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  大家喜歡去公園里打發(fā)自己的閑適時光嗎?有沒有比較偏愛的公園呢?雅思口語曾經考過這個話題,那么下面小編給大家分享一些雅思口語素材之公園 。


  雅思口語part2:Describe a park/garden you like visiting

  You should say:

  Where the park is

  When you visit it

  What the park is like

  And explain why you like visiting it

  Part 3

  What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?

  Should people help clean public gardens?

  Do young people go to the park very often?

  Why do some people plant flowers at home?


  Sure, there's a garden here in Edinburgh that I really love. Well, actually it's more than a garden, it's like a park, It's called Princes Street Gardens and it's very large. Apparently it was created from an old loch, like a lake, which dried up.

  It's been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.

  It's a public garden and every day you can see hundreds of people there - some of them are tourists visiting Edinburgh - and others are just walking through the gardens on their way to someplace, or you can often see people sitting having something to eat or drink at one of the cafes.

  Just last week I saw several people sitting on some of the benches reading, now that the weather has turned nice again.

  I used to go to the gardens a lot when I first arrived here from abroad. I found it very relaxing - so much greenery - in the middle of the capital city.

  Now I try to go every couple of weeks to explore a little and learn a bit more about the gardens. I have some favourite places in the gardens, for example, the Ross Fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honor explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.

  It's almost like walking through a history book sometimes. I would love to have enough time to learn about all of them.

  But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go - or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around - there's a lot of variety and you can see, and sometimes even meet, people from all over the world.

  I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too.

  Flowers don't really interest me, but it's easy to see that there are a lot of different plants and shrubs throughout the gardens.

  Personally, I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.


  Do your friends visit this garden too?

  Yes, some of them do, but not all of them. Sometimes I go with two or three friends, but I also like going by myself whenever I can, just to relax.

  Do you think gardens are important for people?

  For some people, yes, but not for all people. Some people aren't really interested in gardens - so they don't really appreciate the beauty and tranquility you can find there.

  But it's important to have gardens in cities or urban areas because it helps people reconnect with nature which is difficult to do when you're surrounded by concrete structures.

  What are the benefits of gardens for different age groups?

  Well, I suppose some of the benefits are the same irrespective of age - I mean children and older people can both enjoy the flowers and colors of a garden, but children might enjoy playing on the grass or in the special play areas provided for them while older people might like to simply sit and enjoy the peacefulness and fresh air.

  Should governments encourage more gardens in cities?

  Personally, I believe they should because they are extremely important for many people. As I mentioned before, for some people it's the only opportunity they get to see any greenery if they never get out of the city.

  Gardens are also usually a quiet place you can escape to amongst the hustle and bustle of the city - which can help people relax or just have a quick break from their normal hectic routines, so yes it's a good idea if governments or city planning authorities include plenty of gardens and other green areas when they plan urban developments.

  9月雅思口語p2范文答案:garden you visited and liked

  Topic:Describe a garden you visited and liked.

  You should say:

  where it is

  how it looks like

  and explain why you often go there


  This isn’t an easy question for me because I’m not really that into gardens and I’m not sure how to describe all the plants and flowers.

  The garden I’ll tell you about is the Botanical Garden at Oxford. I used to go there from time to time when I was a student. It’s not quite in the city centre but is a fairly short walk away and easy enough to get to on foot from the High Street. It’s quite close to the river and one of the more famous bridges.

  It’s a fairly large place and has different sections to it. As I remember there are paths that lead to these different sections. There is for instance an area with glasshouses where there are some less common species – at least in the UK – plants that normally grow in tropical climates. Then I also remember that there was special aromatic garden there where there were plants that had particular scents. I think it was originally made for blind people who couldn’t enjoy the colours of the plants.

  It’s quite an active place and because it’s free lots of people just walk in and wander around. You do get garden specialists who go there to look at certain plants, but there are just as many people who just go there to sit on one of the benches and eat their sandwiches or have a coffee during their lunch break.

  Why do I remember it? Well I spent 4 years in Oxford and it was one of those places that I used to visit more often. I haven’t been to many other gardens since.



  Describe a park you visited when you were a child.

  You should say:

  Where the park is

  What you did in the park

  And explain how you felt about it


  Why is it important to build parks?

  Should parks be built in big cities?

  What kind of facilities should a park provide?

  Do you think parks should be free of charge?

  What do people in your country like to do in park

  雅思 口語話題描述一個公園

  Beijing has a few decent parks, but Jingshan park is by far my favourite. It's not so large, but makes up for that in character. It has a lot of classical Chinese architecture inside, and is probably the only park to have the distinction of an emperor committing suicide there!

  It’s a community park now, a bit low key, compared with some other attraction for package tourists. But that is exactly why I like it. Its flora is wonderfully designed and is highly relaxing. The park is especially delightful during cherry blossom season.

  Another important element of why l love to frequent is that you rarely see cars and the surrounding urban environment in there. The Park have a seemingly simple but important design element of concealing the surrounding city with a combination of hills walls, and tree cover on the outer edges. Even in winter time when the trees lose their leaves, it conceals the surrounding city, creating the illusion that it's a natural environment.

  And it's more than simple landscaping beauty: the whole vibe is what really does it, with families walking around, couples sitting on the grass enjoying a picnic, children running around playing, Da ma dancing, the old doing tai ji, occasional sounds of beautiful traditional music, and of course the elegance and beauty of gorgeous white swans swimming about and ducks quacking merrily. That it is impeccably clean with not a piece of litter to be found, is just icing on the cake.

  Hope to go through my personal photo collection right now to show you, Jinshan park is just the best park that feels like a park.

雅思口語素材之公園 相關文章











大家喜歡去公園里打發(fā)自己的閑適時光嗎?有沒有比較偏愛的公園呢?雅思口語曾經考過這個話題,那么下面小編給大家分享一些雅思口語素材之公園 。 2019年5-8月??


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