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  以下是小編整理的英語文章:那些一不小心就改變歷史的婚外戀大盤點(diǎn), 希望能對(duì)大家的英語學(xué)習(xí)有幫助。

  History is filled with great, enduring love stories, from Napoleon and Josephine to Prince Edward and Wallis Simpson.Here are some of history’s most consequential trysts:

  歷史上寫滿了精彩,雋永的愛情故事。從拿破侖與約瑟芬的故事到愛德華王子與華里絲·辛普森 的故事。下面這些故事都曾對(duì)歷史進(jìn)程產(chǎn)生重大影響:

  1. Mary Godwin & Percy Bysshe Shelley


  One of the great unions of literary history began in 1814, when the 16-year-old Mary Godwin and the dreamy, but very married, 21-year-old romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley met in secret at the grave of Mary’s famous suffragette mother, Mary Wollstonecraft. There, as Mary later recounted, the two touched each other with the “full ardour of love,” an ardor that would eventually leave the aspiring writer pregnant and Shelley estranged from his wife.

  這段戀情堪稱文學(xué)史最偉大的結(jié)合之一:故事始于1814年,16歲的瑪麗·戈德溫與那位耽于幻想、卻已然成婚的21歲浪漫主義詩(shī)人雪萊在瑪麗母親的墓前秘密相會(huì)了?,旣惖哪赣H瑪麗· 沃斯通克拉夫特是當(dāng)時(shí)著名的婦女參政權(quán)論者。在那里,據(jù)瑪麗之后回憶,兩個(gè)“懷著滿心愛戀”的人兒有了肌膚之親。這份愛戀最終讓這位有抱負(fù)的女作家懷孕了,而雪萊與妻子的關(guān)系日益疏遠(yuǎn)。

  The 了Fallout: The lovers were married a few years later after Shelley’s pregnant wife drowned herself in Hyde Park, but their tumultuous partnership ended when the poet drowned a few years later. Still, it would produce some literary masterpieces, including Mary’s classic Frankenstein, which she conceived while on holiday in Switzerland with Shelley and Lord Byron in 1816.


  2. Catherine the Great & Grigory Potemkin


  Every great empress needs a counselor, military strategist, soul mate and boy toy, or, in the case of Grigory Potemkin, one man capable of wearing all of those hats. Catherine the Great first encountered the dashing Potemkin when the young commander (10 years her junior) helped the 33-year-old overthrow her disappointing husband, Czar Peter III,in 1762.


  The Fallout: The coupling produced a powerful political alliance for decades. Yet even as Potemkin’s role at court expanded, he grew more marginalized in Catherine’s bedroom, increasingly relegated to the third wheel of a ménage à trois or consigned to the role of pimp, acquiring younger male specimens for one of the most powerful women in history.

  結(jié)局:這對(duì)佳偶在數(shù)十年間組成了一對(duì)強(qiáng)勢(shì)的政治聯(lián)盟??墒?,隨著波將軍在政壇上勢(shì)力的擴(kuò)張,他在葉卡捷琳娜女皇臥室里的地位卻越來越被邊緣化,越來越變成“三角家庭(ménage à trois)里的第三者,甚至被委任為拉皮條者,為這位歷史上最有權(quán)力的女人搜集更年輕的男子。

  3. Charles Dickens & Nelly Ternan


  Even literary giants are not immune to the midlife crisis. By 1857, the 45-year-old Victorian novelist was at the height of his powers, a literary superstar — who was also married with nine children and living, by all appearances, a virtuous family life. Then he began an adulterous affair with Ellen “Nelly” Ternan, a gifted young actress in his employ who was just a year older than his 17-year-old daughter.


  The Fallout: The affair proved the best and worst of times for the writer. Dickens’s marriage fell apart, but his 13-year relationship with Nelly continued until his death, though his tireless (and successful) efforts to keep his double life a secret may have hastened his demise. Nelly is believed to have inspired the dark secrets characteristic of his later novels and several of their characters, including Estella in Great Expectations.


  4. Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn


  This historic pairing, portrayed in countless films, books and television shows, has long captured the public imagination, though the precise details of the courtship remain fuzzy.


  The Fallout: Henry’s attempt to legitimize his marriage to Anne would famously lead to England’s break from the Roman Catholic Church, while Anne’s brief stint as Henry’s second queen would lead to the birth of the future Elizabeth I and Anne’s ultimate beheading.


  5. Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton


  It seems fitting that the famous Hollywood duo met while playing another famouslydoomed couple in Cleopatra (1963). Both Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were married to others at the time but the attraction was epic and a ferocious affair ensued.


  The Fallout: The couple’s 10-year “marriage of the century” became the closest thing to reality television in the 1960s, a constant magnet for gossip and hordes of paparazzi. They would divorce in 1974, remarry the following year and divorce again shortly after that.
