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動詞不定式(infinitive)是動詞的一種非限定形式,即非謂語動詞形式,它有兩種形式:一種是“to + 動詞原形”構成(to- infinitive);另一種是不帶to的不定式,即動詞原形(bare- infinitive)。所有行為動詞都有不定式形式,其否定式是在不定式前加not。動詞不定式(或不定式短語)沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,在句子中不能作謂語。






They made plans to live in Paris. 他們計劃住在巴黎。(to live 發(fā)生在 made plans之后)


He pretended to be listening to me carefully. 他假裝認真地聽我講。


不定式的進行式常同may, might, can, could, must, need, ought to, should, will, would 等情態(tài)動詞連用,表示“可能、應當或想必”正在進行的動作。

You oughtn’t to be talking so much. 你不應該說這么多。

He might be reading a novel at that time. 那時他可能正在讀小說。


A. 不定式的完成式所表示的動作或狀態(tài)發(fā)生在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 對不起,讓你久等了。

(to have kept發(fā)生在I am sorry所表示的時間之前)

She is said to have just completed a novel. 據(jù)說她剛完成一部小說。

(to have just completed a novel發(fā)生在She is said所表示的時間之前)

B.用在intended, expected, meant, hoped, promised, planned, wished, thought, desired, was, were等詞后,不定式的完成式表示未曾實現(xiàn)的愿望、期待、想法、打算或計劃等。to have + 過去分詞表示動作, to have been表示狀態(tài)。

I meant to have done the work before Sunday. 我本想星期天前完成這項工作。(沒完成)

I was to have been a doctor. 我本打算當個醫(yī)生。(沒當成)

I intended to have come to see you.我本打算來看你的。(但沒來)

C.用在seem, appear, thing, consider, believe等后,表示一個動作先于另一個動作發(fā)生。

I seem to have seen her somewhere before.以前我好像在那見過她。(see在seem之前發(fā)生)

He was believed to have been a reporter.都認為他從前干過記者。

D. 在should(would) like 或should(would)have like后用不定式完成式表示沒有實現(xiàn)的愿望。

I should like to have gone with her.我多么愿意和她一起去。(但沒去)

I would like to have seen her face when she read the letter.我真想見到她讀信時的表情。(但沒看到)


He was happy to have been staying with his uncle.他很高興一直跟他叔叔住在一起。

He looked too young to have been publishing books for six years.他看上去很年輕,不像已經(jīng)出版了6年書的人。

(5) come + 不定式表示一個動作發(fā)生的過程

He will come to understand it in the end.他最終會懂得的。

Later he came to be a famous painter.后來他成了著名的畫家。



The doctor recommended the room to be aired. 醫(yī)生建議讓房間透透氣。

The sports meeting on the weekend has to be put off. 周末的運動會被迫推遲。


(1) 在“there be+主語”中,不定式用作定語修飾名詞或代詞,并同所修飾的名詞或代詞是邏輯上的動賓關系。

There is no time to lose. 一點時間也不能浪費了。

(2)在“名詞(代詞)+ be easy(difficult, fit等形容詞) + 不定式”結構中,有時盡管主語是動作的承受者,不定式在意義上是被動,形式上卻是主動,這時可以看成省略了動詞邏輯主語for us, for me , for you 等。

The book is difficult to read. 這本書很難讀懂。

He is not easy to get on well with. 他不易相處。


We’ve got plenty to eat.我們有足夠的東西吃。(句子主語We在邏輯上是不定式to eat動作的執(zhí)行者,不定式to eat和它修飾的名詞plenty在邏輯上是動賓關系,用主動形式表示被動意義。)

(4)在too… to 和enough to 結構中,不定式可用主動語態(tài)表示被動意義。

The box is too heavy to carry.這個箱子太重了搬不動。


You were to blame. (= you are at fault.)這該怪你。

You were to be blamed.(= You are going to be blamed.)你要受到指責。

(6)something, little, what, much, a great deal等作句子主語,表語為to do時,不定式可用主動語態(tài)表示被動意義。

A great deal of work remains to do.還有很多工作要做。

What is to do tomorrow? 明天干什么?




1、 不定式作主語


To make a plan first is a good idea. 先制訂計劃是個好辦法。

It is a good idea to make a plan first . 首先制訂一個計劃是一個好主意。



How important it is to master a foreign language!掌握一門外語是多么重要啊!

(2)當句中謂語動詞不是be, seem, appear等連系動詞時。

It took us 20 minutes to get to the station. 趕到車站花了我們20分鐘。

(3)在“it +be + adj. + of + sb. +不定式”結構中。

It's very nice of you to help me with my work. 幫我的工作,你真是太好了。



To learn a language is to use it. 學語言是為了使用語言。

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. 對敵人仁慈就是對人民殘酷。

(2)主語是duty, plan, wish, hope, idea, purpose等名詞。

His wish was to become a scientist. 他的愿望是當一名科學家。

To the doctor ,the most important thing is to save people's lives. 對醫(yī)生來說,最重要的事是拯救人們的生命。


You are to die at 98.你會98歲去世。

Man is to live a better life in the next century.人類在下一世紀會生活的更好。

(4)表示“同意、安排、命令、決定、勸告、意愿 、禁止”等。

They are to marry next week.(安排)他們下周結婚。

Nobody is to know.(禁止)不應讓任何人知道。

You must be patient and persistent if you are to succeed.(愿望)要想成功,就必須有耐力,有毅力。


What surprised me most is to see him beaten black and blue. 使我吃驚的是看到他被打得遍體鱗傷。

What is important at present is to save lives.目前救人要緊。


(1)有些及物動詞常跟不定式作賓語,如agree, afford, arrange, ask, begin , decide, forget, hope, like , start , want, wish等。也可用來作形容詞的賓語,如able, afraid, anxious, careful, content, determined, eager, foolish, free, glad, inclined, likely, pleased, prepared, ready, slow, sure, sorry, willing等。

She wanted to borrow my bike. 她想借我的自行車。

The boys and girls are anxious to learn how to swim. 孩子們渴望學會游泳。


English is not difficult to learn.英語不難學。

(3)feel, find, judge, make, think, believe, consider等動詞后如果是不定式作賓語,后面有賓語補足語時,將真正的賓語不定式放在補足語的后面,而將形式賓語it放在補語之前。

He found it hard to learn maths.他發(fā)現(xiàn)數(shù)學很難學。

I think it our duty to support the elder.我認為贍養(yǎng)老人是我們的義務。





Have you got anything to say?你有什么要說的嗎?

He had no room to live in.他沒房子住。


He is always the first to come and last to leave.他總是第一個來,最后一個走。

The next train to arrive is from Washington.下一列到站的火車是從華盛頓開來的。


The farmers thought of ways to protect their crops. 農(nóng)民們想出保護莊稼的辦法。

He had the wish to be an artist. 他愿意當藝術家。




不定式作目的狀語時,其動作發(fā)生在謂語動詞之后,一般放在句子后部。但如要表示強調(diào),也可以位于句首,前面可加in order,不定式作目的狀語時其否定必須用in order not +不定式,或so as not +不定式。in order to 引出的不定式可置于句首或句中,so as not+不定式不能放在句首,只能放在句中。

He stopped to have a rest. 他停下來休息。(目的)

To search for gold, many people went to California. 為了尋找金子,許多人去了加利福尼亞。(目的)

I often read China Daily so as to improve my reading. 我常讀《中國日報》以提高我的閱讀。(目的)

We often listen to English broadcasts to/in order to/so as to get listening training. 我們經(jīng)常聽英語廣播,以增強聽力訓練。


A.形容詞如right, polite, crazy, generous, good, greedy, kind, selfish, silly, splendid, nice, unselfish, unkind等對人進行表揚或批評,后接不定式表示結果,不定式的邏輯主語也就是句子主語。

He is very polite to show us the way.他很有禮貌給我們指路。

He is silly to say so. 他這么說太傻了。

B. 不定式和only連用,表示未預料到的結果。

He woke up only to find himself famous. 他一覺醒來,竟發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成名了。

The thief broke into the house only to find it empty. 小偷闖進屋子,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)是空的。

C.在so… as to, such …as to, enough to等結構中的不定式皆表示結果。

He is too young to join the army. 他太年輕了,不能參軍。

He is so careless as to forget his pen.她太粗心了,以至于把鋼筆忘了帶。

D.“too …to”表示結果意為:太……而不能……,但有時不含否定意義。

He is too excited to sleep. 他太激動了,不能入睡。(否定)

We are only too pleased to work together with you. 我們同你一起工作,真是太高興了。(肯定)

You are too ready to find out fault with others. 你太好挑剔別人了。(肯定)


She wept to see him in such a terrible state.她看到他這種可怕的樣子就哭了。


動詞不定式有時也可以表示條件,一般置于句首,否定不定式表示條件多置于句尾,這時謂語動詞常含有will, shall, should, would, can, must等。

To hear him talk, you would think he owned the whole world. 要是聽他講話,你會認為整個世界都是他的。

(5)表明說話人的態(tài)度, 在句中作獨立成份。

To tell the truth, this all Greek to me.說實話,我對此一竅不通。

To make a long story short, he became bankrupt.簡單的說,他破產(chǎn)了。

To be true, we can do it well.當然,我們能做好。


to be brief 簡而言之、to be exact 精確的說、to be frank with you老實對你說 、to be plain 老實說 、to put it straight直截了當、to bring the story short長話短說、to return to my subject言歸正傳、to change the subject換一個話題、to use his own words用自己的話說、to make matter worse更糟的是、to give him his due公正地說、strange to say奇怪地說、to say nothing of姑且不講、to conclude總之、to crown all更好(壞)的是、to be honest直率地說、to start /begin with首先、to do him justice說句公道話、to sum up總之,總而言之等。這些短語大都位于句首,偶爾位于句中或句尾,需要用逗號和其他成份隔開。但表示“更不用說”的幾個短語一般要放在句尾,如to say nothing of, not to say, not to mention, not to speak of, let alone, much less, much more 等。


動詞believe, consider, declare, find, prove, suppose, feel, think等后面常跟to be 不定式作賓補。有時to be 可以省略。這類不定式改為被動語態(tài)后就變成了主語補足語。感官動詞如feel, see, hear, watch, notice, observe, listen to, look at 等以及使役動詞make, have, let 等在跟不定式作賓語補足語時省略不定式符號to。但在轉換成被動語態(tài)時要加上to。

We believe her (to be) innocent.我們相信她無罪。

He was heard to sing next door.有人聽見他在隔壁唱過歌。

She made the boy go to bed early.她讓那個男孩早睡覺。

The boy was made to go to bed early.那個男孩被迫早睡覺。




Tell him not to be late. 告訴他不要遲到。

The policeman told the boys not to play in the street. 那位警察告訴那些男孩們不要在街上玩。




It is necessary for us to learn from each other. 我們相互學習是必要的。(主語)

I think it a good idea for her to study medicine. 我認為她學醫(yī)是個好主意。(賓語)

The engine is for you to repair. 這臺發(fā)動機歸你修。(表語)

The lake is a good place for you to swim in. 這湖是你游泳的好地方。(定語)

I spoke slowly for them to make notes. 我講得很慢以便讓他們作筆記。(狀語)

2、“It is + 形容詞+X +代詞(名詞)+不定式”句型——用of 還是用for

(1) 如果句中的形容詞表示人物特征或品質(zhì),常同of搭配構成“It is + 形容詞+of+代詞(名詞)+不定式”句型。如:bold ,brave, careful, careless, considerate, cruel, rude, generous, :right,wrong, kind,nice,good,polite,clever,wise, foolish, silly等。這是一個帶有感情色彩的不定式結構, 表示好意時,具有“對……不勝感激”的意思;表示壞的意思時,含有“真是太……,真是……透了”的意思。

It is kind of you to help me.你幫助我真是太好了。

It was foolish of us to do so.我們這樣做真是太傻了。


You are kind to help.你幫我很好。

We are foolish to do so.我們這樣做傻。

(2)表示事物性質(zhì)的形容詞如easy, difficult, hard, important, impossible, possible, safe, dangerous, necessary常同for 搭配,構成“It is + 形容詞+for+代詞(名詞)+不定式”句型。這類形容詞同for后的名詞或代詞關系不密切,沒有意義上的主表關系,但與句中的不定式結構關系密切,有意義上的主表關系。

It’s difficult for me to work out the problem.我要算出這道題目太難了。

It’s very important for students to learn English well.對于學生們來說,學好英語是很重要的。

注意:這類形容詞easy, convenient, dangerous, difficult, lazy, weak, hard, important, impossible, possible, safe, necessary, troublesome等,一般不能用于“人稱代詞(it除外)+be+形容詞+不定式”結構中。試比較:

It is impossible for me to finish it today.我今天不可能完成這項工作。

不能用I am impossible to finish it today.

Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.方便的時候來看我。


(1) 關系詞+動詞不定式

動詞不定式可以和疑問代詞:who, what, which 及疑問副詞:when, where, how, why等連用,構成不定式短語,在句中作主語、賓語、表語等成份。如:

Who to do the work has not been decided yet. 誰干這項工作尚未決定。(主語)

He showed me how to use a computer. 他向我示范了一下怎樣使用計算機。(賓語)

(2)“with + whom/which + 不定式”結構

“with + whom/which + 不定式”結構是一種簡潔的表達方式,指人時用whom,指物時用which,這種結構中的with有時可以是by, through, on, from等。這種結構通常用作后置定語。

She had only 15 dollars with which to buy her husband a gift. 她只有15美元,用它來給她丈夫買禮物。

She is a nice woman with whom to work.她是一個很好的工作同伴。

He opened the north window from which(where) to enjoy the distant hill. 他打開北窗,從那里可以欣賞到遠處山的景色。
















