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Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.





Everybody has to work. The question is: which is more important in work, the job security or the job satisfaction? Some people think the job security is more important than job satisfaction, but others believe the opposite. In my view, both job security and satisfaction are important.


We all need a secure job. If we have a stable job, we can make a lot of money. Then we can buy big houses and expensive cars, and can travel all around the world. This will make our life more wonderful. If we have a stable job, we will not have to worry about losing our job. So we do not have to spend time looking for jobs. This means we can have more time to stay together with our family.

老雅點(diǎn)評(píng):本段論述“job security"的重要性。提出兩個(gè)理由:1)如果有穩(wěn)定工作,我們可以掙到很多錢。如何論述這個(gè)分論點(diǎn)呢?老雅提出的”自然接續(xù)法“可以發(fā)揮作用。掙到錢后我們可以買房子和車,可以到世界旅游,這樣我們的生活就豐富多彩了。2) 如果有穩(wěn)定工作,我們就不必?fù)?dān)心失去工作。自然接續(xù)下去,不擔(dān)心失去工作,就不必要花時(shí)間去找工作,結(jié)果呢,我們就有時(shí)間陪伴家人了。這樣,用”自然接續(xù)法“,兩個(gè)理由都得到了一定的論述,層次非常清楚,一句句寫來,明白無(wú)誤。

However, it is also important to have an interesting job. If we have an interesting job, we can do our job well. Then we can get happiness from our job. If we are not interested in what we do, we can never succeed no matter how stable our job is. My uncle James is a good example. He is a middle school teacher, which is a very stable job. However, he is not really interested in teaching. As a result, he is not very successful even at his fifties.

老雅點(diǎn)評(píng):本段論述 "job satisfaction"的重要性。提出一點(diǎn)理由:如果有自己感興趣的工作,我們就能做好工作。自然接續(xù)下去,做好工作,我們就能從工作中得到幸福。反過來,如果對(duì)自己從事的工作不感興趣,我們就不能成功。接下來,舉例論證。我有一位叔叔在中學(xué)當(dāng)老師,工作是穩(wěn)定了,但他對(duì)教學(xué)不感興趣,結(jié)果到50多歲還是不成功。這里使用的還是非常簡(jiǎn)單直接的論述方法。

In conclusion, I think it is the best that we have a secure and satisfying job, because this kind of job helps us to make our living and have time to stay together with our family, and at the same time succeed in our career. I wish everybody could get such a job. (271 words)




Most of the young people on job satisfaction have become an integral part of looking for a job. Their main argument is based on this idea; the work is the ultimate goal is to help achieve a better life. But recent research shows, the boredom in the workplace, hostility, pressure and depression can be lead to physical and mental illness, destroy our happy life.

This attitude is another group of older people’s criticism; they think must attach great importance to the safety of work. First of all, they point out that this work is only a part of life, so disappointment will not stand in the way of life. In addition, a good life is depends on the table of food and pocket the cash. In this sense, work safety means to get rid of the concerns to the basic needs to really enjoy life.

Therefore, I think whether it is good or bad, it will adhere to a lifetime of work, if they are able to adjust their career path according to the social and economic conditions, it will be better, because it will make them easier to adapt to change. It is inevitable.


Task:In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (eg. Paper, glass and cans.) What are the reasons and solutions?

Sample answer:

The last years has witnessed the increase in the awareness of environmental protection. However, there are still a lot of waste materials that have not been recycled. This essay will mainly discuss the reasons of this problem and suggest some solutions.

One main reason of this problem may be that the public haven’t realized the importance of recycling wastes. As economy develops, people have high incomes and can afford a large number of items. At the same time, they don’t know how to deal with what they have used and haven’t realized that their buying habits will cause the consumption of energy, crease waste and increase pollution.

This problem can also be attributed to the lack of recycling sites in the public places. In some countries, the government is not be able to purchase enough recycling sites due to poor financial conditions. As a result, people are likely to find it difficult to place their rubbish into the dustbins.

In order to address this problem, the government and citizens should make joint efforts. First of all, the government ought to provide free education of recycling lectures for the public. This is because many citizens haven’t received decent education and are not well informed of how to recycle and reuse waste items. What’s more, the recycling industry needs to be financially supported. If the government does not pay attention to the establishment and development of this industry, the problem will continue to exist in our society.

As mentioned above, the neglect of recycling and the shortage of recycling sites are the main factors leading to the increase of waste materials. To solve this problem, both the government and the public should collaborate.

(287 words)


Task:Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?



氣候變化是一個(gè)全球性的問題。前幾年大家談及最多的就是氣候變暖(global warming, greenhouse effect)問題,好像地球大難臨頭的樣子。近些年科學(xué)界對(duì)這個(gè)問題又有了重新認(rèn)識(shí),全球變暖的問題好像并不那么迫切了。因此,7月16日這個(gè)雅思作文題目才得以出臺(tái)。要在15年前出這個(gè)題目,估計(jì)雅思考試本身都會(huì)被人噴死!那么,現(xiàn)在,這個(gè)問題提出就沒有風(fēng)險(xiǎn)了。面對(duì)氣候變化,我們應(yīng)該努力去避免它,還是努力去適應(yīng)它?



Climate change has become a worldwide issue in recent decades. The Earth, according to some scientists, is becoming warmer and warmer and this is an alert signal for the future safety of the Earth. For these scientists, we must do something to prevent the climate from becoming worse. Meanwhile, there are also scientists who do not think much of the climate change and therefore suggest that we do nothing but find a way to live with it. For my part, I agree with the second group of scientists.

To reverse the climate change is never an easy undertaking. The widely acknowledged causes of climate change include the automobile gas emissions, factory pollution, deforestation, among others. If we wish to prevent the climate change, we will have to significantly reduce the use of cars and airplanes, close most of the factories and stop people from cutting trees. This means that, in order to make the Earth become cooler by one or two centigrade degree, our normal life will have to sacrifice. This is a cost most of us would never want to pay, although we have been repeatedly told of the benefits of doing so to the future generation.

Then, in face of climate change, rather than trying to prevent it, we'd better try to find a way to live with it. For instance, when the hotter climate makes it impossible to grow a certain vegetable in summer, we can grow it earlier than now, store it and then eat it when the weather becomes too hot. Also, we can develop new technologies to grow the vegetable we need even when the climate has changed. Furthermore, when it is necessary, we can make adjustments about our work hours. If the weather has become intolerably hot, we can have a few days off and make up when it gets back to normal. Such flexibilities will help us solve the climate change problem and at the same time will not bring down our productivity.

Climate change is not a good thing, but for the time being, I do not think we should take expensive and costly measures to prevent it. Rather, I believe we should find a way to live with it.

(369 words)


Task:Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

With the rapid urbanization of our society, tree seems more valuable than ever before. At the same time, a great number of people support more greenery in open areas in towns and cities rather than more housing buildings. I am of the opinion that this action has more benefits than drawbacks.

Trees are more important part of the urban environment and a city with easy access to green spaces is more livable and attractive for most people. First of all, as we all know, green plants can carry out photosynthesis, which not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also release oxygen. Therefore, the air quality in cities will be improved greatly. Secondly, people living in cities with plenty of trees are less likely to suffer from health problems caused by smog and fumes. This is extremely important because today travelling by car has become a major means of travel in most cities.

Housing guarantees people’s basic need of accommodation. Today, many real estate developers overdevelop the open areas with the purpose of gaining huge profit. This will occupy the valuable and limited land resources. In addition, considering our almost saturated real estate industry and market, there is no more need to build more housing. In fact, many employers cannot afford to purchase a flat because of the high housing price. Therefore, compared to housing building, trees seems more significant to our environment.

To sum up, I believe that planting more trees in open areas will bring far more gains than losses.

(252 words)





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