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1. Doing which activity do you think can help you to strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?

1) having a good time together with your friend

2) solving your friend's problem with him or her

A friend is always easy to lose than to make and the maintaining of friendship requires one’s efforts. Sharing both his happiness and pain is necessary. Comparing sharing a good time with my friend and trying to offer help when he is in trouble, I believe the latter one is more vital for a long-lasting friendship.

Basically, during problems solving, one’s qualities and personalities can be exposed more clearly and thoroughly. The confirmation of such information of a friend is the prerequisite to last the relationship. Whether a friend is willing to give a hand is the very first consideration. If he stand by sincerely, then he is a loyal friend. But if he stops at the first step, the he can be the so-called friends. Then when he tries to offer help, whether his advice can catch the point would also influence one’s evaluation on friendship. If so, the friend can be considered intelligent and reliable and naturally, the friendship will be remained with great care. But if not so, when I encounter some problems next time, I may feel reluctant to turn to him. So it is during this process that we can find the shinning qualities of a TRUE friend and maintain the friendship. However, if we just idling some happy time with friends, like hanging out, watching a moving or having fun at parties, it is unlikely that we can know his real qualities and appreciate them. Not to mention that a true friend can be made and a loyal friendship can be lasted.

Furthermore, the trust built during the process of solving problems together is unavailable from just enjoying a happy time. It is commonly acknowledged that mutual trust is an indispensable ingredient for a firm relationship, and friendship is no exception. As is mentioned above, by the behaviour of help and consolation, we can judge if the friend is a trustworthy one. After this verification, we tend to believe in him more and support him more when he falls into troubles. In this way, a virtuous circle can be formed and the friendship can be lasted. By contrast, if we just kill happy time together, and no profound conversation is proceeded, the friendship is just like a tree without roots.

Admittedly, enjoying happy time together from now and then is also helpful for maintaining friendship. As there are not always troubles that require suggestions or support from each other, if problems solving is the main reason we keep in touch, then rarely will we be in contact. To make it up, sharing a relaxing time together with no concern occasionally can be a good trick.

In conclusion, although sharing happy time together can provide more opportunities to remain friendship, supporting and consoling a friend when he is in need play a more profound role to remain and even reinforce the friendship owing to the virtuous qualities confirmation and mutual trust construction.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Physical exercise is more important to older people than to younger people.

Recently, there is a new issue brought into our attention, that is whether the elder people or younger people need more physical exercise. As far as I am concerned, I support the idea that physical exercise is more imperative to younger people.

Firstly, for younger people, physical exercise, serves a good way to release pressure in order to gain health benefit and life balance. Due to the rapid development of society and fast work rhythm, younger people have always been exposed to great pressure either at work or study. Work tasks have to be completed within short period of time, while all sorts of information and data have to be dealt with. As a result, young people easily live with tension and fatigue, physically and mentally. Therefore, the young people need to find a good way to relax themselves, and physical exercise comes as a superior option, since there are great variety of physical exercises to choose, and many of them do not require much time and space. When a bad mood haunts you, simple physical exercises, like yoga and jogging, can ease the pressure very quickly. More importantly, your mindset will be fully restored and regenerated, thus naturally leading to a positive attitude and high energy level. As the old saying goes: “Physical revolution is the capital.” Indeed, the younger people play a very important role in the society, such as raising the child, taking care of the old and paying tax to support the entire social system. So, for the country to have a prosperous future, the young people, as the main workforce of society, are expected to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

What’s more, physical exercise contributes to the younger’s self-development and personality shaping. Since the social competition is fierce, young people have all the reasons to achieve in-depth and comprehensive development in competitiveness. Physical exercise, such as playing basketball and playing football, involves multiple team activities, which emphasizes heavily on teamwork, communication skills, coordination ability and organization capacity. So, not only can it help tone the body and firm up muscles, but also can make young people learn how to become an excellent team member and master more soft skills. Whenever conflicts happen in the workplace or other situation, young people with better team spirit and soft skills will definitely cope with the issue in a better way, and become a stand-out by leading the team to a positive decision. Besides, soft skills will empower you to gain more resources, such as having new friends and expanding social network, which are quite crucial in both job market and social life.

Admittedly, physical exercise contributes to the older people’s health and prevent diseases, and it is an economical way for government to lower the administrative cost and maintain a good social stabilization. However, when it comes to physical exercise, older people have to be very cautious about the form of exercise to avoid unnecessary body damage. Besides, there are always other ways for the elderly to achieve health benefit. So physical exercise acts more like an easily-replaceable choice instead of “a must”.

Overall speaking, it is s more important for younger people to develop a habit of doing physical exercise. Because there’s simply no better way to bring such benefits as mentioned, while there are many choices laid ahead of old people to keep a balanced life.


1. 怎樣才算掌握一個托福單詞?

答案: 看到或聽到時能知道意思、其次知道用法。




2. 背托福單詞表(也包括單詞書和單詞卡片等)和通過大量閱讀來記單詞,哪個效果更好?

答案: 初級階段背單詞表,高級階段大量閱讀。



3. 背托福單詞用什么方法效果最好?

答案: 要反復復習,對于同一個單詞的復習應有一定時間間隔,且該間隔要逐漸延長。


第二,對于同一個單詞而言,每次復習之間應有一定的間隔,不應連續(xù)不停地復習。比如把abandon(“放棄”)這個詞看5次的話,不應該連續(xù)不停地看“abandon,放棄”看五次,而是應該看一次“abandon,放棄”之后先去背別的單詞,過一會再回來看一遍“abandon,放棄”,然后再去背別的單詞或者休息一會,然后再回來看一遍“abandon,放棄”,重復五次。但是很多中國同學恰恰喜歡連續(xù)不斷地看一個單詞看很久,這其實是一種非常低效的學習方法。這是因為:所有對比有間隔復習和連續(xù)復習的實驗研究都發(fā)現(xiàn)信息記憶上前者帶來的學習效果要壓倒性地好于后者 。




4. 網(wǎng)上流傳的艾賓浩斯記憶法靠譜嗎?









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