
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ) > 英語(yǔ)閱讀 > 英語(yǔ)文摘 > 贊美的老師英語(yǔ)名言佳句


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  1、我們向您致以崇高的敬意!we honour you sincerely。

  2、心靈塑造的最佳工程師。the best engineers heart shape。

  3、鶴發(fā)銀絲映日月,丹心熱血沃新花。a crane silver mirror the sun steps blood new flowers。

  4、古之圣王,未有不尊師者也。the ancient holy king, no not a teacher also。

  5、堅(jiān)持啟發(fā)式,避免注入式。adhere to heuristic and avoid injection。

  6、老師像一棵大樹,為我們遮風(fēng)擋雨。the teacher like a big tree, zhefengdangyu for us。

  7、教誨如春風(fēng),師恩似海深。teachings such as spring breeze, shien deep as the sea。

  8、飲其流者懷其源,學(xué)其成時(shí)念吾師。drink the flow with a source, read my teacher when you learn it。

  9、老師就像蠟燭,燃燒自己,照亮別人。, teacher like a candle, burn yourself out to give light to others。

  10、教師的工作是激發(fā)孩子對(duì)人生無(wú)限的好奇心。the teacher's job is to inspire children infinite curiosity about life。

  11、老師,您是美的耕耘者,美的播種者。teacher, you are the ploughman beauty, the sower of beauty。

  12、博學(xué)。耐心。寬容,是教師最基本的素質(zhì)。knowledge。 be patient。 tolerance, is the most basic quality teachers。

  13、教師與畫家不同的是他要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造真善美的活人。teachers with different artists is he in order to create a good living。

  14、愿我這小溪的樂音,永遠(yuǎn)在您深邃的山谷中回響。i wish this stream music, will echo in the deep valley of you。

  15、對(duì)于您教誨的苦心,我無(wú)比感激,并將銘記于心!hard for your teachings, i am very grateful, and will be remembered!

  16、師生之間心與心的交匯之處是愛的圣地。between teachers and students of the heart and heart is where the love of the holy land。

  17、老師,感謝您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey。

  18、您教學(xué)在課堂,成就卻在祖國(guó)的四面八方。you teaching in the classroom, but in all directions of the motherland。

  19、母愛的偉大之處在于可以容納孩子最可譴責(zé)的行為。the greatness of a mother's love is that can accommodate the child's can be condemned。

  20、歲月悄悄溜走,世事變幻,恩師的表率,卻常常在我們左右。time slip away, the world changes, the first model of the teacher, often around us。

  21、老師,您是真誠(chéng)的、善良的、美好的。愿所有同學(xué)的心扉都向您敞開。teacher, you are sincere, kind, beautiful。 i hope all students hearts are open to you。

  22、您在學(xué)生的心目中,是“真的種子,善的信使,美的旗幟”。your in the mind of the students, it is "true seed, the messenger of the good, the beautiful banner"。

  23、踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心靈的每一寸,滿是對(duì)您的敬意。scour heart of every corner, stepping through the every inch of the mind, full of respect for you。

  24、一個(gè)個(gè)動(dòng)聽的音符,一顆顆跳蕩的心靈,是您讓我們的世界變得如此美妙!beautiful notes one by one, each tiaodang heart, is you let our world become so wonderful!

  25、您上天下地,像源源不斷的汩汩小溪,引領(lǐng)我們飛向浩瀚的宇宙。you aloft and, as a steady stream of gurgling streams, lead us to fly to the vast universe。

  26、教育者的關(guān)注和愛護(hù)在學(xué)生的心靈上會(huì)留下不可磨滅的印象。the attention of educators and love in the hearts of students will leave an indelible impression。

  27、老師,在今天我們身上散發(fā)的智慧光芒里,依然閃爍著您當(dāng)年點(diǎn)燃的火花!the wisdom of the teacher, today we send out light, still flashing you lit the spark!

  28、沒有您的慷慨奉獻(xiàn),哪有我收獲的今天。十二萬(wàn)分地感謝您,敬愛的老師。without your generous offer, where i harvest today。 twelve very thank you, dear teacher。

  29、我們喜歡您,老師,您不僅有淵博的知識(shí),還有一顆和我們相通的心。we love you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, have a heart and we are interlinked。

  30、我們從幼苗長(zhǎng)成大樹,卻永遠(yuǎn)是您的學(xué)生。在您花甲之年,祝您生命之樹常青。we from seedlings grow trees, but will always be your students。 when you reach, i wish you evergreen tree of life。


  1、老師,感謝您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey。

  2、您給了我們一桿生活的尺,讓我們自己天天去丈量。you gave us a ruler of life, let us every day to measure himself。

  3、老師,您是真誠(chéng)的善良的美好的。愿所有同學(xué)的心扉都向您敞開。teacher, you are a sincere kind of good。 i hope all students hearts are open to you。

  4、小學(xué)六年,您讓我從一顆小豆芽,變成一只展翅欲飛的雄鷹。elementary school six years, you let me from a small bean sprouts, into an eagle wings to fly。

  5、不計(jì)辛勤一硯寒,桃熟流丹,李熟技?xì)?,種花容易樹人難。excluding hard inkstone cold, ripe peach flow dan, li ripe technology, easier flower ents。

  6、如果我們是船,那老師就是帆,引領(lǐng)我們?cè)谥R(shí)的海洋里不斷向前。if we are the ship, the teacher is the sail, guide us forward in the ocean of knowledge。

  7、為學(xué)莫重于尊師。譚嗣同古之學(xué)者必嚴(yán)其師,師嚴(yán)然后道尊。to learn is better than a teacher。 tan sitong enforced the division of ancient scholars, yan and competent。

  8、我們喜歡您,老師,您不僅有淵博的知識(shí),還有一顆和我們相通的心。we love you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, have a heart and we are interlinked。

  9、上下五千年,縱橫十萬(wàn)里;不朽的歷史,不滅的回憶!in five thousand, up and down vertical and horizontal ten miles; the history of the immortal, eternal memory!

  10、老師,這個(gè)光彩奪目的名稱,將像一顆燦爛的明星,永遠(yuǎn)高懸在我們的胸中。the teacher, the dazzling name, will be like a bright star, always hung in our chests。

  11、陽(yáng)光普照,園丁心坎春意暖;雨露滋潤(rùn),桃李枝頭蓓蕾紅。the heart of the sun shines, the gardener the awaken of spring, warm; baptism, plum branches bud red。

  12、歲月悄悄溜走,世事變幻,恩師的表率,卻常常在我們左右。time slip away, the world changes, the first model of the teacher, often around us。

  13、是您用美的陽(yáng)光普照,用美的雨露滋潤(rùn),我們的心田才綠草如茵,繁花似錦!are you with the beautiful sunshine, with beautiful rain moist, our hearts to lush, carpet!

  14、我虔誠(chéng)得不敢尋覓詞匯,因?yàn)槔蠋熯@兩個(gè)字本身就是世界上最崇高的敬詞。i devoutly scared to search for a word, because the teacher this two word itself is the world's most lofty respect。

  15、敬愛的老師,您從未在別人面前炫耀過,但那盛開的桃李,就是對(duì)您最高的評(píng)價(jià)。dear teacher, you never show off in front of others, but the flowering plum, is the highest evaluation to you。

  16、真空、堅(jiān)定、謙遜、樸素――這是您教給我唱的歌,這是您指引我走的人生之路。vacuum, resolute, humble, simple, this is you taught me to sing the song, this is you guide me, walk the road of life。

  17、用語(yǔ)言播種,用彩筆耕耘,用汗水澆灌,用心血滋潤(rùn),這就是我們敬愛的老師崇高的勞動(dòng)。seeds with the language, the conten, with sweat, with blood moisture, this is our beloved teacher lofty labor。

  18、知識(shí)不存在的地方,愚昧就自命為科學(xué);教師不存在的地方,無(wú)知就變成了聰慧。knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; the teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter。

  19、舉世不師,故道益離。學(xué)者必求師,從師不可不謹(jǐn)也。程頤一日為師,終身為父。the world is not division, communist-held profit from。 scholars will qiushi took a must also。 cheng day for the teacher, lifelong for father。

  20、大自然用陽(yáng)光和雨露滋養(yǎng)成長(zhǎng)的花草,您用道德和信念澆灌我們干渴的心田!nature with the sun and the rain nourishes the growth of flowers and plants, do you use the moral and faith to water our thirsty heart!

  21、您工作在今朝,卻建設(shè)著祖國(guó)的明天;您教學(xué)在課堂,成就卻在祖國(guó)的四面八方。you work in today, but the construction of the motherland tomorrow; you teaching in the classroom, but in all directions of the motherland。

  22、教師是火種,點(diǎn)燃了學(xué)生的心靈之火;教師是石級(jí),承受著學(xué)生一步步踏實(shí)地向上攀登。teacher is fire, lit the students' inner fire; teacher is a strength, under the student steadfastly climb up step by step。

  23、您的工作在今朝,卻建設(shè)著祖國(guó)的明天;您的教學(xué)在課堂,成就卻是在祖國(guó)的四面八方。you work in today, but the construction of the motherland tomorrow; your teaching in the classroom, achievement is in all directions of the motherland。










