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In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens.



During an economic crisis, governments face difficult choices of monetary allocation with reduced budgets. In this challenging time, it is of vital importance for policy-makers to recognize the effectiveness of policy-making on certain social services or programs such as arts, scientific research and park and public gardens. If a choice has to be made, in my opinion, the government should reduce its spending on arts.

To begin with, in times of an economic crisis, it is significant for policy-makers to recognize the necessity of investing in scientific research because it exerts a far-reaching effect. If the financial crisis leads to substantial cuts in funding for scientific research by governments, it will be difficult to muster investment for a public good, like clean air, or for extremely risky initiatives, such as novel approaches to new antibiotic drugs, or in areas where the outcome is uncertain. As a matter of fact, technological innovation, biomedical breakthroughs, and tackling pressing environmental issues all require sustained scientific development, from basic discovery to final application. Investing in research is investing in the future, and it requires a long-term commitment to the accumulation of knowledge, the testing of basic principles, and the translation of these discoveries into practical applications that impact everyday life. Consequently, governments ought to attach more importance to the scientific studies so as to develop world class research base and conduct crucial scientific projects.

Furthermore, funding for parks and public gardens provides an opportunity for people to engage in physical activities, which is considerably beneficial to health. Nowadays, due to the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating diet, overweight and obesity are epidemic problems across the world, and related conditions are on the rise. A primary focus of attention is providing environment where people can be physically active. Parks offer such an opportunity. In addition, health studies have shown that people who do regular exercise get a range of benefits when they are in natural settings, like parks and public gardens. These benefits include reduced risk of premature death; reduced risk of heart disease, hypertension, cancer; improved maintenance of muscle strength; weight loss and favorable redistribution of body fat; improved physical functioning. Therefore, when governments allocate fiscal spending on parks such as well-designed and well-maintained paths as well as attractive scenery, people can substantially improve their health and quality of life by doing moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily lives.

Undeniably, if governments pay more attention to investment in art, people can enrich inner world as a diverse and productive cultural environment can provide the spirit and important intangible values. However, in times of crisis, people usually lay emphasis on basic needs instead of spiritual needs. As a result, the importance of material comforts outweighs that of nourishment for the mind and it does not mean that people’s quality of life will be dramatically affected if governments cut budget on art and provide less financial support on art institutions. In a sense, it will not directly influence people’s life at least in a short term because people rarely need to satisfy their aesthetic needs everyday. Therefore, compared with scientific research and park and public gardens, art is least associated with people’s daily life and it needs less concern.

From what has been discussed above, scientific studies serve the common interest of the entire human race and doing exercise in parks and public gardens constitutes an indispensable part of daily life. It is more applicable and reasonable to cut down spending on art in the times of an economic crisis.


People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

Although people work to earn money, money is not the main reason people stay in their jobs. They also work because they enjoy working, they receive job satisfaction, and they like the sense of accomplishment.

Most people work for work’s sake. They enjoy going to an office, or store, or school each day. They like to interact with other people. They like to help people solve problems, learn something, or get a product. People like to help other people.

A lot of people keep the same job because the job gives them a lot of satisfaction. They genuinely enjoy what they do. This is true for most teachers. A teacher’s pay is not very great, but the job satisfaction can be very high. Helping someone learn is one of the greatest things anyone can do.

People enjoy their work because they like the sense of accomplishment. They like to know what they finished a project. People, who work in factories, take pride in the car they produce or the television they assemble. When they see a car on the street, they can feel a sense of accomplishment. They helped make that car.

Money is nice, but it is not the only reason people get up and go to work each day. I believe that people work because they enjoy the act of working; they find their work personally rewarding; and they like the feeling of a job well done.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important problems affecting our society today can be solved within our lifetime.

Predicating the future is notoriously difficult. However, it is not difficult to foretell that the most important problems affecting our society today cannot be solved within our lifetime.

First and foremost, poverty cannot be eradicated within our lifetime. Poverty has existed since the beginning of civilization and generations of people have declared war on poverty; however, despite all the effort, many people around the world still have trouble getting access to basic necessities of life--even in the most developed and affluent countries like America, there are still approximately 39.8million people living below the poverty line, let alone the less developed countries like Ethiopia where about 44 percent of the population is chronically or at least periodically food insecure. Worse, because of climate change and economic crisis, more families are suffering and hunger is seen growing worldwide.

Besides, wars, big or small, will plague the world for a considerably long time. Why? Let’s first analyze why wars exist. People fight against each other because they harbor different opinions over religion, state boundary, or, because people scramble for dwindling natural resources like oil and clean water. Considering the truth that it is difficult for people of different religions to reconcile, and natural resources are becoming less and less, it is next to impossible to eliminate war.

Last but not least, environmental deterioration is a knotty problem that cannot be solved in the next several decades. Even worse, we have reason to believe that environmental

degradation is likely to go from bad to worse. As we all know that economic growth in developing countries is so fast that it puts great strain on the global environment. Take China for example. Chinese economy is growing by 9% annually which means that much energy like coal and oil are burned, emitting more and more pollutants. Besides, various wastes and contaminated waters are recklessly discharged from plants and factories. What’s more, a booming economy puts money in consumers’ pockets so you see an increasing number of private cars driving on the roads, resulting in tainted air by fumes from those cars. As all developing countries have a desire to rapidly build a strong economy in a relatively short period, I see little hope that our fragile environment will improve.

In conclusion, the world is filled with too many prickly problems that deserve our attention. To achieve an affluent, peaceful and desirable life, we still have a bumpy and long road to go.










Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.


1) 人是否幸福和經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況有關(guān)。而對大多數(shù)人來說,工作是經(jīng)濟(jì)來源。一般來說,當(dāng)人沒有經(jīng)濟(jì)上的憂慮的時(shí)候,人就會(huì)比較幸福。

2) 幸福還意味著強(qiáng)烈的成就感。一般來說,工作比社交生活更容易帶來成就感或者挫敗感。當(dāng)一個(gè)人工作做得好,得到同事和老板認(rèn)可的時(shí)候,他會(huì)覺得很幸福,因?yàn)橛X得自己有用。而當(dāng)一個(gè)人工作做不好,被批評的時(shí)候,就會(huì)不開心。

3) 工作占據(jù)一個(gè)人大部分的時(shí)間和精力。當(dāng)你享受工作的時(shí)候,你的大部分時(shí)間都會(huì)很開心。而當(dāng)你做一份自己討厭的工作時(shí),你一天都不會(huì)開心。


I tend to believe that one’s job exerts influence on one’s happiness. In other words, whether you enjoy your job or not determines your happiness. Three reasons can be used to justify my opinion.

To begin with, a person’s happiness has something to do with 和…有關(guān)his/her financial conditions and generally speaking, job decides a person’s economic conditions. So if you have a well-paid job, you are less likely to suffer from financial cares財(cái)政憂慮. Although we are told that happiness has nothing to do with money, I still believe that without basic necessities, it is next to impossible for people to be really happy. Take many Chinese youngsters for example. A majority of young people aging from 18-30 are unhappy nowadays. The reason is simple: housing prices in nearly every city, large or small, areescalating 增長: ten years ago, 100,000dollars could buy an apartment in Beijing. Now to buy the same apartment, you have to pay 500,000dollars. To rent a well-equipped apartment, you have to pay at least 500dollars, while the average salary in Beijing is 1000dollars. Rising housing prices, coupled with和...一起 stagnant停滯的 wages plague困擾youngsters and their parents. If those youngsters had a job which can bring them at least 50,000dollars a year, they would have the opportunity to rent or buy a decent apartment, therefore living a better life.

Second, happiness has a strong correlation with a sense of fulfillment 滿足感. It is our job that produces most of our achievement. When we finish our workflawlessly 完美無瑕地, we are more likely to be happy, for the perfect work means a strong capacity that not everybody has. But messing up 把…弄糟a work is definitely frustrating. It is true that social life can also have some impact on our happiness, but this effect is minimal and will not last for a long time. The reason is obvious: in our society, people evaluate a person by his/her ability to perform job-related tasks. A doctor will be excited with a complete recovery of his/her patient; a teacher feels perfect when his/her students achieve academic success. Nothing brings a person genuine 真正的 happiness than his/her job does.

Last but not least, it is your job that consumes much of your time. In this highly competitive modern society 高度競爭的現(xiàn)代社會(huì), to maintain our competitive edge 保持競爭優(yōu)勢, we have to do our best. Spending 8 hours on one’s work is normal and most of us actually spend at least 10 hours on work on a daily basis 每天. If you love your work, then you are happy to get up early and enjoy the whole day, but if you hate your job, then the process would be a nightmare and you have to suffer. I consider myself happy because I choose my job and I enjoy the whole process. Even if I have to work overtime, I do not complain. But my sister is not so lucky. Despite the fact that her social life makes her happy, the happiness istransient 短暫的. When she goes back to work, she has to suffer.

From the discussion above, I firmly 堅(jiān)定地 believe that a person’s happiness links with his/her job. A happy person is a person with a well-paid job, and at the same time, he/she does the job with passion and enthusiasm 熱情.















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