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  What factors are important in achieving happiness?

  When asked what they are after in their life, people tend to say that happiness is the most important, if not the only, goal in life. But as you may realize, it is not an easy thing to do to give a definition of happiness, because different people may have different interpretations of happiness based on their own life experiences. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

  Personally, I think the following factors contribute to one's happiness. First, we need to have a realistic target in life. Many people often feel disappointed or even frustrated in their life and complain that they are doomed to failure. The cause of their unhappiness lies in the fact that they have too high a life target. Second, when a life goal is set we should make efforts to realize it. There is much in the saying that happiness lies in the pursuit of one's goal. Quite a few people have one after another goal in their life. But they never really start to turn them into reality. As a result, their life goals bring them nothing but unhappiness. Third, we should treat the others as we hope to be treated. Human beings are social animals. Inevitably we often depend on the others in our society for a happy life. We should not be egocentric. Instead we have the obligation to make the others happy, and in this way we will all be able to live in a pleasant society.

  In the final analysis, happiness lies in the pursuit of one’s realistic goal. If we take such an attitude, we will be able to live a happy life and thus bring happiness to the people around us.


  1. Take a "quiet minute" each morning.每天早上享受安靜的一分鐘。

  Within your morning routine, carve out a minute--60 seconds--to be silent, by yourself. Don't think about work. Read a poem or say a prayer. Or just rest your brain. You'll be amazed at how much extra energy it will create for the rest of your day.


  2. Smile more frequently.多笑。

  Smiling accomplishes two things. First, it tells your brain to be more happy. (Try being depressed with a huge grin stuck on your face.) Second, when you smile it tends to make other people smile, too. It's contagious, in a good way.


  3. Give yourself more credit.給自己更多的肯定。

  Take a second to give yourself a mental and emotional pat on the back every time you complete a project, even if it's only a small part of a larger effort. This creates a sense of accomplishment that keeps you from feeling overwhelmed.


  4. Celebrate when you learn something.每當學成什么就慶祝一下。

  If you're alive, you can't help learning something new every day. The trick here is to recognize when you've learned something new and potentially important. That's a victory and worth a quiet, inner "hooray!"


  5. Enjoy human nature.享受人性。

  Let's face it: People do really strange things. You have a choice when confronted with these foibles: 1) Be irritated; or 2) Be amused. Being irritated makes you miserable but being amused helps you find creative ways to work around the limitations of others.


  6. Say thanks to those who do thankless tasks.對那些做不值得稱道的事的人說謝謝。

  You probably already know that you should thank co-workers and customers on a regular basis. But what about the janitors, the facilities people, the call center staff? They've got really tough jobs and seldom hear that their contributions are valued.




  In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些國家,年輕人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他們還是不快樂,原因何在,如何解決?


  1. 做自己喜歡的事情

  2. 學習的樂趣

  3. 朋友帶來的樂趣

  4. 生活的簡單輕松

  5. 夢想的實現(xiàn)



  1. 有些青少年來自單親家庭,或者是暴力家庭,缺乏溫暖和關愛,很難快樂。

  2. 應試教育和填鴨教學使很多成長中的年輕人不堪重負,更談不上發(fā)展自己的興趣愛好,放松休閑,因此,很多年輕人不快樂。


  1. 幸福感其實和自我的期待值有關,欲望好像是鹽水,越喝越渴。有時候,年輕人想要提升自我,但是,又缺乏力量,想要后退,又不甘心,欲求不得的焦慮正是不快樂的根源之一。

  2. 羅素在論及快樂的時候提及朋友和愛好可以是快樂的重要源泉,因此,個人愛好很少以及交際圈很小的人,很難獲得更多快樂。






  1. numerous youngsters = a great many teenagers = a number of young people n很多年輕人

  2. youngsters = teenagers = adolescents = the young = young adults = those who are in the formative years n年輕人

  3. acquire = attain = obtain v獲得……

  4. well-being = pleasure = happiness n幸福

  5. feel cheerful = feel delighted = feel happy v 感到快樂

  拓展:remain cheerful in times of adversity v逆境中保持樂觀

  拓展:see the sunny side v看到積極的一面

  6. feel gloomy = feel depressed = feel morose v 感到很郁悶

  7. as for sb = on the part of sb = on the side of sb v對于……來說

  8. such is human nature to do sth 去做 …… 是人之常情

  9. enlarge one’s circle of friends v擴大交友圈

  10. meet and make bunches of new friends v結識新朋友

  11. exam-oriented education n 應試教育

  12. exercise-stuffed teaching method n 填鴨教學方法

  13. efforts should be made by educators to do sth 教育者應該做出努力去……

  14. it is imperative for sb to do sth 去做 …… 對于某人來說是勢在必行

  15. adjust one’s mentality to do sth v調整心態(tài)

  16. have a good state of mind v擁有良好心態(tài)

  17. get a clear perspective of oneself v對于自己有清晰的認知

  18. foster a variety of new hobbies v培養(yǎng)新的愛好

  19. declined sense of happiness n下降的幸福感

  20. improve one’s happiness index v提高幸福指數

  21. help students reduce the academic burden 幫助學生緩解學習壓力

  22. confronted with the exam-oriented education, the young live under a pool of pressure in many countries 面對著應試教育,很多年輕人承載著巨大的壓力

  23. The measures to reduce both educational and social pressure should be given to the young. 我們應該采取措施,幫助年輕人緩解來自教育和社會的壓力

  24. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life 給單調的生活增添樂趣

  25. It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and desire 我們要自己尋找實現(xiàn)我們追求和渴望的幸福的方式。



  Many people in developing countries feel happier than before while many people in developed countries do not feel as happy as used to be. Why? What lesson can you learn from this?


  在常人看來,發(fā)達國家的人總體上本應該感到更幸福!很多發(fā)達國家的人之所以覺得幸福感不如從前是因為他們對幸福的定義發(fā)生了變化(請參看劍橋雅思4 Test 2, Writing Task 2).

  Question 1 推理過程:

  a) 發(fā)達國家與發(fā)展中國家人民對幸福的定義不一樣

  b) 具體表現(xiàn)為:很多發(fā)達國家的人民對生活有更多期待(收入、工作滿意度、生活水平,等)

  c) 后果:發(fā)達國家很多人原來越貪婪,但是現(xiàn)實情況是大部分人都不能如愿,結果幸福指數大大降低

  d) 原因:貪婪和自私是發(fā)達國家引導的現(xiàn)代生活方式的根基

  d) 相反,發(fā)展中國家的人很多老百姓知足常樂,尤其是當這些國家社會變化加快,人民生活生活水平明顯改善的時候。

  Question 2 教訓:
















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