)


  9. TV in the bedroom


  It can be easy to fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. It’s important we don’t try andreplicatethis strategy in the bedroom though. The bedroom must only be associated withsleep. When you start to introduce mental stimulation such as a TV this can severely disruptyour sleep patterns.


  10. Worrying about sleep


  If you’ve had a few bad nights sleep, then the worst thing you can do is worry too muchabout it. When we place too much focus on sleeping this can cause anxiety and only make theproblem worse. Try to go with the flow and let your body naturally get into a healthy sleeppattern.




  Everyday health hazard 1: Lying


  Whether you’re complimenting your best friend’s unflattering hairdo or “improvising”on thecost of your new designer shoes, we all tell the odd fibfrom time to time. However, accordingto research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think. Lying can generatefeelings of stress which are damaging to your health, and a study by researchers at theUniversity of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told theysuffered from less headaches, sore throats and anxiety.


  Everyday health hazard 2: Eating at your desk


  If you’re having a busy day in work, it can be tempting to skip your lunch break and eat atyour desk. However, missing out on breaks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating whiledistracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat. Furthermore, spending your lunchhour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you toharmful bacteria. According to a study by the University of Arizona, your work station containsnearly 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat, making it a less than ideal place fordining.


  Everyday health hazard 3: Housework


  Need an excuse to put your feet up? Well, good news: research suggests that leaving thehousework for another day could give your health a boost! Research results published in theJournal of Family Psychology revealed that doing housework when you get home from workprevents levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from lowering and reduces recovery fromstress. However, stress levels for both men and women were lowered by housework beingcompleted – just so long as they weren’t the ones doing it. Look after your health by takingturns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take timeout to relax afterwards.


  Everyday health hazard 4: Using cash machines


  Withdrawing money from ATM machines is a common habit for most of us. However,cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets,and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them. Experts assessed swabs fromthe key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they bothcontained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness. To look after your health, usean antibacterialhand gel once you have made your withdrawaland after handling money.


  Everyday health hazard 5: Cancelling plans


  Find yourself frequently cancelling plans and bailing out on social events to have a bit oftime to yourself? Then it may be time to pay some attention to your social life. While a bit of‘me time’ is essential to good mental and physical health, too much time on your own canactually be bad for you. Research suggests that having strong social bonds promotes brainhealth, reduces feelings of depression and stress and encourages you to look after yourhealth. In fact, a study found that having few friends affects your longevityas much as smoking15 cigarettes a day.




  Using tablet computers like Apple’s iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Note just before bed can lead toa poor night’s sleep, according to research.

  More and more people are taking their tablets to bed with them to surf the web, checkFacebook or email before switching off the light.

  But researchers are warning that the blueish light their screens emit can stop users getting agood night’s sleep.

  That is because this type of light mimics daylight, convincing the brain that it is still daytime.

  Blue light suppresses production of a brain chemical called melatonin, which helps us fall sleep.This is because our brains have evolved to be wakeful during daylight hours.

  By contrast, light which is more orange or red in tone does not suppress melatoninproduction, perhaps because our brains recognize it as a cue that the day is ending.

  Neurologists have known for years that staring at screens late in the evening can disrupt sleep- be they television screens, computer screens or mobile phone screens.

  However, because mobiles and tablets are by nature portable - not to say addictive - morepeople are taking them into the bedroom.

  Users also tend to hold them much closer to their eyes than a computer or television screen.

  Researchers at the Lighting Research Centre, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NewYork, are warning that looking at tablet displays for more than two hours “leads to asuppression of our natural melatonin levels as the devices emit optical radiation at shortwavelengths” - in other words, they emit bluer light.

  They say: “Although turning off devices at night is the ultimate solution, it is recommendedthat if these devices are used at night displays are dimmed as much as possible and that thetime spent on them before bed should be limited.”

  They drew their conclusions after measuring melatonin levels in 13 volunteers, after they hadspent time viewing iPads at full brightness at a distance of 10 inches, for two hours.

  Melatonin levels were significantly lower after they had done this, than they were after thevolunteers had viewed their iPads for the same time, but while wearing orange glass goggles,which cut out the blue light.

  They wrote in the journal Applied Ergonomics that tablet makers could "tune the spectral powerdistribution of self-luminous devices" so that they disrupted the sleep patterns of users less.

  It is not just a good night’s sleep that could be jeopardized by too much late night screentime.

  Researchers know that persistent disruption to sleep patterns can lead to an increased risk ofobesity, and even breast cancer.

  However, these studies tend to be comparisons of those with chronic sleep disruption, suchas long term shift workers, with those who have normal sleep patterns.