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  A Magical Glow?


  Have you ever wondered why fluorescent colors, like you see in highlighters or clothing dyes, for instance, seem so much brighter than other colors?


  It’s because they seem to reflect more light than they receive! It may sound like a magic trick, but it makes sense if you think about the fact that the light you can see is only a small section of the larger spectrum of energy all around you.


  Regular, non-fluorescent colors appear to our eyes when objects absorb some wavelengths of light, and reflect others. For example, a yellow pencil looks yellow because its paint reflects the wavelength of yellow light, and absorbs the other wavelengths. Fluorescent colors also reflect or absorb colors in the visible spectrum, but that extra glow in fluorescent colors comes from energy we humans don’t see, ultraviolet light.


  Ultraviolet light, or UV, is just beyond visible violet in the spectrum. Its wavelength is too short to be visible to the naked eye, but you see it working when fluorescent colors glow! Regular dyes just absorb UV along with all the other wavelengths they don’t reflect, so you don’t see any evidence of it.


  But, fluorescent dyes contain substances that respond to UV. Some of the molecules in these fluorescent dyes are excited by UV energy, and afterwards, as the energy level within these molecules decreases, they release part of that extra energy as visible light.


  So fluorescent dyes turn invisible energy into visible light, and that’s how the magic trick works! They don’t reflect more energy than they receive, but they do reflect more visible light, converted from parts of the spectrum we can’t see.



  What Are Reflexes?


  If you’ve ever blinked at a sudden light, jerked your hand away from something hot, or jumped at a loud noise, then you know that these are not actions we consciously plan. Rather, they happen involuntarily.


  Such sudden, unconscious movements are a kind of simple neural activity known as a reflex.


  A deliberate action, such as raising a spoon to the mouth, involves consciousness. We decide to raise the spoon, then we do it. Most reflexes, however, do not involve the brain; they are fast, involuntary responses that travel over what is known as a reflex arc. A reflex arc consists of a stimulus, for example extreme heat, which creates an impulse that travels along sensory nerves and neurons to the spinal cord.

  有意的行為總是包含著意識的參與,比如要把一個勺子送到嘴邊,我們先決定拿起勺子,然后再做這個動作。但大部分的條件反射都與大腦無關,它們是快速、無意 識的反應,這種反應沿著我們所熟知的反射弧傳遞。反射弧包括某種刺激,比如人在極高的溫度下會產(chǎn)生一種神經(jīng)沖動,這種神經(jīng)沖動會沿著感覺神經(jīng)和神經(jīng)元傳 遞,最后到達脊髓。

  Once it reaches the spinal cord, the impulse is routed speedily back to the muscle originally stimulated. This process occurs almost instantaneously, before we’ve even had time to consciously register that the reflex has happened.


  Although a reflex is automatic, it can change over time, depending on the regularity of the stimulus. If a stimulus is repeated continuously, the reflex first undergoes sensitization, meaning that it increases in response.


  But if the stimulus is repeated beyond a certain point, the reflex begins to decrease until it disappears. In other words, you can tame a reflex by, for instance, hearing a sudden loud noise repeatedly until you stop jumping.






4.英語手抄報版面設計圖-English Digest 英語文摘
