


時間: 美婷1257 分享



  一, 并不需要專門去看什么《入門》之類的書,你會感到厭煩的,這類書說的東西你早就知道了,你不知道的在這類書里找不到的。

  二, 也不需要刻意去記什么發(fā)音規(guī)則,雖然我前面是說英語發(fā)音有它內(nèi)在的很強的規(guī)律,但這個規(guī)律不是靠死記起來的,即使你把所有的發(fā)音規(guī)則都記住,你也會茫然的,也不能像我說的那樣見到任何一個陌生的單詞都能準確讀出它的音的,因為特例實在太多。英語內(nèi)在的發(fā)音規(guī)律是靠體會的,在以后不斷的學習過程中你會發(fā)現(xiàn),即使是所謂的特例,即游離于通常的發(fā)音規(guī)律之外的單詞,也是有其規(guī)律的。

  三, 在練習聽力的過程中糾正發(fā)音。這是提高發(fā)音正確的最重要的途徑。當你在聽的時候,找個特別吸引你注意的單詞,停下來琢磨一下,跟著重復一下,分解一下這個單詞里面有哪些音素,注意一下每一個別人是怎樣發(fā)音的,看看跟自己的發(fā)音差別在哪里。經(jīng)常這么做,你的發(fā)音自然就會提高的。

  四, 專注于一個國家的發(fā)音。如果你想學習美音,就先別理會美音跟英音有什么差別,跟澳大利亞音有什么區(qū)別,跟加拿大音有什么區(qū)別。你練好你的美音就夠了。口音而已,當你自如的說一口美音,再來說英音的時候,只不過是口音的問題,你會自然而然知道它們之間差別的規(guī)律的。

  五, Learning English can be fun and should not be limited in only one way.不要認為我慫恿大家去偷懶,只是說,在看電影和聽歌曲時注意一下。關(guān)于電影已經(jīng)說過了,略提一下,把你在看電影時聽到的片言只語默想一下或者出聲復述一下,自己糾正一下。電影里的發(fā)音可是最純正的呢。我更愿意大家在聽英文歌曲下點功夫。英文歌曲老實說能夠給你的好處不多,最重要的是在發(fā)音方面能夠幫助你。找一些發(fā)音清晰響亮的歌聽,把聽到的片言只語自己糾正自己。因為歌曲的唱腔都是滿懷感情的,你也需要滿懷感情的發(fā)出自己聽到的單詞。歌曲的發(fā)音有時是特別的,然而卻是異常準確的,也跟著特別的復述吧,你的發(fā)音已經(jīng)提高了。

  六, 多查字典。雖然語音是聽來的,不是讀來的,可是勤查字典可以讓你發(fā)現(xiàn)英語內(nèi)在的發(fā)音規(guī)律??刹皇悄切]什么用的一般性發(fā)音規(guī)則呢。而是讓你見到什么就說什么的發(fā)音規(guī)律。這個可不是一蹴而就的事情,但是持之以恒,你會找到效果的。見到自己不sure的讀音,查查字典吧。嫌麻煩的話,查金山詞霸也行的。

  七, 找一句句子,把你實際聽到的音記錄下來,而不是你想當然的用你自己的發(fā)音規(guī)則想出來的發(fā)音,是真正的實際的發(fā)音。是不是跟本來"應(yīng)該"的發(fā)音很不同呢?可是這才是外國人實際的發(fā)音。


  Having good social skills is important if you want to make a good impression on the people you meet. Here’s some advice on what is considered polite or impolite1 in English-speaking cultures.


  1. Please, thank you, excuse me and I’m sorry

  These polite expressions are used a lot in spoken English, and not using them can make you appear rude. As politeness2 is considered perhaps the most important quality in relationships, make sure you use them! Don’t worry if you think you use them too frequently3: the worst that people will think of you is that you are sweet and charming:))

  Please = use whenever you want someone to do something for you, or if you want something from another person

  Can you tell me where the post office is, please?

  Can you pass me that newspaper please?

  Never use imperative4 forms unless you are giving someone directions. So although you can say to someone “Take the 130 bus to Croydon and get off at Asda supermarket”, you can’t say to someone “Pass me that newspaper”.

  Thank you = use whenever someone does something for you, or gives you something.

  Excuse me = use when you want to introduce a request to someone, or if you want to get past someone

  Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please?

  Excuse me, is this the right platform for the London train?

  I’m sorry = use any time that you inconvenience someone, tread5 on someone’s toes in a crowded train, or if someone asks you something that you can’t do.

  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. Is the post office on the left or the right?

  Is Mr Jones in the office?

  I’m sorry, he’s out this morning.

  2. Ask permission before doing something that may inconvenience others

  Do you mind if I open the window?

  Can I take this chair?

  3. Avoid controversial6 topics when you meet someone new

  Some topics of conversation can lead to arguments, so unless you know someone well, it’s best to avoid them. These topics are politics7, religion and financial information such as how much money you earn. If you are in doubt about what to talk about, let the other person take the lead, and respond8 to them. This leads on to the next point:

  4. Keep the conversation going

  If someone asks you a question, respond to it. Avoid one-word answers, and try to say at least a few words. Then you can return the question.

  For example, if someone says “Terrible weather, isn’t it”, avoid just saying “yes”. Instead you can say “Yes, I wish it would stop raining” or “Yes, it wasn’t like this last summer, was it?”

  Some cultural tips

  – in Britain, queuing9 is considered polite. If you “jump the queue” (go to the front, rather than stand behind the last person in the queue) or push the people in front of you, you will make yourself very unpopular!

  – don’t stand too close to people. Stand at least an arm’s length away if you can. On crowded public transport this isn’t possible, but people rarely10 talk to each other in these situations.

  – keep eye contact when you talk








我們大家去學習口語的時候都付出了不少的努力,那么需要怎么學,大家知道的嗎?接下來,小編給大家準備了口語發(fā)音正確的方法,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 口語發(fā)音正確的方法 一, 并不需要專門去看什么《入門》之類的書,你會感到厭煩的,這類


  • 方便便宜的英語口語學習方法


  • 練習英語口語需掌握的技巧

    我們往往把英語僅僅當做一門知識在學,最終卻還是開不了口。接下來,小編給大家準備了練習英語口語需掌握的技巧,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 練習英語口

  • 英語六級口語練習方法


  • 提高口語水平的小技巧

    這些技巧對于有社交恐懼癥的人群尤其適用。接下來,小編給大家準備了提高口語水平的小技巧,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 提高口語水平的小技巧 1.Talk about