


時(shí)間: 美婷1257 分享



  I'm working on my Happiness Project, and you could have one, too! Everyone's project will look different, but it’s the rare person who can't benefit. Join in -- no need to catch up, just jump in right now. Each Friday’s post will help you think about your own happiness project.


  One strategy that I find hugely helpful in many aspects of my life is to track my progress. Having some concrete proof of advancement1 gives me the gold stars I crave2, and the accountability of charting my progress – or lack thereof – keeps me diligent3.


  One key way I track my progress is through my Resolutions Chart. The boxes below each resolution show me where I'm making progress and where I need to work harder.

  跟蹤進(jìn)步的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵是通過我的決議圖。 每個(gè)決議下的格子說明我在哪些地方取得了進(jìn)步,哪些地方需要再加把勁。

  I’ve found other ways to keep track of progress, too. As I’ve worked on the draft of my Happiness Project book (self-promotion alert: it comes out in January), I kept a pile of all the print-outs I’ve made. I work almost exclusively on the computer, but every once in a while I have to read it in a hard copy -- somehow, words look so different printed on a page. Keeping a stack of my evolving manuscript was a way to remind myself visually of how far I’ve come since I started.


  As the photo here shows, the pile was also fairly unattractive, so after taking this picture I rewarded myself for completing the copy-edited version by tossing the entire stack. Now, in a reversal, the absence of the pile is a different sign of progress.


  Keeping track of progress can help deter4 you from doing things you don’t want to do – for example, snacking mindlessly. In Brian Wansink’s fascinating book Mindless Eating, he describes an experiment where students were served free chicken wings while they watched the Super Bowl. When the tables were bussed so that people had a clean table in front of them and no evidence to remind them of how much they’d eaten, they ate 28% more chicken wings than the people did when the leftover5 bones were left piled in front of them. A friend applied6 this strategy herself. She is a big candy fan, and for a week, after she ate candy, she saved the wrapper in her purse. At the end of the week, she was horrified7 by the number of wrappers she’d accumulated, and she was inspired to cut back on her candy consumption.

  跟蹤進(jìn)步可以幫助你阻止做那些不想做的事情--例如,盲目吃零食。 在Brian Wansink精彩一書“Mindless Eating”中,他講述了一個(gè)試驗(yàn)。實(shí)驗(yàn)中,學(xué)生被提供免費(fèi)雞翅,一邊看Super Bowl。當(dāng)餐座被撤掉,這樣人們面前是干凈的桌子,沒有證據(jù)來提醒人們吃了多少,那么他們吃的雞翅比那些雞骨頭堆被留在面前的人們吃的多28%。一位朋友對自己采用了這個(gè)方法。她很喜歡吃糖,有一周,在吃完后,她把糖紙存在了錢包中。一個(gè)禮拜后,她驚恐地發(fā)現(xiàn)積累了多少張?zhí)羌垼@讓她少吃糖。

  Another way to keep track of progress is to keep a one-sentence journal. The thought of keeping a real journal – the kind written in beautiful script in a parchment journal – is daunting8, but keeping a journal of one daily sentence is manageable. My one-sentence journal is just general family news, but other people use them to track progress in a specific area: the launch of a new business, brainstorming9 ideas for a project, tracking training for a marathon.

  另一個(gè)跟蹤進(jìn)步的方法是記錄一句話日記。寫真正的日記--那種在羊皮紙日記本中漂亮語言寫下的那種日記--令人畏怯,但是寫“每天一句話”的日記卻是可以做到。我的一句話日記不過是普通家庭內(nèi)容,但是有人用它跟蹤明確方面的進(jìn)步: 創(chuàng)業(yè)、為一個(gè)計(jì)劃想電子,為訓(xùn)練跑馬拉松。

  Have you found any good ways to track your progress? –and does it help you achieve your goals and keep your resolutions?



  How would you answer this question: I am out of my abuse and have moved on with my life. There is something that I have been wondering about. How and when does the abuse stop playing a significant part of my life? I have seen others who have moved on and I would like to know how they did it.


  The woman who asked this, asked a valid1 question. There are many men, women and children who no longer are victims, but feel like they cannot leave it behind. It stays as much a part of themselves as it did while they were being abused. The only difference may be there is no physical or emotional abuse happening in their worlds.


  What is victim mentality2?


  A victim mentality is one where you blame everyone else for what happens in your world. (Another definition not as commonly used is one that says a person thinks the future only holds bad things for them.) If you do not get the promotion3 it is because Mr. Johnson was out to get you. Not because he found you playing on the Internet every day. Your best friend called and said she could not have dinner with you. She is always doing that to you; not showing. You'll show her. You won't invite her when you go out again! Instead of remembering she has just started school and you did call her at the last minute. Victim mentality.


  Recently I spoke4 with someone who no longer lives with a victim mentality. She has gone on with her life and is free from some of the extra baggage that come with being a victim. We discussed forgiving our abusers and how in that process you also need to forgive yourself. With that came loosing the victim mentality.


  When she was living under the victim mentality she found herself angrier. She found herself swirling5 in a sea of resentment6 towards her abuser. She stayed locked in that cycle and never seemed to move forward. If she got sick, she became angry at him. If the kids messed up, she became angry at him. He was no longer in the picture, but it was all his fault. It was not hers; he made things this way... Life is easier when you can play the blame game. The blame game makes it easy for your life not to move forward or for you to grow.


  The day came when she tired of the mentality. She wasn't a victim anymore and the time had come for her to move beyond the victim mentality. I asked her how she stopped the self destructive cycle. The first thing she did is something many abuse victims may have a hard time doing. She forgave her abuser. She did not say that she forgave him for breaking her ribs7, she acknowledged that he had a problem and that he needed to get help. Wishing him ill will kept him in her mind more then he should have been. By acknowledging that he had hurt her, that he did have a problem, she was able to feel some relief. There was more though. As important as forgiving him was, she needed to forgive herself too. She needed to forgive herself for exposing the kids to the abuse. She needed to forgive herself for not reporting him to the police all the times he had hurt her. She needed to forgive herself for being afraid. She needed to forgive herself for not having walked away all the times she could have. She needed to forgive herself..


  She did all those things so she could mentally move forward. Forgiving herself allowed her to get past some of the more intense things she had experienced. The physical bruises8 had all gone away. The emotional had stayed. It had clung to her and kept the victim mentality alive.









你有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何跟蹤自己進(jìn)步的好方法呢?--它能幫助你實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)、保持決議嗎?接下來,小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了快樂計(jì)劃學(xué)著進(jìn)步雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 快樂計(jì)劃學(xué)著進(jìn)步雙語 Im working on my Happiness Project, and you could have one,


  • 內(nèi)向的人如何找工作雙語


  • 讓你事業(yè)前進(jìn)的小建議雙語


  • 學(xué)會在不滿意中成長雙語

    人在成長的過程中,也會又到自己不順心的事,接下來,小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了學(xué)會在不滿意中成長雙語,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 學(xué)會在不滿意中成長雙語 Tha

  • 怎么建立職業(yè)遠(yuǎn)景

    即使你的職業(yè)沒有受到損害,過去幾個(gè)月的波動也許讓你對未來雙腿發(fā)軟吧。接下來,小編給大家準(zhǔn)備了怎么建立職業(yè)遠(yuǎn)景,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。 怎么建