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  Questions 1-7

  Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the opposite page.

  Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?

  For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

  You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

  1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm.

  2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently developing.

  3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits themselves.

  4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing high-flyers.

  5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance strategy.

  6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of high-flyers.

  7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest high-flyers.

  The Stars of the Future

  A Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an organisation. As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own systems. A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow's Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations' high-flyers.

  B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership development. Unfortunately, with today's flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads. One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, 'only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm'. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research group.

  C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating 'attraction centres'. 'We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers,' said one advisor. Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an individual. Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in return.

  D TLRG has concluded that a company's HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of high-flyers. Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the high-flyers. Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate advice. And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace them. The next challenge will be to find a new generation of high-flyers.




  B段講了直屬經(jīng)理(line managers)對于發(fā)掘接班人的重要性(真是干什么都要從基層抓起),以及經(jīng)理們的一些疑慮;

  C段講的是接班人問題對公司的重要性,并且應(yīng)該讓院線經(jīng)理們明白這種重要性;轉(zhuǎn)自:考試網(wǎng) - [Examw.Com]



  BEC高級閱讀:How Will UN Court Affect Other

  In February of two thousand eight, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia. Now the top United Nations court says Kosovo's declaration was legal. Hisashi Owada, president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, read the opinion.

  HISASHI OWADA: "The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition on declarations of independence."

  Kosovo's Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni called the ruling on Thursday great news, and not just for Kosovo.

  SKENDER HYSENI: "This is a great news for the peace and stability in the region of western Balkans. This is a great news for Europe."

  Serbia had asked the court for its opinion. Now Serbia is sending diplomats to fifty-five countries. Their job: try to block efforts by Kosovo to gain further recognition.

  Serbia's Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic says the ruling will not change his country’s position.

  VUK JEREMIC: "Serbia will never under any circumstances recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of the so-called Republic of Kosovo."

  Ian Bancroft is the co-founder of TransConflict, a humanitarian organization working in the western Balkans. Speaking from Belgrade, he said the ruling sends a message about international law.

  IAN BANCROFT: "Therefore, any secessionist movement, no matter where it is in the world, will look towards this and gain some encouragement that they too can pursue this path."

  But Kurt Volker, former American ambassador to NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is not so sure what will happen.

  KURT VOLKER: "I don't think this is going to have that big an effect on either side, whether it's the states who want to maintain their territorial integrity against the aspirations of some of their own indigenous people or, for that matter, movements that want to seek their own independence and freedom."

  Mr. Volker says "those desires are already going on," and will continue independent of the decision.

  The judges on the International Court of Justice, sometimes called the World Court, voted ten to four. The ruling is non-binding; it does not have legal force.

  Sixty-nine countries have already recognized Kosovo. These include the United States, Japan and most of the European Union.

  Serbia's main ally Russia has recognized the self-declared independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia. But Russia does not recognize Kosovo. Nor does another permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China.

  In Washington, the State Department welcomed the ruling. It urged Europe to "unite behind a common future." But spokesman P.J. Crowley said it is too soon to discuss withdrawing the NATO-led international security force in Kosovo.

  Kosovo was a Serbian province that became a United Nations protectorate in nineteen ninety-nine. That followed seventy-eight days of NATO bombing against Serbia. The campaign ended a two-year war between Serbia and the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo.

  The advisory opinion from the court will go to the United Nations General Assembly. A debate on Kosovo is expected in September.

  On Friday, in a separate development, police in Kosovo arrested the head of the country's central bank. The arrest was part of a continuing series of corruption investigations of officials.

  And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. What effect do you think the Kosovo ruling will have around the world? You can comment at voaspecialenglish.com or on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English. I'm Steve Ember.



  a) 第一部分,文段中的某些內(nèi)容可能會在8個句子中提到,但是句子的用詞會比較簡單。首先認真閱讀前面8個句子,畫出關(guān)鍵詞,然后看文段,把相關(guān)的詞語畫出來,每看完一個文段就找對應(yīng)的句子,把文段中相關(guān)信息標上對應(yīng)句子的序號,方便檢查。過程中會出現(xiàn)很混亂的情況,因為有些答案很隱蔽,也會有很多干擾信息,所以必須很認真地閱讀。需要多練習(xí)找感覺,要很有耐心,一般后兩個文段的對應(yīng)句子多點。

  b) 第二部分,考查對文章結(jié)構(gòu)的把握和整體理解,抽出來的句子一般都是很有邏輯關(guān)系的。認真閱讀文章,理清文章思路,特別仔細看空格前后句子,看空格處應(yīng)該放轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系還是順接關(guān)系還是其他,預(yù)測一下空格中要填的意思,然后從后面7個選項中尋找,如果找不出來就先放著,先做后面的,要畫出關(guān)鍵詞,特別是表轉(zhuǎn)折,表原因,表結(jié)果的詞、these,that等代詞,和人稱代詞等,這些都是答案提示。也是需要多聯(lián)系找感覺,6個空格中應(yīng)該有一兩個是比較容易選的。(這 part是我覺得最難的,我經(jīng)常錯一半甚至以上)

  c) 第三部分,考查對文章的整體理解。一般是6個段落對應(yīng)6個題目,所以看一段做一題??嫉亩际菍φw段意的把握,不考細節(jié)。做這種題經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn)看了答案以后還覺得自己沒有選錯的情況,四個選項中只有一個是整體理解,其他都是斷章取義。

  d) 第四部分,主要考查固定搭配和詞語辨析。四個選項經(jīng)常都是意思相近的,但有些是固定搭配,這種就是考基本功了,記得那個短語的就不難選了;難一點的就要區(qū)分四個詞了,根據(jù)上下文選。

  e) 第五部分,主要考固定搭配和定冠詞,連接詞的使用??崭裉幪畹幕旧隙贾挥形ㄒ淮鸢傅?,所以一般不會是動詞、形容詞和副詞,除非固定搭配。這題看上去很簡單,但是也很容易錯,所以要非常仔細。建議拿一本本子作為錯題本,把錯的題都記錄下來,因為每次考的都是這些考點,全部掌握了出錯幾率就小了。

  f) 第六部分,主要考語法,經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn)多主語,多動詞等,但是咋看上去又不覺得有什么錯誤的,所以要非常仔細,認真分析句子的結(jié)構(gòu)。也建議弄一本錯題本。做多了對這些錯誤就敏感多了。










