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  風箏 古時在中國風箏也稱作“鳶(hawk)”。春秋戰(zhàn)國時期(the Spring and Autumn Period),東周哲人墨子(Mo-tse)曾“費時三年,以木制木鳶,飛升天空”,但這只木鳶只飛了一天就壞了。墨子制造的這只“木鳶”就是世上最早的風箏,已有2400多年的歷史。唐代時,風箏傳入朝鮮、日本及其他周邊國家。十三世紀末,風箏的故事首次被意大利探險家馬可·波羅帶到歐洲,至此,中國風箏變逐漸開始傳到世界各地。

  The Kite

  In ancient time, kites were also called “Yuan (a hawk)” in China. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Mo-tse, a philosopher in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty spent three years making a wooden hawk that could fly in the sky, but it broke down only in one day. That wooden hawk Mo-tse made has a history of over 2400 years, which was claimed to be the first kite in the world. In Tang Dynasty, kits were introduced to Korea, Japan and other surrounding countries. Stories of kites were first brought to Europe by Marco Polo, an Italian adventurer, towards the end of the 13th century. Since then, the Chinese kite was gradually introduced to the whole world.


  年畫 (New Year picture) 是最受中國家庭歡迎的民間手工藝術(shù)形式之一。年畫一般在春節(jié)時張貼。因年畫在新的一年到來后才會被換,故稱“年畫”。年畫是中國民間美術(shù)中較大的一個藝術(shù)門類,它始于古代的“門神畫 (door-god picture)”,據(jù)說貼在家門上可以辟邪。同時,年畫還可以美化居家環(huán)境,增添節(jié)日的喜慶氣氛,為家人帶來幸福和歡樂,表達了民眾向往美好生活的愿望。

  New Year Picture

  The New Year pictures are one of the most popular folk handcraft arts among Chinese families. Generally, they’re posted during the Spring Festival. Because they will be replaced after another New Year’s arrival, hence their name is New Year pictures. The New Year picture in China is a large category of folk art, originating from the door-god picture, which is believed to exorcise evil spirits when posted on the door of a house. At the same time, the pictures can beautify people’s homes, enhance the festive atmosphere and bring happiness and joy to the family, and express their hopes for a better life.


  算盤 算盤 (abacus) 是一種手動操作計算輔助工具形式。它起源于中國,迄今已有2600多年的歷史,是中國古代的一項重要發(fā)明。在阿拉伯數(shù)字 (Arabic numerals)出現(xiàn)前,算盤是世界廣為使用的計算工具?,F(xiàn)在,算盤在亞洲和中東的部分地區(qū)繼續(xù)使用,尤其見于商店之中,可以從供應(yīng)中國商品和日本商品的商店里買到。在西方,它有時候被用來幫助小孩子們理解數(shù)字,而一些數(shù)學(xué)家喜歡體驗一下使用算盤計算出簡單算術(shù) (arithmetical)問題的感覺。


  An abacus is a form of manually operated counting aid. It has originated in China over 2600 years ago. It is one of the most important inventions of ancient China. The abacus used to be the most widely used calculation tool before the appearance of Arabic numerals. At present, abacuses continue to be used in part of Asia and the Middle East, especially in the shops, and they are available in stores which stock Chinese or Japanese goods. In the west, it is sometimes used to help young children grasp numbers, and some mathematicians enjoy experimenting with the abacus to work out simple arithmetical problems.