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  weather天氣 What’s the weather like there?  那兒天氣怎么樣?

  season季;季節(jié) best最好的(good well的最高級)

  spring春季warm溫暖的 summer夏季hot熱的

  autumn秋季cool涼的;涼快的 winter冬季cold冷的




  snowman(雪堆成的)雪人snowball雪球have snowball fights打雪仗




  1.go to New York 去紐約 2.next week 下一周

  3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年 4.go to farms去農(nóng)場

  5.want to know about 想知道有關(guān)…… 6.the best season 最好的季節(jié)

  7.ask questions about 問有關(guān)……的問題 8.in the countryside 在鄉(xiāng)下

  9.the weather in New York 紐約的天氣 10.pick apples 摘蘋果

  11.Sounds great ! 聽起來太棒了! 12.most of the time 大部分時間

  13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14.have snowball fights 打雪仗

  15.some warmer clothes 一些較保暖的衣服 16.turn green (指植物)變綠

  17.go rowing 去劃船 18.go swimming去游泳

  19.get longer變得更長 20.get shorter變得更短

  21.go walking去散步22.go jogging去慢跑23.go skating去滑冰24.go skiing去滑雪25.go climbing去爬山26.go fishing 去釣魚


  1. What’s the weather like …? It’s …  …天氣怎么樣?天氣…

  2.Which season do you like best? I like … best. 你最喜歡什么季節(jié)?我最喜歡…

  Why?Because it’s … I can … 為什么?因為天氣…我能…

  3.It’s …than in … 天氣比…更…

  4….is the best season in … …季節(jié)…的最好的季節(jié)。

  5.It often rains.

  6.It is warm in spring.

  7.The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter.

  8. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.

  語音:/ / brown cow how now flower down



  plan計劃;打算,picnic野餐,play(戲劇的)演出,give舉行take part ( in )參加(……);參與(……)Beijing opera京劇,show演出;(廣播或電視)節(jié)目,concert音樂會,outing短途旅游;遠(yuǎn)足,contest競賽;比賽,sports meeting運動會

  still仍然, theatre戲院;劇場zebra 斑馬,Africa非洲


  1. have school上課;有課 ★have a picnic野餐

  2. I’d love to…我很愿意…… go on an outing去遠(yuǎn)足

  3. by the way順便地;附帶說說 see a play看戲劇演出

  4. of course當(dāng)然 see a Beijing opera show看京劇演出

  5. on Saturday morning在周六上午 give a puppet show舉行木偶演出

  6. warm and sunny溫暖晴朗 give a concert舉行音樂會

  7. call … 打電話給… take part in the sports meeting參加運動會

  8. talk about their plans for the weekend take part in the singing contest


  9. still in bed還在床上 10.join us參加我們

  11.with us和我們在一起 12.last year去年

  13.meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre 一點半在花園劇院門前會面

  14.Music Club 音樂俱樂部 15.in the school在學(xué)校

  16.come with Wang Bing 和Wang Bing一起來 17.at the concert在音樂會上

  18.buy some presents買一些禮物 19.have a class outing舉行班級遠(yuǎn)足

  20.your class project 你的班級課題

  21.meet at the bus stop at 10:30 10:30在公交車站會面

  22.a new zebra from Afica 來自非洲的新斑馬


  1.----What are we/you going to do …? ----We’re/I’m going to …(動詞原形)

  ----What is he/she/Liu Tao going to do …? ----He/She is going to …

  ----What are Liu Tao and Tom going to do …? ----They are going to …

  2.(打電話)----Hello,is that …? ----Yes,(this is …)speaking./No.

  1.It is 8:30 on Saturday morning.

  2.The children do not have school today.

  3.They are talking about their plans for the weekend.

  4.----Would you like to join us? ----Yes,I’d love to./Sorry,I can’t.I’m busy.

  (----Would you like to come? ----Of course.)

  5.----Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre? ----Yes./No.

  6.----What time are you doing to come home? ----At 4:30,I think.

  7.---What are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning? ----I’m going to …

  語音:/ / bowl snow window yellow row low slow show



  letter信,penfriend(不見面的)通信朋友;筆友,glue膠水;膠粘物,writing paper書寫紙;信紙;便條紙,envelope信封both(兩個)都,address地址,number號碼,

  postcard 明信片,fax 傳真wanted [廣告用語]征求;招聘finish 結(jié)束;完成lake湖;湖泊

  everything 每件事;一切

  favourite特別喜愛的,machine機(jī)器,wish[復(fù)數(shù)]祝愿,receive 收到;接到


  1.What for?為何目的;為什么? 2.write a letter寫信

  3.I hope so. 我希望這樣。 4.want a penfriend in China想在中國找個筆友

  5.read about an English boy in the newspaper讀在報紙上一個英國男孩的情況

  6.would like to be your/his/her/my/our/Peter’s/… penfriend


  7.want to write to … 想寫信給… 8.have the same hobbies有相同的愛好

  9. be good friends 做好朋友

  10.give him my e-mail address 把我的電子郵箱地址給他

  11.would like to know everything about you 想要知道你的一切

  12.my telephone number我的電話號碼 13.my fax number我的傳真號碼

  ***1.yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

  2.tell him about my school and my favourite subjects


  3.at the Penfriend Club在筆友俱樂部 4.fill in the form完成表格

  5.some other subjects 一些其他的學(xué)科 6.finish primary school 小學(xué)畢業(yè)

  7.go to a middle school 升入中學(xué) 8.only three of us 我們只有三個人

  10. With best wishes.(信末結(jié)束語)祝好


  1.----Can I have a/an/some/the …? ----What for?

  ----I want to … ----Sure.Here you are.

  2.----Who do you want to write to? ----Peter.

  3.----Where does he live? ----He lives in London.

  4.----What are his hobbies? ----His hobbies are …/He like …(ing)

  5.You both have the same hobbies.I think you’ll e good friends.

  6.My e-mail address is xxx@zxc.com.

  7.Thank you for your letter.

  8.I would like to know more about you.

  語音:/ / hurt nurse Thursday turn



  1.a primary school student一個小學(xué)生 2.a middle school student一個中學(xué)生

  3.a photo of his family一張他的全家照 4.the man in the brown shirt穿褐色襯衫的男人

  5.at Spring Primary School在春天小學(xué) 6.write a letter to Grandpa寫信給爺爺

  7.row boats 劃船 8.go cycling去騎自行車

  9.come in March/June/September/December在三月/六月/九月/十一月來臨

  注意:P62 P65 短文,P66 P67 詞組,P68 問題,綜合性很強(qiáng),建議背誦、默寫。






