


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  一棵樹的啟示The lesson of a tree

  I should not take either the biggest or the most picturesque tree to illustrate it. Here is one of my favorites now before me, a fine yellow poplar, quite straight, perhaps 90 feet high, and four thick at the butt. How strong, vital, enduring! how dumbly eloquent! What suggestions of imperturbability and being, as against the human trait of mere seeming. Then the qualities, almost emotional, palpably artistic, heroic, of a tree; so innocent and harmless, yet so savage. It is, yet says nothing. How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity all weathers, this gusty-temper’d little whiffet, man, that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow. Science (or rather half-way science) scoffs at reminiscence of dryad and hamadryad, and of trees speaking. But, if they don’t, they do as well as most speaking, writing, poetry, sermons—or rather they do a great deal better. I should say indeed that those old dryad-reminiscences are quite as true as any, and profounder than most reminiscences we get. (“Cut this out,” as the quack mediciners say, and keep by you.) Go and sit in a grove or woods, with one or more of those voiceless companions, and read the foregoing, and think.


  One lesson from affiliating a tree—perhaps the greatest moral lesson anyhow from earth, rocks, animals, is that same lesson of inherency, of what is, without the least regard to what the looker on (the critic) supposes or says, or whether he likes or dislikes. What worse—what more general malady pervades each and all of us, our literature, education, attitude toward each other, (even toward ourselves,) than a morbid trouble about seems, (generally temporarily seems too,) and no trouble at all, or hardly any, about the sane, slow-growing, perennial, real parts of character, books, friendship, marriage—humanity’s invisible foundations and hold-together?



  你對(duì)命運(yùn)公平嗎?Did you deal with fotune fairly

  Most people complain of fortune, few of nature; and the kinder they think the latter has been to them, the more they murmur at what they call the injustice of the former.


  Why have not I the riches, the rank, the power, of such and such, is the common expostulation with fortune; but why have not I the merit, the talents, the wit, or the beauty, of such and such others, is a reproach rarely or never made to nature.


  The truth is, that nature, seldom profuse, and seldom niggardly, has distributed her gifts more equally than she is generally supposed to have done. Education and situation make the great difference. Culture improves, and occasions elicit, natural talents I make no doubt but that there are potentially, if I may use that pedantic word, many Bacons, Lockes, Newtons, Caesars, Cromwells, and Mariboroughs at the ploughtail behind counters, and, perhaps, even among the nobility; but the soil must be cultivated, and the season favourable, for the fruit to have all its spirit and flavour.


  If sometimes our common parent has been a little partial, and not kept the scales quite even; if one preponderates too much, we throw into the lighter a due counterpoise of vanity, which never fails to set all right. Hence it happens, that hardly any one man would, without reverse, and in every particular, change with any other.


  Though all are thus satisfied with the dispensations of nature, how few listen to her voice! How to follow her as a guide! In vain she points out to us the plain and direct way to truth, vanity, fancy, affection, and fashion assume her shape and wind us through fairy-ground to folly and error.



  學(xué)習(xí)詞匯的重要性The study of words

  That if your vocabulary is limited your chances of success are limited.


  That one of the easiest and quickest ways to get ahead is by consciously building up your knowledge of words.


  The the vocabulary of the average person almost stops growing by the mid twenties.And that from then on it is necessary to have an intelligent plan if progress is to be made.No haphazard hit-or-miss methods will do.


  The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature.Words are your tools of thought.You can't even think at all without them.Try it.If you are planning to go downtown this afternoon you will find that you are saying to yourself,"I think i will go downtown this afternoon."You can't make such a simple decision as this without using words.


  Without words you could make no decisions and form no judgements whatsoever.A pianist may have the most beautiful tunes in his head,but if he had only five keys on his piano he would never get more than a fraction of these tunes out.


  Your words are your keys for your thoughts, and the more words you have which you command, that deeper, clearer and more accurate will be your thinking.


  A command of English will not only improve the processes of your mind.It will give you assurance;build your self-confidence;lend color to your personality;increase your popularity.Your words are your personality. Your vocabulary is you.


  Your words are all that we,your friends,have to know and judge you by.You have no other medium for telling us your thoughts-for convincing us,persuading us,giving us orders.
