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托福雙語(yǔ)閱讀素材:The oil industry struggles to enter the digital age

Oil and technology

Data drilling

The oil industry struggles to enter the digital age




IT SOUNDS like a spectacular feat of engineering. Employees of Royal Dutch Shell located in Calgary, Canada, recently drilled a well 6,200 miles (10,000km) away in Vaca Muerta, Argentina. In fact, the engineers of the Anglo-Dutch oil major were using computers to perform what they call “virtual drilling”, based on their knowledge of Fox Creek, a shale bed in Alberta, which has similar geological features to Argentina’s biggest shale deposit. They used real-time data sent from a rig in Vaca Muerta to design the well and control the speed and pressure of the drilling. On their second try, they completed the well for .4m, down from m a few years ago. “It’s the cheapest well we’ve drilled in Argentina,” says Ben van Beurden, Shell’s chief executive.

這聽(tīng)上去是一個(gè)令人嘆為觀止的工程壯舉(第N次…別老achievement)——身在加拿大卡爾加里(Calgary)的荷蘭皇家殼牌公司員工最近在10,000公里之外的阿根廷瓦卡姆爾塔(Vaca Muerta)油田遠(yuǎn)程鉆探了一口油井。實(shí)際上,這家英荷合資石油巨頭的工程師是使用計(jì)算機(jī)完成了這次“虛擬鉆井”。他們的操作是基于對(duì)加拿大阿爾伯塔省頁(yè)巖礦區(qū)福克斯溪(Fox Creek)的了解,該礦區(qū)與瓦卡姆爾塔這個(gè)阿根廷最大的頁(yè)巖沉積區(qū)具有相似的地質(zhì)特征。他們運(yùn)用瓦卡姆爾塔的一個(gè)鉆井平臺(tái)傳送的實(shí)時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)來(lái)設(shè)計(jì)油井并控制鉆探的速度和壓力。在第二次嘗試時(shí),他們以540萬(wàn)美元的成本完成了鉆井,低于幾年前的1500萬(wàn)美元?!斑@是我們?cè)诎⒏⒊杀咀畹偷你@井?!睔づ剖紫瘓?zhí)行官本·范伯登(Ben van Beurden)表示。

Shell is not alone in deploying computer wizards alongside geologists in an attempt to lower costs in an era of moderate oil prices. The industry as a whole is waking up to the fact that digitisation and automation have transformed other industries, such as commerce and manufacturing, and that they have been left behind. Technology firms and consultancies are knocking on their doors peddlingalluring concepts like the “digital oil rig” and the “oilfield of the future”. Some argue that the embrace of digital technologies could be the next big thing after the shale revolution that started to transform oil and gas production in America a decade ago. But this is an industry that embraces new technologies only in fits and starts.


Once, Big Oil was at the forefront of digitisation, pioneering the use of 3-D seismic data and supercomputers to help find resources. But priorities changed, especially during the past decade when oil prices rose above 0 a barrel and the primary goal was to find more of it, whatever the cost. Whizzy new technology took second place. Ulrich Spiesshofer, chief executive of ABB, a Swedish-Swiss automation-technology company, says the oil industry puts to use in exploration activities barely 5% of the seismic data it has collected. During production of oil, less than 1% of data from an oil rig reaches the people making decisions, reckons McKinsey, a consultancy.

石油巨頭集團(tuán)曾一度處于數(shù)字化前沿,開(kāi)創(chuàng)使用三維地震數(shù)據(jù)和超級(jí)計(jì)算機(jī)來(lái)輔助資源勘探。但后來(lái)首要任務(wù)發(fā)生了改變,尤其是在過(guò)去十年。當(dāng)時(shí)油價(jià)升至每桶超過(guò)100美元,不惜一切代價(jià)尋找更多石油成為了主要目標(biāo),高新技術(shù)則退居次席。瑞典瑞士合資自動(dòng)化技術(shù)公司ABB的首席執(zhí)行官烏利齊·史畢福(Ulrich Spiesshofer)表示,石油業(yè)收集的地震數(shù)據(jù)中只有不到5%被用于勘探活動(dòng)中。咨詢(xún)公司麥肯錫認(rèn)為,在石油開(kāi)采過(guò)程中,石油鉆井平臺(tái)收集的數(shù)據(jù)只有不足1%為決策層所知悉。

It is the process of extracting oil and gas that is considered most ripe成熟 for digitisation and automation. Drilling often takes place miles below the surface in rock formations where drill bits and pipes can be broken or snagged, which halts activity for long periods. Baker Hughes, an oil-services firm, has recently developed what it calls the first automated drill bit, capable of self-adjusting depending on the nature of the rock. McKinsey says undersea robots are also being deployed to fix problems.

如今,油氣開(kāi)采的過(guò)程被認(rèn)為最適合應(yīng)用數(shù)字化和自動(dòng)化。鉆探通常在巖層表面下方幾英里處進(jìn)行,鉆頭和鉆桿可能會(huì)破損或卡住,這會(huì)導(dǎo)致鉆探作業(yè)長(zhǎng)期停頓。油田服務(wù)公司貝克休斯(Baker Hughes)最近開(kāi)發(fā)出了號(hào)稱(chēng)全球首創(chuàng)的自動(dòng)化鉆頭,能根據(jù)巖石的性質(zhì)(別老character)自我調(diào)節(jié)。麥肯錫表示,海底機(jī)器人也正用于解決問(wèn)題。

Above the surface, efforts are under way to reduce the amount of people and plant on oil rigs, helping improve safety in a dangerous industry. James Aday, a veteran oil driller now at Wood Mackenzie, a consultancy, says that on the drilling platform itself, automation is not new. Others say that more rigs are being controlled semi-remotely; in the Gulf of Mexico, engineers in Houston use real-time data from oil rigs to make decisions, reducing the cost of shuttling them by helicopter to rigs. “The aim is to bring the data to the expert, not the expert to the data,” says Peter Zornio of Emerson, an automation firm. “There’s a huge incentive to get the people and the choppers off the platform.”

在地面上,人們正努力減少石油鉆井平臺(tái)上的工作人員和機(jī)械數(shù)量,以助提高這一高危行業(yè)的安全性。資深鉆探人員詹姆斯·阿代(James Aday)現(xiàn)任職咨詢(xún)公司伍德麥肯茲(Wood Mackenzie),他表示,就鉆井平臺(tái)而言,自動(dòng)化并非新鮮事。其他人也表示,更多鉆井平臺(tái)已轉(zhuǎn)為半遠(yuǎn)程操控。在墨西哥灣,身在休斯敦的工程師們使用石油鉆機(jī)的實(shí)時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)做決策,從而減少了用直升機(jī)運(yùn)送他們往返鉆井平臺(tái)的成本。“這么做的目的是把數(shù)據(jù)傳送給專(zhuān)家,而不是把專(zhuān)家送到數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)生地,”自動(dòng)化公司艾默生電氣的彼特·左尼歐(Peter Zornio)說(shuō)道,“石油企業(yè)有著巨大的動(dòng)力去減少派往鉆井平臺(tái)的人員和直升機(jī)。”

Wider use of data, sensors and automation will produce new challenges for the industry. It will have to learn about cyber-security—oil rigs are critical infrastructure—and invest in ways to prevent theft of data. But digitisation may also attract millennials to replace an ageing workforce, where mass retirement is a looming threat.


As to whether the workforce could shrink across the industry in the digital age, ultimately geologists and engineers believe technology will not put them out of a job, because producing oil is art as well as science. Nor will tech startups be likely to overcome the barriers to entry—such as high capital requirements—that protect incumbents. But they add to a sense, born out of the shale revolution, that innovation will make oil and gas more accessible and that the days when oil was considered a scarce resource are long gone.











no, not, never, nor, none neither 顯而易見(jiàn)的,fail to, refuse, remove, reject就是稍微隱蔽一點(diǎn)的,另外還有a-, ab-前綴等。


while, whereas, on the other hand,but, although, despite等這次詞匯大家都應(yīng)該熟記于心。掌握這些轉(zhuǎn)折詞對(duì)考試非常有幫助。


提起因果關(guān)系,大家能夠很快的想到because, because of, for, as以及對(duì)應(yīng)的so, so that, therefore等,但因果關(guān)系除了傳統(tǒng)意義上的顯性因果表達(dá)詞外,隱性的因果同樣是不可忽略的一個(gè)重要部分。

例子: The increased presures of expanding population have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and tow are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees.

在這段話(huà)中,有l(wèi)ead to,表示了導(dǎo)致的意思,即結(jié)果;而so that 更進(jìn)一步表示了后面的結(jié)果,所以可以充分判定這段話(huà)有因果關(guān)系的邏輯。

另外還有其他的一些常見(jiàn)的詞匯,比如result from,reflect, present, demotrate,rely on, depend on等,這些詞匯都需要考生在被考時(shí)就需要多加留意和注意。


比較關(guān)系主要分為同級(jí)比較、比較級(jí)、變化及差異四種,主要有ahellias, -er than,change, alter,different, distinguish等。







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