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時間: 楚薇20 分享



1. Account

I have an account with the bank. 我在銀行開有戶頭。

He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他對西班牙語文的知識。

Don't stay away on account of John. 為了約翰,不要離開。

2. Act

Don't take him seriously --- it's just an act. 不要把他看得太認真 --- 他只是假裝那樣而已。

In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正當其拾球之際,他失足跌倒。

3. Addition

They've just had an addition to the family. 他們家里剛又增加一口。

4. Adjustment

They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 為了達到目標,他們調(diào)整了人員。

5. Advertisement

Advertisement helps to sell goods. 廣告有助于銷路。

6. Agreement

I'm quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所說的話。

7. Air

My plans are still quite in the air. 我的計劃還未定案。

Radio Beijing is on the air 24 hours a day. 北京電臺全天24小時廣播。

8. Amount

There is still quite an amount of prejudice against him. 人們對他尚有很大的偏見。

He has any amount of money. 他的錢不可數(shù)計。

9. Amusement

He looked at me in amusement. 他很感興趣地望著我。

There are plenty of amusements here - cinemas, theatres, concerts, football matches, and so on. 這里有許多娛樂 - 電影院、戲院、音樂會、足球比賽等。

10. Animal

animal desires 肉欲

11. Answer

She gave no answer. 她沒有回答。

12. Apparatus

Your digestive apparatus takes the food you eat and changes it so that it can be used to build up the body. 你的消化器官把你所吃的食物消化、吸收,用以增進身體的健康。

13. Approval

Your plans have my approval. 你的計劃我贊成。

14. Argument

I have no wish to engage in (an) argument with you. 我不想跟你辯論。

15. Art

The story is developed with great art. 那故事非常技巧地展開。

16. Attack

Attack is said to be the best form of defence. 常言道,攻擊是最好的防御。

17. Attempt

Her attempt at a Christmas cake had to be thrown away. 她的圣誕蛋糕做得不好。

18. Attention

Pay attention to what you're doing. 注意你在做的事。

A pretty girl usually receives more attentions than a plain girl. 一個漂亮女孩通常比一個普通女孩得到較多的殷勤。

Attention! 立正!

19. Attraction

He cannot resist the attraction of a pretty girl. 他無法抗拒漂亮女郎的吸引力。

20. Authority

He is a great authority on phonetics. 他是語音學方面的權(quán)威。


大專生junior college student

二年級學生sophomore [5sCfEmC:]

工商管理碩士master of business administration(MBA)

三年級學生junior [5dVu:njE]

碩士學位master’s degree

四年級學生senior [5si:njE]


一年級學生freshman [5freFmEn]

哲學博士Doctor of Philosophy (2)


美術(shù)學院academy of fine arts

航空工業(yè)學院aeronautical institute

附屬學校affiliated school

農(nóng)學院agricultural college

農(nóng)業(yè)大學agricultural university

業(yè)余藝術(shù)/體育學校amateur arts/athletic school

附屬中學attached middle school

分校branch school

進修班class for advanced studies

博士后post doctor

博士學位doctor’s degree, doctorate [5dCktErit]

文學學士bachelor of arts

理學學士bachelor of science


瑣碎的,不重要的,微不足道的--trivial frivolous superficial trifling worthless

輕視,貶抑--disdain despise reject scorn contempt derogate disparage depreciate

嘲笑,嘲諷--deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt

容易沖動的--impetuous hasty headlong rash brash passionate precipitate reckless

理論家,空談家--doctrinaire pedant theorist

殘忍的,野蠻的--ferocious bloodthirsty brutal cruel fierce vicious wild atrocious

邪惡的,有害的,致命的--sinister diabolic corrupt forbidding pernicious virulent

秘密的,偷偷的--cryptic furtive covert covered hidden hideaway shelter veileds

避難所--asylum haven home institution refuge shelter harbor

節(jié)約的--frugal prudent saving economical sparing thrifty abstemious stint

浪費的,揮霍的--prodigal extravagant lavish spendthrift wasteful squander

浪費時間,逗弄,嬉戲--dally dawdle delay lag linger loiter

祝福,感謝--benediction bless bliss blessing

欺騙,詐騙--deceive beguile dupe hoax mislead trick bamboozle cheat delude hoodwink

逃避工作--malinger goldbrick relinquish

揭密,泄漏--uncover disclose expose open reveal unmask

掠奪,搶劫--loot predate rob pillage plunder sack spoil despoil burglarize angle

誹謗,中傷--aspersion slander derogate calumniate libel discredit denigrate

贊揚 --extol compliment glorify laud praise commend acclaim eulogize eucomium

頌詞,表揚--laud eulogy ode hymn

反對,不贊成--demur deprecate dissent dissident

否認,拒絕,駁斥-- contradict dispute refute renounce naysay reject repudiate gainsay

哀悼,后悔,哀嘆--deplore bemoan regret lament dirge bewail repent

驅(qū)逐,出境--deport banish expel expatriate evict exile oust exclude ostracism


melting pot 熔爐

on the brink of … 處于…邊緣

pollutant 污染性物質(zhì)

waste disposal 廢物處理

put the blame on … 歸咎于…

be attributable to … 歸因為…

ways of consumption 消費方式

suffer heavy losses 遭受重大損失

citizen 居民

be confronted with… 面臨著…

breed crimes 滋生犯罪

vicious cycle 惡性循環(huán)

a feasible measure 一種可行的措施

give priority to … 優(yōu)先考慮…

city planners 城市規(guī)劃者

urbanization 城市化

centralization 集中化

imbalance 不平衡

in the long run 從長遠角度而言

infrastructure 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施

booming 繁榮發(fā)展的

tertiary industry 第三產(chǎn)業(yè)

tranquility 寧靜

revenue 稅收

commercialization 商業(yè)化

traffic congestion 交通擁擠

water scarcity 水短缺

the environmental pollution 環(huán)境污染

over-industrialization 過度工業(yè)化

over-crowdedness 過度擁擠

unemployment 失業(yè)

wealth distribution 財富分配

social instability 社會動蕩

urban construction 城市建設(shè)

population explosion 人口激增

a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升

rain of energy and resources 能源和資源消耗

offer more job opportunities 提供更多的就業(yè)機會

a rapid pace of life 快節(jié)奏生活

stress-related illnesses 與壓力有關(guān)的疾病

high cost of living 高額生活費用

pastoral life 田園生活

class polarization 階級兩極分化

social welfare 社會福利

give special care to … 給予…特殊關(guān)照

urban sprawl 城市擴張

convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具










